
Daily Mash:

Being an utter cock no barrier to success


THERE is no ‘glass ceiling’ for utter cocks any more, it has been confirmed.

Donald Trump’s election success has been hailed as a victory by the cock, arsehole and bellend communities, who have for centuries struggled to gain acceptance in mainstream society.

Total cock Roy Hobbs said: “Farage gave us hope, Trump has given us freedom. No longer will being an utter penis be frowned upon.

“I can polish the ‘No Turning’ sign at the end of my driveway with pride, and drive my white 2011 BMW 7 Series right up anyone’s arse without fear of reproach.

“The world told me I was wrong. But I was right, or rather if I was wrong it doesn’t matter any more.

“I am an utter cock, hear my cry.”
That is linked the story on the children's "riots" at California colleges, not the intended story I think...

That being said, the story that *is* linked is a perfect example of what's wrong with Obama's America between the divisive and intolerant Liberals, the political correctness, and all the "social justice warriors" bullshit.
This is just so much win. The UN is freaking the f*** out.

Disbelief, questions at United Nations after Trump victory

The election of Donald Trump as the next U.S. president was met with disbelief and despondency on Wednesday among some United Nations officials and diplomats amid uncertainty surrounding his foreign policy and likely engagement with the world body.

Trump, a Republican, has described the 71-year-old United Nations as weak and incompetent and threatened to pull out of a global deal to combat climate change - a cornerstone of the legacy of U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon, who steps down at the end of 2016 after serving two five-year terms as secretary-general.

"The United Nations is not a friend of democracy, it's not a friend to freedom, it's not a friend even to the United States of America," Trump said during a speech in March to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

More mash:
I was actually born in Kenya, says Obama

BARACK Obama has admitted he was born in Kenya and ‘you can all go {bleep} yourselves’.

At a White House press conference, the soon to be former president confirmed he had thoroughly enjoyed his time in office and had been lying about his birth certificate all along.

He said: “Job done. Got to live here for eight years. It is a seriously nice place. I also had a huge plane and a helicopter and I could play golf whenever I wanted.”

He added: “Anyway, enjoy this total shitfest. I’m going to become a professor, or head of some big UN thing.”

President Obama then laughed and went back to watching a marathon session of Salvage Hunters and looking at a brochure for ‘one of those massive Audis’.
That is linked the story on the children's "riots" at California colleges, not the intended story I think...

That being said, the story that *is* linked is a perfect example of what's wrong with Obama's America between the divisive and intolerant Liberals, the political correctness, and all the "social justice warriors" bullshit.

#TriggerWarning #ElectionResults

Yale professor makes midterm optional for students distraught over Trump win
El Reg on the Trumpet's torture policy:
Previous administrations, even when they have engaged in "enhanced interrogation techniques" such as under George W Bush – and even when these EITs escalate to the point that they are widely called "torture" – the US has gone to lengths to assert that the EITs it did use didn't amount to "torture"; declassified legal memos show lawyers within the Bush administration trying to define the line where interrogation becomes torture and push EITs right up to, but not over, that line.

Whether you think the Bush administration was successful or whether it overstepped that line, they did at least know there was a line, and tried not to overstep it. No so with Trump. Trump actively embraces the idea of torturing detainees. He not only says that torture is ok; he says it's something the US should actively engage in. And not just to get information. To "punish" them as well.

Even laying aside the enormous domestic law and eighth amendment issues this brings up, this will make it impossible for UK intelligence cooperation with the Trump administration across a range of intelligence programs.
Not that this will surprise anyone but he was apparently Trumpeting marching on Washington and revolution the last time he thought (incorrectly) someone won the popular vote but not the election:
Inauguration Day should be more fun than usual.

DisruptJ20: Call for a bold mobilization against the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, 2017

On Friday, January 20, 2017, Donald Trump will be inaugurated as President of the United States. We call on all people of good conscience to join in disrupting the ceremonies. If Trump is to be inaugurated at all, let it happen behind closed doors, showing the true face of the security state Trump will preside over. It must be made clear to the whole world that the vast majority of people in the United States do not support his presidency or consent to his rule.

Trump stands for tyranny, greed, and misogyny. He is the champion of neo-nazis and white Nationalists, of the police who kill the Black, Brown and poor on a daily basis, of racist border agents and sadistic prison guards, of the FBI and NSA who tap your phone and read your email.

He is the harbinger of even more climate catastrophe, deportation, discrimination, and endless war. He continues to deny the existence of climate change, in spite of all the evidence, putting the future of the whole human race at stake.The KKK, Vladimir Putin, Golden Dawn, and the Islamic State all cheered his victory. If we let his inauguration go unchallenged, we are opening the door to the future they envision.

Trump’s success confirms the bankruptcy of representative democracy. Rather than using the democratic process as an alibi for inaction, we must show that no election could legitimize his agenda. Neither the Democrats nor any other political party or politician will save us—they just offer a weaker version of the same thing. If there is going to be a positive change in this society, we have to make it ourselves, together, through direct action.
From day one, the Trump presidency will be a disaster. #DisruptJ20 will be the start of the resistance. We must take to the streets and protest, blockade, disrupt, intervene, sit in, walk out, rise up, and make more noise and good trouble than the establishment can bear. The parade must be stopped. We must delegitimize Trump and all he represents. It’s time to defend ourselves, our loved ones, and the world that sustains us as if our lives depend on it—because they do.

In Washington, DC

DC will not be hospitable to the Trump administration. Every corporation must openly declare whether they side with him or with the people who will suffer at his hands. Thousands will converge and demonstrate resistance to the Trump regime. Save the date. A website will appear shortly with more details. #DisruptJ20

Around the US

If you can’t make it to Washington, DC on January 20, take to the streets wherever you are. We call on our comrades to organize demonstrations and other actions for the night of January 20. There is also a call for a general strike to take place. Organize a walkout at your school now. Workers: call out sick and take the day off. No work, no school, no shopping, no housework. #DisruptJ20

Around the World

If you are living outside the US, you can take action at US embassies, borders, or other symbols of neocolonial power. Our allegiance is not to “making America great again,” but to all of humanity and the planet. #DisruptJ20

Spread the word. Join the fight. #DisruptJ20
So has Donald Trump himself... "Snowden is a spy who should be executed"

Of course, this is the same person who has publicly asked Russia to hack the United States and uncover Clinton's missing emails.

Hehehe... I missed that little nugget, thanks.
Trump quotes are the gift that keeps on giving.
Of course, this is the same person who has publicly asked Russia to hack the United States and uncover Clinton's missing emails.

Wrong. He said if they already had it to release it. How could he ask for them to hack something that had been long (illegally) deleted by Hildabeast at that point? Trump was asking Russia to invent a time machine?

If Russia did release her emails, we'd find out who the hackers were after all. Then again, it seems every hacker and their dog had Hildabeast's emails since the server was left in administrator mode with no password.
Wrong. He said if they already had it to release it.
That is an interesting interpretation of "Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

How could he ask for them to hack something that had been long (illegally) deleted by Hildabeast at that point? Trump was asking Russia to invent a time machine?
Because deleted emails often can be recovered given the right tools and expertise. In fact, one month after Trump called on Russia for help with the matter, the FBI was able to recover 15,000 deleted emails from Clinton's email server...

Also, as the recent Wienergate Part Deux and Podesta hack reminded us, emails sent by Clinton were not only stored on her private email server but also in email inboxes of those she communicated with.

Then again, it seems every hacker and their dog had Hildabeast's emails since the server was left in administrator mode with no password.
We discussed this here on Whyzzat before. The computer she personally used in the Department of State to access her emails did not have password protection set up for her user account. So, if someone had managed to overcome the "small obstacle" of physically breaking into her office in the Department of State, that person could then have booted the computer and accessed her user account without the need for a password.

Of cource, once you break into the Department of State, you could have just installed a hardware key logger to get around the password issue...

Once again, the email server was an entirely separate machine, which was located in an entirely different location and - as far as is publicly known - had always had password protection enabled.