Shut up and get vaccinated you sheep!


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Apr 2, 2005
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CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine
The CDC has quickly removed a page from their website, which is now cached here, admitting that more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span from 1955-1963 when a proportion of the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer causing polyomavirus called SV40. It has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of the vaccine.

SV40 is an abbreviation for Simian vacuolating virus 40 or Simian virus 40, a polyomavirus that is found in both monkeys and humans. Like other polyomaviruses, SV40 is a DNA virus that has been found to cause tumors and cancer.SV40 is believed to suppress the transcriptional properties of the tumor-suppressing genes in humans through the SV40 Large T-antigen and SV40 Small T-antigen. Mutated genes may contribute to uncontrolled cellular proliferation, leading to cancer.

Michele Carbone, Assistant Professor of Pathology at Loyola University in Chicago, has recently isolated fragments of the SV-40 virus in human bone cancers and in a lethal form of lung cancer called mesothelioma. He found SV-40 in 33% of the osteosarcoma bone cancers studied, in 40% of other bone cancers, and in 60% of the mesotheliomas lung cancers, writes Geraldo Fuentes.Dr. Michele Carbone openly acknowledged HIV/AIDS was spread by the hepatitis B vaccine produced by Merck & Co. during the early 1970s. It was the first time since the initial transmissions took place in 1972-74, that a leading expert in the field of vaccine manufacturing and testing has openly admitted the Merck & Co. liability for AIDS.
Don't question anything!!!
SV-40 has not definitely been proven to cause cancer in humans. It has in mice. Though I'd say we shouldn't use it until we know for sure. As did the US Gov as it banned it in the early 60s. Yet this article ties cancer rates in kids in the 90s to a component, SV-40, from Polio that doesn't exist? Doesn't sound like very good logic there.

And yes China and Russia seen to have SV-40 in the 80s, but again kids in the 90s and beyond weren't exposed to SV-40 but the article fails in logic as it ties the increase in kids cancer rates to a chemical they weren't exposed to. It'd be interesting to see some research there as with 20 more years they likely have an increased rate of exposure compared to the USA. (Which is ZERO in the USA for a kid born since the mid-60s)

Also cancer rates have been studied in the USA and Sweden. No significant increase due to SV-40 have been found. As well as Oral Polio did NOT cause HIV infections. Follow the scientific papers linked from Wikipedia Polio Vaccine

Associating the increase in cancer rates to something that's been gone for 30 years in the USA more then silly, it's wrong. Wasn't your NaturalNews source the same place we saw the video talking about the danger in Mercury for boys, which again doesn't exist? Red, I think you need to step back and see what evidence exists for NaturalNews claims. In most cases the site is very bad with respect to scientific research on these sorts of things.

Kid cancer rates are up and down depending on the type. Additionally don't you think that medical technology to better detect cancer may lead to increased rates simply because we can find things we couldn't before? The other thing is in the last 25 years the earlier detection and different treatments have reduced morality by roughly 1-2% a year. More kids are surviving ever than before.
Wasn't your NaturalNews source the same place we saw the video talking about the danger in Mercury for boys, which again doesn't exist? Red, I think you need to step back and see what evidence exists for NaturalNews claims. In most cases the site is very bad with respect to scientific research on these sorts of things.

Am I missing something here? I didn't link to Natural News?
Sorry, here's the Natural News area you've posted from before and I referenced. Yes you did not in this case.

Reading the link from you link we find about 10-30 Million Americans were exposed to SV-40. From research after the event, done in the late 90s in the USA, we find no statistically significant cancer increases. As well as the related research into Oral Polio causing HIV, there is no proven link.
That's a pretty amazing statistic - considering HPV takes 10 to 20 years to cause cancer generally. Has the vaccine been in widespread use that long?
I should have been more specific. HPV infections have been cut by over 56 percent. It stands to reason cutting the HPV rate in half is going to cut the HPV caused cervical cancers. HPV is the largest cause of cervical cancers. Another related cause is smoking, for example.
Don't question anything!!!
Of course it is good we question things. The scientific approach is to question everything, always, even if we think we know the answer.

Let's look at some questioning...
* SV-40, a possible cancer causing item, was questioned and removed. We questioned the impact and found no statistical change to the rate of cancers.
* Since the 60s the US Gov continues to tighten controls and monitoring of quality to ensure high standards and help minimize health impacts.
* Amount of anti-gens needed to cause the effects have been questioned and are continually lowered. This reduces possible negative effects while continuing to promote positive protections.
* Effectiveness overall are questioned. The rate of vaccinated people are tracked, rates of infections are tracked, and who has the disease are tracked. This is why we know things such as Measles has an outbreak in unvaccinated youth in NYC in 2013. This how we know HPV infections are down by 56%, And at the same time know the deaths from childhood disease in the USA is 'eradicated'. (I put quotes there as it's not quite true but the impact is hugely, hugely positive.)
* LOTS of questioning has been done to suss out if vaccines are the cause to Autism.
-- We even do things for political reasons. For example, removing mercury and question their results. We even question those results. That's how we know Autism continues to rise even without Mercury. Demonstrating it was unlikely mercury had an impact.
* Of course vaccines only work if Germ Theory is real. Science continues to test this out as well. I think the answer is well established that germs can cause disease.

Vaccines are clearly NOT perfect. They are bioreactive and need to be to stop disease. The US and other nations around the world continue to question and monitor vaccines and their impacts. I appreciate your vigilance, to a degree. It's important to be assured the maximum positive protection is provided while minimizing negative effects. But, when it comes to the statement of 'Don't question anything!!' - is extreme and indicates that you don't realize science has, is, and will continue to always question these things. Science isn't prefect either, but it's the best we got.

More appropriately when we do question these things with science why aren't you paying attention to the answers?
We have a team at the University of British Columbia - they monitor medications to determine if they are beneficial and worth the cost or whether they are perhaps dangerous. They were the first team to put the spotlight on Vioxx and on some diabetes medication.

The pharmaceutical industry hates them and they have managed to get the government of BC to defund them and they have badgered the university to fire members of the team. The industry does not like watch dogs. Watchdogs used to work when the industry was smaller but these days the companies can crush or coopt any critics. You won't know what's really going on except from independent groups who don't rely on pharma money and pharma people (which the CDC does).

It's unfortunate, and it's not a conspiracy, just simple corruption. Fact of the matter is we have no idea what's really going on. If a drug of treatment isn't immediately and obviously killing a significant number of people, the CDC will look the other way and ... the law has already been changed to indemnify drug manufacturers against claims of harm if the FDA approves the drug or treatment based on tests done by companies hired by the drug companies, which means they now have absolutely no downside risk in killing people except for having to be on the news for a week.

Everything may be fine, or it may not. The simple fact is that we don't know because we are being told everything is OK by the same people who are selling us the drugs.
Speaking of questioning there's the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine it organizes and conducts research on those Homeopathic and Home remedies that people claim to work. Often research isn't done unless there's a fairly clear profit result. Natural cures weren't often well researched. And being the Natural and Homeopathic industry is a $34Billion per year industry the companies (often the same Big Pharma) often don't want to prove their treatments work. Because if proven that they do work they don't have a hold on the marketplace and likely their profits will fall as others can easily rush in. There's a big chance they don't work then they lose sales. NCCAM is one way we're questioning if these treatments work.

"What do they call Alternative Medicine that is scientifically proven to work? Medicine" - Tim Minchin.
Here is Natural News take.

CDC tries to rewrite history by burying facts about SV40 cancer viruses in polio vaccines
Though the tainted vaccine containing monkey cancer virus was discovered in 1960, "existing polio vaccine stocks were not recalled and were used until 1963," said the deleted site. That means the agency was, for a period of years, conspicuously dispersing vaccines containing a possible link to cancer to hundreds of millions of people in the U.S., UK, Australia and the former Soviet Union.

The website has more details on just how the vaccine was used following discovery of the cancer link.

"In 1961, SV40 was discovered by Dr. Bernice Eddy of the National Institute of Health, Division of Biologics when she took the material used to grow polio vaccines and injected it into hamsters," the foundation says on its website. "Upon the discovery that SV40 was an animal carcinogen that had found its way into the polio vaccines, a new federal law was passed in 1961 that required that no vaccines contain this virus. However, this law did not require that SV40 contaminated vaccines be thrown away or that the contaminated seed material (used to make all polio vaccines for the next four decades) be discarded. As a result, known SV40 contaminated vaccines were injected into children up until 1963."

Michele Carbone, a scientist at the Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago, discovered in 2004 that the Soviet polio vaccine may even have been contaminated after 1963 - and quite possibly up to the early 1980s, according to the trade journal New Scientist.

"The vaccine was almost certainly used throughout the Soviet bloc and probably exported to China, Japan and several countries in Africa. That means hundreds of millions could have been exposed to SV40 after 1963," the report said.
Thanks @Redrumloa,

You'll find that info Natural News posted in the linked articles from Wikipedia. Also, you'll find my links to the research where they find a statistical correlation between cancer and exposure from SV40. Did you check out either or all those links?
And while SV40 hasn't been definitely linked to cause cancer in humans , I think we'll both agree that it's good that SV40 hasn't been present in the polio serum for 40+ years in the USA.

Not really related, except in the mind of the anti-vaccer sheeple, did you see this - Genetic Test for Autism a likelihood .
Ya, from what I can tell the US manufacturers found a proper way to screen for SV40 at which point they were able to eliminate it from vaccines. It was mostly the Eastern communists who kept it going until the 1980s.

Also, discussing the safety of vaccines based on 1950s technology is like discussing car safety based on cars from the same era. Not really useful.
To the contrary of Red's claim of 'Don't question anything', SV40 was first discovered within the Polio Vaccine exactly by questioning of scientists.

A good read - The USA switched the type of monkey's used to generate the vaccine. Because Green Monkies don't produce SV40, it was eliminated from the US Sources. It appears Russia didn't do this and they continued to use Rhesus Monkies. Instead they tried to chemically clean the SV40 out from its vaccine. It's this cleaning that was imperfect, like most chemical reactions are incomplete, which caused SV40 to continue to be in Russian anti-viruses.