I'm not saying it is aliens... But it is aliens ;-)

Physicist Michio Kaku on the Shift in the UFO Phenomenon​


Revealed after 32 years, the top secret picture one MOD insider calls ‘the most spectacular UFO photo ever captured’

Ah. This is the "safe for public consumption" hearing that waves woo to distract from the corruption hearings currently also going on.
The deep state cabal put this out as a squirrel to deflect attention from Hunter's laptop? :D If that were true they could just not have the corruption hearings at all, then there would be no need to distract as there would be nothing to distract from. But where's the fun in that?
The deep state cabal put this out as a squirrel to deflect attention from Hunter's laptop? :D If that were true they could just not have the corruption hearings at all, then there would be no need to distract as there would be nothing to distract from. But where's the fun in that?
Why not? They already ran interference on the laptop by front running the story with social media companies (as we now know through the twitter files) implying that the story was a Russian disinfo campaign to influence the election and having the major social media sites block the posting of links to the story. Similarly other news outlets seem to have been told pre-informed that the provenance of the story was suspect and almost no-one reported on it - other than to repeat the disinformation that the info was hacked.
That story broke in October 2020. The top news stories on CBS for October (according to CBS) were "25 At least 25 people in Trump's orbit have tested positive for COVID-19", "President Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis shows why it's "important to wear a mask," doctor says", and "The world reacts to President Trump's coronavirus diagnosis"

If you have influence over the reporting of news and the spread of information you don't need to stop something from happening, just flood out the attention span with other stuff. It's not new. The intelligence agencies can't directly stop congress from investigating things since the members thereof have a level of autonomy but that doesn't mean those investigations can't be kept from the general public. All you have to do is crowd that information out.

Which inquiry, one into government corruption at the highest levels, or one about UFOs is likely to be more important in the scheme of things and which, in the end, is more likely to produce an actual result if it were allowed to progress? They've been trotting out the UFO thing fairly regularly. It'll be inconclusive again and then go back in the box until something else important that regular people shouldn't concern themselves with is happening.

Do you remember the information environment leading up to the second Gulf War? They didn't just stop because of Manning and Assange.
If you have influence over the reporting of news and the spread of information you don't need to stop something from happening, just flood out the attention span with other stuff. It's not new. The intelligence agencies can't directly stop congress from investigating things since the members thereof have a level of autonomy but that doesn't mean those investigations can't be kept from the general public. All you have to do is crowd that information out. Which inquiry, one into government corruption at the highest levels, or one about UFOs is likely to be more important in the scheme of things...
A similar argument could be applied to Trump receiving further charges. The Aliens woo waving is only out there to deflect from the "more important" story of a former (and potentially future) president being charged with serious crimes. Or how about the further step, the only reason the Biden hearing is in the news is to deflect from the Trump stuff? But I doubt you put much stock in either of those particular conspiracy theories. FWIW, I doubt any of that is happening either so no need to waste any energy arguing it away.

Do you remember the information environment leading up to the second Gulf War? They didn't just stop because of Manning and Assange.
That invasion took place in March 2003 after a long disinformation PR campaign. Assange and Manning came after that, several years after in Manning's case. I fail to see the relevance.
That invasion took place in March 2003 after a long disinformation PR campaign. Assange and Manning came after that, several years after in Manning's case. I fail to see the relevance.
The subject of the sentence was "the information environment".

Possible UFO reported over New York's LaGuardia Airport
