Obesity epidemic strikes U.S. pets

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Kim Stevens has a problem that affects tens of millions of Americans. If left untreated, it could lead to the death of someone she loves, someone who's part of the family.


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Article only mentions exercise and not GMOs.
i actually cook food for my dogs. they get brown rice, lentils, split peas. i usually give them boiled cabbage or pumpkin too and then a small portion of ground beef (uncooked) each according to size. none of them is obese by any stretch. back in my hunting days i used to subscribe to a magazine called field and stream, one month back in the 80's they did a test on about ten different kinds of the packaged dog food and i gotta tell ya' none of them got glowing reviews, they had some generic brand named old roy and after 30 days of feeding the dog just that, the vet demanded they put it on something else or risk organ failure. packaged dog food is crap. cooking them healthy stuff takes time. its a trade off. but ill never switch back to fast food for my dogs. it gets its own 5 qt kettle since i make two meals each time for four dogs. takes about as much time to mess with as bag food aside from that.
This makes sense. Many people I work with are afraid of their dogs being stolen while they are at work. Dogs are kennelled all day. And, of course when they come home they pet and feed the dog. Then they watch TV as the dog is expected to lay there. Then the dog goes back in the kennel for another 12 hours.

As many Americans demand easy answers to lose their weight the answer is laying right in front of them. Put the dog on the collar and walk outside. 1/2 hour to 1 hour a day of exercise would do both Americans and their pets good.
Many people I work with are afraid of their dogs being stolen while they are at work. Dogs are kennelled all day. And, of course when they come home they pet and feed the dog. Then they watch TV as the dog is expected to lay there. Then the dog goes back in the kennel for another 12 hours.

That is animal cruelty! :madashell:
That's why we don't feed our cat that much. She's nice and thin but meows constantly. Damn cat.

That's why we don't feed our cat that much. She's nice and thin but meows constantly. Damn cat.

The more randomly you feed a cat the more it loves you ;)

Cats domesticated themselves because they can't cook
It seems Republicans are more likely to love their dog and treat them like a member of the family. Democrats are more likely to treat a dog like a fashion accessory and kennel the dog when not wearing it as fasion.
That's why we don't feed our cat that much. She's nice and thin but meows constantly. Damn cat.
[url=http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2012/03/how-your-cat-is-making-you-crazy/8873/?single_page=true]How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy[/URL]

T. gondii, reports Sapolsky, can turn a rat’s strong innate aversion to cats into an attraction, luring it into the jaws of its No. 1 predator. Even more amazing is how it does this: the organism rewires circuits in parts of the brain that deal with such primal emotions as fear, anxiety, and sexual arousal.

edit: Link fixed
I hope you included this as irony. Lead Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney strapped the dog to the top of the car for a 12 hour drive. http://www.snopes.com/politics/romney/dog.asp

Everyone has seen dogs sticking their heads, out of car windows, or from a pickup bed, into the wind. Dogs are in ecstasy when they're riding in a vehicle with the wind in their face. In fact some dog owners report their dogs have learned to use the powered window buttons, to roll down the window themselves, so they can stick their head out the window.
Everyone has seen dogs sticking their heads, out of car windows, or from a pickup bed, into the wind. Dogs are in ecstasy when they're riding in a vehicle with the wind in their face. In fact some dog owners report their dogs have learned to use the powered window buttons, to roll down the window themselves, so they can stick their head out the window.

Sticking head out the window is a far cry from being strapped to the roof for 12+ hours on the highway.
I knew that was coming, Mitt Romney is a total dirtbag. I'd like to tie Mitt to the top of a car for a 12 hour drive

And of course I was (mostly) joking.
how about sending the GOP candidates out with cheney and let them shoot each other

that would solve a few problems