Tracking the war hawks in the US

Biden's handlers are still pushing the US towards a hot war with Russia.

U.S. provided intelligence that helped Ukraine sink Russian warship

The United States provided Ukraine with intelligence that helped Kyiv attack and sink the flagship of Russia’s Black Sea fleet, the Moskva, in one of the most dramatic battlefield successes of the 71-day-old war, according to people familiar with the matter.

The missile strike by Ukrainian forces in April, an extraordinary embarrassment for the Kremlin that deprived Russia of a key vessel in its military campaign, may not have been possible without the U.S. assistance, these people said, underscoring how deeply Washington has become enmeshed in Ukraine’s fight against Russia. It is unclear how many Russian sailors died in the attack, but U.S. officials believe there were significant casualties.
How many times does this animated corpse "misspeak" and his caretakers have to "clarify"?? He repeatedly says he would start WWIII, yet all his caretakers and the Fake News Liberal Media does is provide cover.

Biden Misspeaks on Taiwan, Says US Military Would Intervene

President Joe Biden said the US military would intervene to defend Taiwan in any attack from China, comments that appeared to break from the longstanding US policy of “strategic ambiguity” before they were walked back by White House officials.

Asked during a press briefing on Monday in Tokyo whether the US would be willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan after not doing so in Ukraine, Biden said “yes -- it’s a commitment we made.”
Joe Biden just declared the US to be a one party system by declaring war on the Republican Party.

POLL: Majority of Americans say Biden's anti-MAGA speech was 'designed to incite conflict'

A new poll has revealed that a majority of Americans say that Biden’s prime time speech, delivered last week in Philadelphia before a blood red backdrop, was "a threat to this country," a "dangerous escalation," and was "designed to incite conflict."

The poll, conducted by the Trafalgar Group for the Convention of States Action, found that 56.8 percent of likely general election voters said that Biden’s speech in which he designated MAGA Republicans extremists "represents a dangerous escalation in rhetoric and is designed to incite conflict amongst Americans."

35.5 percent of Americans said that the speech "is acceptable campaign messaging that is expected in an election year."

Split by political party, Democrats were more likely to see the speech as "acceptable," while Republicans and independents said that the speech was a "dangerous escalation."

70.8 percent of Democrats said that the speech was "acceptable campaign messaging," while 18.7 percent said that it was "designed to incite conflict."

A vast majority of Republicans, 89.1 percent, said that Biden’s speech "represents a dangerous escalation," with just 4.7 percent saying it was "acceptable," and 6.2 percent saying they weren’t sure.

62.4 percent of independent voters said the speech was a "dangerous escalation," while 31.2 percent said it was "acceptable."

The poll was conducted between September 2 and 5 of 1084 likely US general election voters.

"These numbers reveal that most voters were sickened and deeply disturbed by what they saw last week. When you couple this finding with previous polling we did indicating a majority of voters also hold President Biden responsible for America’s divisions—it’s clear that the man who promised to unite the nation has become the most divisive President in American history," said Mark Meckler, President of the Convention of States.

"When voters tell you they think that the prepared remarks of a sitting President of the United States is a dangerous escalation and was designed to incite conflict, we are living in terrifying times. Perhaps even more terrifying is the fact that a huge majority of Democrats think this was just a routine, election year stump speech," Meckler said.

"This is the tyranny the founders of America foresaw, and it’s why they included an emergency provision in Article V that empowers the states to reign in an out-of-control federal government. A Convention of States needs to happen and urgently," he added.

In Biden’s September 1 speech, delivered in front of Independence Hall where the Declaration of Independence was written in 1776, he declared that "as I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault."

"Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic."

Democrats Dangerously Copy The Tactics Of Famous Fascists

Once in power, the gloves came off. The Reichstag fire in February 1933 was used as a premise to target political opponents and curtail civil liberties. A month later, Parliament passed the Enabling Act, allowing Hitler’s cabinet to make laws without legislative participation. In June 1933, Nazis outlawed opposition parties and, in December, the lines between party and government were erased. In January 1934, the Nazis eliminated the last vestiges of opposition when states lost their voice in government.



So it is that we find ourselves in America in 2022 with fascism ascendant. And unlike what the media would want you to believe, it’s not Donald Trump who’s leading the parade. For just over two years, we’ve seen the evil of fascism take hold as it’s never held sway before. Consider the following:

In the summer of 2020, Democrats rained hell down on America by allowing, encouraging, and funding urban terrorists who destroyed property, attacked citizens and the police, and killed dozens of people.

In 2020 and beyond, despite years of watching Democrats assail election integrity, anyone who questioned the highly unlikely outcome of the 2020 election was branded as an anti-democratic conspiracy nut and accused of supporting insurrection.

he riot that occurred on January 6, 2021, was labeled an “insurrection” and hundreds of citizens who had been welcomed into the US Capital or standing on its grounds were arrested, labeled as terrorists, and thrown in solitary confinement for months without charge or bail. At the same time, among the crowd were provocateurs in whom the FBI was suspiciously uninterested.

By politicizing the Department of Justice, the Biden administration and other Democrats have used the “insurrection” pretense to harass, intimidate, arrest, and jail Trump’s supporters, members of his administration, and his legal team. This harassment eventually led to the unprecedented step of the Justice Department and the FBI raiding the home of the former president and future presidential contender.

The whole article is worth a read (for sentient beings that is).
Oh what thread to put you in... I guess here. Project Veritas has been on fire lately exposing who Dems really are, in their own words.

BREAKING: U.S. Senate Candidate Krystle Matthews [D-SC]: "Treat them [white people] like sh*t”​

Dems are now BFF with Dick Cheney.

Bush-Era Republican Supervillains Are Eager to Vote for Kamala Harris

How the GOP’s Darth Vader turned into Luke Skywalker

An Endorsement from Dick Cheney is Nothing to be Proud Of

Anyone with 2 working braincells to rub together knows voting for Kamala Harris, a person installed that did not receive a single vote, is voting for World War 3.

White House finalizing plans to expand where Ukraine can hit inside Russia

The talks have been closely held among a small group of officials inside the White House.

Ukraine does not have that capability, so the attack would be directly from NATO, aka the United States.

WW3 and the annihilation and extinction of the majority of the world's population is better than mean tweets I suppose :rolleyes:
WW3 and the annihilation and extinction of the majority of the world's population is better than mean tweets I suppose :rolleyes:

World War 3 seems to be the October Surprise this year. These MSM stories are soft selling US boots on the ground and massive troop buildup.

US sends additional forces to Middle East as tensions soar, Pentagon says

Experts question whether Iran would stay on the sidelines if Lebanon's Hezbollah's existence were threatened and say U.S. troops could also find themselves targeted throughout the Middle East, if a regional war breaks out.

In their call on Sunday, Austin suggested that no outside actors should intervene in the conflict.

"The Secretary made clear that the United States remains postured to protect U.S. forces and personnel and determined to deter any regional actors from exploiting the situation or expanding the conflict," the Pentagon said in a statement.

Those U.S. capabilities include the Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group, fighter aircraft and air defenses.

Who's the Commander In Chief? Certainly not Joe Biden as shown by his first "Cabinet Meeting" in 11 months which was headed by unelected Jill Biden. The same Brandon who forgets who he's supposed to introduce at a function to introduce the Indian PM. This is textbook 25th Amendment, but we're talking about Democrats here... It certainly isn't #2 Kamala Harris as she's AWOL out cackling word salads somewhere semi coherently. There is no Commander In Chief so the deep state war hawks will likely put US troops at risk so when the inevitable happens and they take casualties, they'll have their excuse to kick off WW3. I don't think I can ever take another Democrat serious in my life after what's happened over the last ~4 years and especially over the last ~4 months. To remain a Dem and stay quiet as everything they are doing is so obvious up to and including fishing for WW3 is beyond the pale.
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Are their Iranian assassin teams in the country gearing for Trump? Possibly but as of now unproven. I get uneasy when we are told such things after being lied to so many times. Two things can be true at the same time. Their is a major push for WW3 before orangemanbad can even get into office.

Ex-Top U.S. General: Iran ‘Very Active’ In Trying To Kill Trump; Israel Needs To Hit Them Hard

Retired four-star General Frank McKenzie, the former commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, said on Sunday that Iran was seriously trying to assassinate former President Donald Trump out of a place of “desperation” because they view him as a threat to their regime.


“They can choose for something that would be very escalatory in terms of a strike against the supreme leader himself perhaps or against the nuclear program or against the oil infrastructure, or they could look at military intelligence targets,” he said.


He also slammed the Biden-Harris administration for saying that Israel should not hit Iran’s nuclear facilities.

“You should never take a potential target off the menu,” he said. “You want your adversary to have to plan to defend everything. Giving him assistance and not having to defend against a particular target is probably not the best way to establish this kind of deterrence.”

He said Israel should definitely consider going after Iranian oil infrastructure and going after the “Islamic Republican Guard Corps headquarters and intelligence buildings all around Tehran or anywhere else.”

Book States Biden Blames Obama For Russia Invading Ukraine: He ‘F***ed Up’

"We gave Putin a license to continue!" Biden reportedly fumed.

President Joe Biden blamed former President Barack Obama for Russia invading Ukraine in 2022, according to a new book from Bob Woodward, saying that the former president’s weakness in 2014 led to Russian President Vladimir Putin feeling emboldened to go further.

During a moment of political upheaval in February 2014, Russian soldiers, wearing uniforms with no insignias, seized government buildings throughout Crimea and later seized its airports. Russia illegally annexed Crimea the following month.

In his new book, “War,” journalist Bob Woodward says that Biden blamed Obama for Russia invading Ukraine.

“They f***ed up in 2014,” Biden said to a friend, according to Woodward. “That’s why we are here. We f***ed it up. Barack never took Putin seriously.”

“We did nothing. We gave Putin a license to continue!” Biden reportedly fumed. “Well, I’m revoking his f***ing license!”
Rand is improving as he ages. He's almost to his father's level.

'It's Sort Of A Laundering Scheme': Rand Paul Sounds Off On Claim Ukraine Funding Being Spent In US​

It's not "sort of", it *is* money laundering.