Republican said Foster Care Kids should only wear used clothes

I had to wear a lot of hand-me-downs as a kid, it was normal, especially in a low income family in what was quite a deprived area. I have no issues with this type of recycling but suggesting that people must, rather than should do so seems a bit OTT.
I had to wear a lot of hand-me-downs as a kid, it was normal, especially in a low income family in what was quite a deprived area. I have no issues with this type of recycling but suggesting that people must, rather than should do so seems a bit OTT.

The article doesn't give enough information to back up his position. Is it because the state simply sends out checks to foster parents who in turn use a small fraction to buy clothes and pocket the balance? Sadly many foster parents use the system to line their own pockets while depriving the foster children.