Is Weiner being Frank?

The press has spent too much time on this. They question if this is acceptable but all rush forward with the unquestioning beating of war drums to attack nations, eg Iraq, which didn't attack us. The Press has shown themselves to be a fairly worthless lot.

No one here complained when the news was going bonkers over a republican senator looking for a homosexual encounter in a restroom.
this behavior is something billions of people do. the reality is that many americans are just uptight wacko hypocrites

When even Ginger Lee one of Weiners porn star/stripper admirers thinks he's are too depraved to be a Congressman, maybe his behavior is wacko!
The press has spent too much time on this. They question if this is acceptable but all rush forward with the unquestioning beating of war drums to attack nations, eg Iraq, which didn't attack us. The Press has shown themselves to be a fairly worthless lot.
EXTREMELY worthless!

fourth estate my a$$
No one here complained when the news was going bonkers over a republican senator looking for a homosexual encounter in a restroom.
the only person "complaining" is In-The-Closet-Metal.

I already know the news media is full of crap and can't keep away from stupid, irrelevant nonsense.

also, there really IS a difference between flirting online and looking for live people in restrooms where my brother might be trying to wash his hands (or something).

I personally find metal's creepy obsession with this subject.....well......Creepy. but the bottom line is that it will never affect my life. Just like Weiner's online private conversations will never affect my life.

however, bush and cheney's wars have affected my life and THAT pisses me off.
"Anthony Weiner admitted to sending inappropriate messages to several women via Twitter, text, email, and Facebook. I think the lesson learned here is that if you're going to send explicit pictures of yourself, send them through MySpace, where no one will notice." -—Jimmy Kimmel

Best headline yet.
No one here complained when the news was going bonkers over a republican senator looking for a homosexual encounter in a restroom.
I think after about a week similar complains about moving on were made. Though there's no data to confirm or deny either opinion.

It is interesting to view what the news media does. I don't believe Arnold's affair and creation of an anchor baby had this much coverage. Nor was there the momentum to ask him to step down. Perhaps if it was more then sexting Weiner might have kept his job.