The "beautiful muslim faith" according to Obama

Your definition here does not fully embrace the complexities of the word. Jihad roughly (tsk) translates to struggle. It's to protect one's faith against those not of one's faith. Greater Jihad is the inner fight of a Muslim to understand God. A Jihad isn't only violent as there is also non-violent Jihads. ... You seem to have a simplistic Western News approach. Have you ever talked to or worked with Muslims?

Christian history is littered with the bodies of people who didn't recognize these 'good works' so they were subjected (heh) or killed. Christianity has no less of a violent history. It's just offset by a couple hundred years.

nope... world has never seen that before...;) or again .... ;) or since...;) failsafe fallback refresher course 101

English: My Struggle
Christian history is littered with the bodies of people who didn't recognize these 'good works' so they were subjugated or killed. Christianity has no less of a violent history. It's just offset by a couple hundred years.

and that's only the physical violence.
what about the emotional and mental violence that has been perpetrated ?
and THAT is recent. I've seen it
Your definition here does not fully embrace the complexities of the word. Jihad roughtly translates to struggle. It's to protect one's faith against those not of one's faith. Greater Jihad is the inner fight of a Muslim to understand God. A Jihad isn't only violent as there is also non-violent Jihads. ...

"so fight in the cause of Allah, you are not held responsible except for yourself, and inspire the believers [4:84]

In this holy verse Allah order the Prophet and his followers to fight in His way and to inspire the believers. Therefore fighting in the way of Allah is an obligation, so is inspiring to jihad. Alhamdulillah, three memembers of the Inspire team have given us wonderful examples of sincerity. They fought as inspired Muslims to fight and gained martyrdom in the process. The three are Sheikh Answr Al-Alwlaqi, Brother Samir Khan, and Brother Yazeed Al Qatari

Thus this magazine is written by the blood of Shuhjadaa

March 2013 : Inspire Magazine .pdf

Open source Jihad
pg 51 Torching parked cars
pg 52 Causing road accidents

killing the kuffar inspires them to believe!

yep... the "militants have destroyed that country"....:rolleyes:

PESHAWAR: More than 10,000 Islamic party activists held an anti-US protest in Pakistan’s northwestern city of Peshawar Sunday calling for an immediate stop to American drone attacks in tribal areas, police said.

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Because what they say in their own words on state TV makes them look bad :rolleyes:

Because you intended it to be a slam against Islam but I know that plenty of Christians say exactly the same about the "Jew Porn Conspiracy" plus MEMRI is somewhat notorious for bad translations being a propaganda outlet.

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MEMRI is somewhat notorious for bad translations being a propaganda outlet.

Anjem Choudary: "Freedom and Democracy Are Idols That Must Be Destroyed and Replaced with Obedience to Allah." -
To be even-handed when talking about the problem of Islam is to misconstrue the problem. The refrain, “all religions have their extremists,” is bullshit—and it is putting the West to sleep. All religions don’t have these extremists. Some religions have never had these extremists. And in the Muslim world, support for extremism is not extreme in the sense of being rare. A recent poll showed that about a third of young British Muslims want to live under sharia law and believe that apostates should be killed for leaving the faith. These are British Muslims. Sixty-eight percent of British Muslims feel that their neighbors who insult Islam should be arrested and prosecuted, and seventy-eight percent think that the Danish cartoonists should be brought to justice. These people don’t have a clue about what constitutes a civil society. Reports of this kind coming out of the Muslim communities living in the West should worry us, before anything else about religion worries us.

All bad, but not uniquely. There are religious radicals who strongly believe that all who are not of their faith are not human and only exist to serve them or die and who shoot at the schools and school children of different religions. The Catholics and Protestants (two Christian sects) used to go at it in Ireland quite violently and the Jews and Muslims seem to have no problem summoning violence in their cause (with by far the greater part of the violence coming from the awesomely armed Israelis thanks to US tax payer generosity). Orthadox Jews think their neighbours should abide by Mosaic law and the Westboro Baptists church hate everyone but fortunately don't have an army. Other Christians, as mentioned, seem to have no problem shooting and blowing up people if those people are involved in abortions.

I don't think that choosing one religion over another is the answer. The answer is none of the above - or, if not the answer, then a very good start.

Sounds like a bloody Republican. Talks like a cross between a politician and a preacher - I guess he is - but if he was Christian and saying the same thing I think he'd be quite electable in the US.

(by the way, forgive me if I suspect a modicum of bias from an "Institute" that was started by a former colonel in Israeli Military Intelligence)
"so fight in the cause of Allah, you are not held responsible except for yourself, and inspire the believers [4:84]
Like all 3 Abrahamic Religions Islam has it's peaceful and violent sectors of it's religion. Remember July 2006. Gays were holding a pride rally in Jersulam. The 3 Abrahamic Religious leaders HATED each other so much they refused to speak to each other. Bigotry against Gays united the 3 leaders in their HATRED. They talked and presented a unified front against gays. Turns out that the Fundamentalist element of all 3 religions are the same, hate filled violent vitrol.

And as for Muslism blowing up schools how little you remember of Christianity's own history in that regard. Certainly Christian lead nations had tightly controlled educational system and refused to expand this. In non-westernized nations we see Christians destroying schools Nigeria is one place Christians have burned and bombed Muslim schools in recent days. The modern Christians in the USA tend to not do this, nor do the modern Islams in the USA. However, Fundamentalist Christians are still at work trying hard to ruin education with equating religion and science, demanding people keep their heads in the sand on reproductive health, and demanding school vouchers for religious schools in an attempt to do an end run around not having their religion forced down the throats of others in the community.
Sounds like a bloody Republican. Talks like a cross between a politician and a preacher - I guess he is - but if he was Christian and saying the same thing I think he'd be quite electable in the US.
Fundamentalism is Fundamentalism switch out Allah for God or for Jesus and their talking points are the same. Just a different Sky Daddy excuse to not love their brothers.
Interestly enough 19 US Schools allow spanking, usually with a wooden paddle These 'Good Christians' act no different. This isn't limited to public schools but also allowed within Christian Schools. List of School rules for spanking . You might want to read this list over to find Christians schools in Texas that use spanking to implement the moral principles of their Christian institutions.