NSA taps in to Google, Skype and others

early is ur best bet for money... take over would take too much time and you might have a bout of conscience before the profit taking is over...and well... that won't work if you got money on ur mind and ur mind on money...:D life is fraught with peril my friends...
Probably not too far from the truth. The FISA courts were established under the Ford Presidency. They were supposedly an idea and lead by a Mr. Donald Rumsfeld.
The PRISM system is alleged to allow signals intelligence analysts to extract audio, photographs, emails, documents, and connection logs from users of internet services including Google (Gmail, YouTube, etc), Facebook, Microsoft (Hotmail, Skype, etc.), Apple, Yahoo, PalTalk and AOL, in order to track the online activities of foreign targets.
The system seems to involve access to a Dropbox-like system which fulfills wiretapping requests made by spooks under the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

This Peter King twat is scarily hilarious. This time it's the journalist he wants arrested:

In Washington, an outspoken Republican congressman, Peter King, called for the arrest of the Guardian columnist who led the reporting on the NSA leaks, Glenn Greenwald. King told Fox News that Greenwald's stories were "putting American lives at risk and clearly done to hurt Americans". In a statement, the Guardian said it was "surprised and disappointed" by the comments.

I think Peter King should be arrested because he is clearly out to hurt Americans by depriving them of their "God given" Constitutional rights.
I think Peter King should be arrested because he is clearly out to hurt Americans by depriving them of their "God given" Constitutional rights.

I'd never heard of him before this but he's certainly making the most of this opportunity to demonstrate to the wider world what a complete c*nt he is.
This Peter King twat is scarily hilarious. This time it's the journalist he wants arrested:
Not sure how the NSA leak put American lives in danger, aside perhaps Mr Snowden's life. I'm pretty certain most enemies of the US assume the worst in terms of the capabilities and actions of the NSA, CIA, DHS, and the FBI. I'm certain those least surprised by any of this are those plotting against Americans.
I think Peter King should be arrested because he is clearly out to hurt Americans by depriving them of their "God given" Constitutional rights.

In the middle of this interview Greenwald drops a bomb on Peter King.
Peter King supported the IRA? It's all over his wiki page. Doesn't surprise me.


What Glenn Greenwald Got Wrong

That slide has been interpreted as the government directly tapping into company servers to retrieve whatever information the government wants. The Washington Post, which also filed an extensive expose of the program (perhaps more extensive), said the agencies were "tapping directly into the central servers." Fogel has a problem with this language; his analysis of the slide indicates that what's actually going on isn't so much companies handing over keys to their servers, but companies creating a private digital locked box in which the government can access data they've requested through legal means.
Fogel writes: "The crucial question is: Are online service companies giving the government fully automated access to their data, without any opportunity for review or intervention by company lawyers?"
The New York Times, in their own investigation, found that this locked box concept is probably what's going on here. The government uses FISA, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (the statute that specifies how and in what manner the government can obtain data), to demand information, and instead of the companies handing it over in individual chunks, the government requested these locked boxes so the handoff of information could be efficient and secure. It's sort of the internet-age equivalent of a source meeting a handler on back-to-back park benches and exchanging manila file folders while never looking at each other. These requests, by the way, are legally binding and also come with a gag order preventing the companies from discussing them.
So far it seems that the initial reports by Greenwald may have been exaggerated either intentionally or accidentally.
So far it seems that the initial reports by Greenwald may have been exaggerated either intentionally or accidentally.

Depends on whether one is supposed to take the words on the slide literally or not - but as the guy says, it's kind of dancing around the main issue. One way or another they get the data and if it's like the Verizon thing, they vacuum up the innocent along with the guilty - it's all just a big fishing expedition with vast numbers of people's personal data.
can we get spammers sent to gitmo under current laws?... these fellers seem to know waaaay tooo much about my penis size and the creams arent actually helping...:D
It's way worse than Snowden lets on. This article mentions several good articles on the subject (which themselves ink to more good articles) ... yes, they ARE recording content. No, they don't need a warrant or any FISA authorization. Somewhere is all that linkery I recall speculation that they may be able to scoop all of this info on the legal twist that since they are spying on everyone, they aren't "targeting" anyone.

And just with any immensely powerful technology in the hands of mere human employees, abuses do happen.
can we get spammers sent to gitmo under current laws?... these fellers seem to know waaaay tooo much about my penis size and the creams arent actually helping...:D
OTOH your breasts are now much fuller. :D