Math error

Tweeted by UN_Womem

this will really help dispel that stereotype that women are bad at math!
Science is a patriarchal construct!
Notice a man had to solve the problem ;)

and the inevitable snark



and another

So... the women had more leverage than the men but still could not balance and they think they'll balance with less? God this is so embarassing. Or is this just a plea for better physics education?
Ya know? I never think to check these threads because they're not in the Funny Pics thread :)
climate change will cause the resurgence of dragons.

The relative frequency of 'dragons' in fictional literature (thick red line), as determined as a unigram probability4, with two historical reconstructions of Northern Hemisphere temperature (decadal smoothing) shown in blue5 and purple6. Global temperatures have been measured since 1855 (thick black line5). Temperature anomalies represent deviations from the 1961–90 reference period. The rising incidence of dragons in the literature correlates with rising temperatures, and suggests that these fire-breathing lizards are being sighted more frequently. As a result, the large-scale 'Third Stir' is deemed to be imminent.


A laboratory technician lifts two plastic rods from a boiling bath of hot sulfuric acid to demonstrate the newly invented Teflon. 1940
a 1950's photo bomb


the 50s.
Lead paint, leaded gas, asbestos and A-bombs