Pay your fair share, or else.

rlb sez:
"beyond the memory of us, what else is there? all ur wisdom, cash, prestige, position... u leave that all behind."

Just don't leave it behind for your kids! Right Faethor?

Anticipating Robert L Bentham's next post.
"its ur remembrance of things... i wanna see it"
Faethor said:
"I thank the socialist Thomas Jefferson for working hard to eliminate inherited wealth."
Fade said:

"What each one would do with that money is a different story for a different day, except for Faethor. I suspect a big chunk of that money would go to his kids!"

Faethor replied:
"Nope! I hope my children inherit my work ethic and sense of fairness. If I made the millions of dollars you purposed I'd sign up in the club with Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates to spend it all before I died."
Inherited wealth was one of the 'evils' the Founding Fathers saw in the European system. It enabled the cycle of power to stay in the same family or elite group. I'll certainly leave some to my kids. But, if I earned wealth like that evil atheist Bill Gates. I'd spend it contributing to causes as he did. I'd not hoard it and deny my child like Steve Jobs did.
Well, there you go rlb; that's what you're dealing with. You can hang with the side that would take whatever wealth your father has earned on his farm, for himself and his family and re-distribute it. The side that wants to be able to set "their" limits on what the proper amount your father can pass down to you and your descendents. The side that says, if it is too big, then you should give most of it away, because you didn't earn it the way "they" think you should have. You don't deserve it, and your kids won't deserve it either. On the other hand you could also think for yourself.
Well, there you go rlb; that's what you're dealing with. You can hang with the side that would take whatever wealth your father has earned on his farm, for himself and his family and re-distribute it. The side that wants to be able to set "their" limits on what the proper amount your father can pass down to you and your descendents. The side that says, if it is too big, then you should give most of it away, because you didn't earn it the way "they" think you should have. You don't deserve it, and your kids won't deserve it either.
Thomas Jefferson on the inequity of wealth:

One thing our Founding Fathers appeared to have agreed on was an inheritance tax:

And we can certainly see can look around see what our nearly flat tax system has wrought over the last 30 years. And no your kids won't deserve it. Assuming, of course, one believes in acheivement through the sweat on your brow rather then your good choice of parents. Where one might perfer a society representated 'of, by, and for the people' rather then one ruled by the concentrated wealth of a few by handing their wealth to their progeny.

On the other hand you could also think for yourself.
and realize when wealth is in the hands and the children's hands of the concentrated few, what any nations will see is inherited political power and control of the nation by the same families. In short a system of Kings and serfderm is what Fade argues is good for the USA.

Mitt Romney with his inherited advantage of wealth undoubtably helped him get where he is today. Where Koch Bros inherited wealth brings them power for generations as they spend to buy candidates. It's no wonder why the Wisconsin recall failed when 13 billionaires from outside of Wisconsin are able to spend 7x the money of the opposition in a place whose laws never impact them directly because they don't live there.