
  1. metalman

    How to blow up the internet, with 1 tweet

  2. Speelgoedmannetje

    World's Most Powerful Wind Turbine Installed in Full View of Trump's Scottish Golf Course financed by Putin? hehehehe
  3. metalman


  4. metalman

    The 4chan Ultimate Trump Troll

    an= "unverified" and "contains errors" report on Trump's #GoldenShowers in Russia one of BuzzFeed's numerous tweets on their "scoop" These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia A dossier, compiled by a person who has claimed to be a former British intelligence official, alleges...
  5. the_leander

    Ridiculous Election Responses

    I figured that the more outlandish responses to Trump's victory deserved it's own thread, here is my find to kick it off: As Donald Trump's shock election victory reverberated around Silicon Valley late on Tuesday night, some high-profile technologists were already calling for California to...