OWS backfiring on the liberal establishment?

Maybe it is a character flaw, but I can't stop laughing thinking about cops herding bums and druggies into OWS camps.

OWS meets real life, gotta love it. Has to be one hell of a wake up call realizing that to those people the OWS crowd is the 1% and they want their fair share from the 1%ers like free food, free medical care, and free sex. Afterall, it the new 1% should be taxed for sleeping in their park!
OWS meets real life, gotta love it. Has to be one hell of a wake up call realizing that to those people the OWS crowd is the 1% and they want their fair share from the 1%ers like free food, free medical care, and free sex. Afterall, it the new 1% should be taxed for sleeping in their park!
First of all, nothing is free. Second, what they want is a fair chance. Nothing free about that either.

You're funny Dammy. Not too long ago you posted something comparing democracy to oligarchy to republic, etc. Back then you didn't seem to be in favor of an oligarchy, and yet, your continued attacks on OWS only helps the oligarchs. Whyzzat?
Lobbying company offers help to the bankers to smear and neutralize OWS.
Police prevented the press from covering the (illegal) eviction from Zuccotti Park
har har... :D

on the other hand here is what the koch bros think is funny
Cool idea. Not sure why funny though.
I think the statement is ironic. The Kochs are oil and energy men. These guys made millions by short-sticking (measuring fuel deliveries with incorrect measures - sort of the butcher's thumb on the scale trick) and anyone not using fuel is a big problem for them.