Exactly who is that and what did he lie about?
Let's look at the field. How about Newt? Serial adulterer - he doesn't even care about the people closest to him, he won't care about you. He's flip flopped all over the place over the years.
Romney? Buy companies, layoff workers and then squeeze the juice out of whatever remains. He knows which side he's on. If another 20% of Americans have to be putout of work and put out of their homes to make the big banks whole again, he'll do what's necessary to make sure the rich don't have to suffer.
Santorum? Well, I think this story shows that he knows how to
run government in the good old boy way.
Ron Paul? He just believes in the Constitution - which is the Constitution of a Republic, not an Empire.
Apparently Paul is firmly in Soros' corner if that is the case:
And you link to a David (ex Communist Party member) Horowitz - repeatedly caught misrepresenting the truth concerning university professors he doesn't like.
As to the Glenn Beck / Ron Paul and who owns who question - here is what you don't seem to be able to see. Ron Paul selected some people to write a report. Soros didn't select them for Ron Paul. Soros is not funding Ron Paul and making him select people or making him say anything. That situation is completely different from Glenn Becks situation since he IS receiving money from Clear Channel and Clear Channel are notorious for setting editorial content from the top - pushing their political agenda through their money - and they ARE the establishment and they don't want anyone messing with the establishment.
I also realize that by defending Paul I will only cement your prejudices. I don't have access to expensive PR experts with focus group testing the way the Clear Channel and the Establishment do. Ron Paul is firmly in the Constitutional libertarian camp and if he shares some points of philosophy with other people from time to time it does not mean that suddenly he is in their camp. He remains in his own, steadfastly, but he isn't going to gratuitously disagree with people just because they are from another camp.
As far as Soros, he said in a video that he was hooked on manipulating countries, he talks about it as a experiment as if the people suffering and and massive numbers of death is meaningless to him as he tries to perfect his country manipulation skills.
See? The PR smear campaign works. They have you talking about Soros and fearing Soros instead of talking about Paul and what he actually believes. That is the propaganda technique known as "guilt by association".
I should vote for his puppet? I don't think so.
And there it is going right past your rational faculties.
But there is no real hope anyways, regardless who is about to be elected, the world as we know it is about to be surrendered to Soros and his elite buddies.
There are factions among the elite too. They aren't all on the same side. Some want a more open society. Others prefer a closed society because it is much easier to control and extract resources from.