The Terrorist Organization Formerly Known As The Democrat Party

Robert is cool with all of this.

Socialist Student Club Promote ‘Fight Club’ On Campus, Advocate Violence, Exclude Republicans

The ‘Knights for Socialism’ student club at the University of Central Florida started a “fight club” event to occur on Superbowl Sunday – claiming that all students should be trained and prepared to “Bash the Fash[scists]”

The search function for threads here on Whyzzat seems helplessly broken past more than a couple years. Anyhow, I remember the feigned outrage that Republicans had used an image with Obama in crosshairs. This was just about the end of the world to many well known members, despite that fact in the context it was used was NOT a call for assassination, only as a well known metaphor. Strange that at least one of the very same persons are still active on this site, yet remain strangely quiet while one very DIRECT call for Trump assassination, after another, after another, happens. Their telly must be telling them it is a good thing to call for the assassination of the POTUS now.

Magazine Cover Depicts Crosshairs on Trump’s Head

Yup, Casey Anthony fits right in with all these other baby killers. She's probably become their leader and hero.

Casey Anthony Seen in Crowd of Trump Protesters at Mar-A-Lago

Casey Anthony, the Florida woman acquitted in 2011 for the death of her two-year-old daughter, was spotted protesting President Donald Trump on Saturday outside of his Mar-a-Lago resort.

Anthony was among the crowd of an estimated 3,000 people.

She declined to speak on camera, but did tell WPTV news that she is against the president’s policies.
And here's the video. The kid was bullied and assaulted, so the school suspends him as the victim!

Come on Fluffy, help this effort!

Calls emerge for Canada to ban George Soros foundations… subversive front groups to push collectivism

“The attempts to remove American sovereignty have been halted by the election of Donald Trump which is why Soros is now funding the protests against the Trump administration…It is time for Canada to take action now against George Soros and his Open Society Foundation. Our liberal-left socialist government is aligned with both Soros and the mandates of the United Nations…Even our non-liberal political parties, such as the Progressive Conservatives, both federal and provincial, promote the mandates and propaganda of the Open Society Foundation…If our major political parties will not serve the people of Canada and protect our way of life from the liberal international agenda funded by George Soros then it is time for Canadians, like others around the world, to begin the process of taking back our political systems and removing this insidious disease from our countries and cultures. ”
Remember long long ago in a galaxy far far away when the liberal media told us it was Trump supporters who were violent? Oh wait, it was only 3 months ago! Not only is that narrative smashed, but the liberal media keeps throwing gas on the fire, encouraging more violence!

TBS-Owned ‘Super Deluxe’ Game ‘Punch-a-Nazi’ Makes Players Beat MILO to a Pulp


The game features three characters for players to beat up: Adolf Hitler, white nationalist Richard Spencer, and MILO. Lumping in Milo — a gay Jew who just weeks ago told students at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs “White Nationalism Is Not the Answer” — reveals how little the developers know about people that they think deserve maiming.

A video stream of the game being played had 616,521 views at the time of this writing, with over 62,000 “Likes,” “Love,” and “Haha” reactions to watching a gay conservative being beaten until his face was an unrecognizable bloody wreck. In the past liberals were horrified at the idea of people viciously beating a homosexual but now seem to actively encourage and glorify it in the hysteria prompted by Donald Trump’s election.

Meh. Nothing to get bent out of shape about. Kids have been programming "beat X up" games since ... since there was affordable computer graphics. These games are jokes. Don't be such a thin skin that you are going to get bent out of shape over a joke.
Meh. Nothing to get bent out of shape about. Kids have been programming "beat X up" games since ... since there was affordable computer graphics. These games are jokes. Don't be such a thin skin that you are going to get bent out of shape over a joke.

I really wish the search function here on Whyzzat wasn't helplessly broken. There was some real cheesy low budget game where you shoot Obama or something, and the reaction here and outside of here was of horror. How dare evil Republicans encourage the assassination of a sitting president? It must be proof every Republican is a KKK member. Video games should never do that!

Anyhow, I think you are missing context. It's not as if such a scenario would never happen, it has been happening across the country by mobs of rioters and other assorted terrorists. Suddenly virtual gay bashing is fine, on the right sort of gays? You are also OK with the fake news of milo being a White Supremacist? Psyops are never cool.

Tell you what. How about be make a FPS where the object of the game is you are a KKK member and you have to shoot up gay night clubs and black churches. I mean, there have always been violent FPS, right? Cool with that too?
Anyhow, I think you are missing context. It's not as if such a scenario would never happen, it has been happening across the country by mobs of rioters and other assorted terrorists. Suddenly virtual gay bashing is fine, on the right sort of gays? You are also OK with the fake news of milo being a White Supremacist? Psyops are never cool.
You really are mixing your apples and your oranges here.
Beat up games low brow and low hanging fruit and not necessarily a gateway to violence. They are something that a reasonably tech savvy person with a bit of spare time can throw together with smidgen more effort than creating an insulting gif or whatever, and that's about as far as they go - the computer game equivalent of giving someone the finger. It's a herring and it's red.
Besides, a game like that needs more Harambe. Now, if you could play as Harambe, and beat up Hitler and gay conservatives, then they'd be onto something.
Black man raped and murdered a white woman, because she was white, and BLM is pissed. Super duper pissed. How dare you talk bad about this fine black man? She was white, so she had it coming to her!


Black Lives Matter busted AGAIN

As BizPacReview reported: The murderer of a 30-year-old jogger in Queens, New York indicated he killed the woman because she was white.

“I don’t like those people over there,” confessed killer Chanel Lewis, 20, told a black detective, the New York Post reported.

Lewis refused to talk to a white detective but when black detective, Barry Brown, interviewed him he waived his miranda rights and gave two videotaped statements.

Brown is regarded as “best detective in Queens for getting confessions,” sources told the Post.

He told the detective that he was angry and took it out on Karina Vetrano in Aug. 2013 as she jogged by him.

“I was angry. I had some issues at home. I just lost it. When I saw her, I just hit her and kept hitting her. I hit her and choked her,’’ he said, according to the Post.

The accused murderer gave “very detailed, incriminating statements” where he described “each step of the assault,” NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce said at a news conference.

Lewis’ DNA was found under Vetrano’s fingernails, on her back and on her cellphone, Boyce told reporters.

“The perp said he had a bad temper. He confessed on video about the assault specifically. He did not want to admit to the rape,” a source close to the investigation told the Post.
“You are a house negro” – Tim Scott Reads Stunning Comments over Sessions Vote on Senate Floor

The senator states that he left out all the comments that used “the N-word” due to its inappropriateness in the Senate, but his point was clear.

“What I’m surprised by, just a smidgeon, is is that the liberal left that speaks and desires for all of us to be tolerant, do not want to be tolerant of anyone that disagrees with where they are coming from.

So the definition of tolerance isn’t that all Americans experience a high level of tolerance. It’s that all Americans who agree with them experiences this so called tolerance.”

This is a clear reminder that the liberal left are, in fact, intolerant.
This is who controls the terrorism from the Democrat Party. This is who pulls the strings and finances the violence. This is a man who was a literal Nazi Collaborator, who called that collaboration the best time of his his. This is the American Democrat Party.

Soros: ‘I Will Take Down President Trump’

A battle cry has been issued against our new president by arguably the world’s most evil villain: billionaire financier George Soros. At a recent meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Soros told a crowd of wealthy politicians and corporate heads that he plans to “take down President Trump” in order to usher in a “financial armageddon” that fits his plans for a New World Order.

One of the big backers of failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Soros has been on a mission to destroy Trump since long before he was elected president. But after losing nearly $1 billion in the stock market, which made a big rally after Trump’s victory, Soros is more determined than ever to stop the agenda of President Trump, which in large part involves rolling back globalism and bringing jobs back to the United States.

Reports indicate that Soros instructed many of the top dogs of various large, multinational corporations who attended the meeting to immediately stop doing business in the U.S. until President Trump’s agenda is halted. If these companies continue to do business in the U.S., Soros warned, they will most certainly face serious consequences, economic and otherwise.

“I’d keep as far away from it as I can,” Soros stated in cryptic fashion to his audience of listeners. (RELATED: Follow the happenings of Donald Trump’s presidency at

Soros a ‘wounded beast’ that is ‘hell bent on revenge,’ say Wall Street analysts