Average Candian is richer than the Average American

claiming GOV responsibility for the standard DATE and TIME?


The standards for the date are actually from the Catholic religion;

No, they are not from the Catholic religion - they are from the Catholic Church - which was, at that time, the government - or at least the main one, for continental Europe.

Where did the very first GOV come from? Oh yeah, from Mr. Gaster’s taxes – which means, Mr. Gaster's taxes built the GOV, and NOT the other way around.
Governments arise when groups of people need to organize to get things done.
As to the payment of taxes, render to Caesar that which is Caesar's. Without the government to back the dollar the dollar would have no value. The dollar exists because the government decreed that it is currency and they enforce that - so you are giving to the government something that only has value because the government says it has value.
The dollar exists because the government decreed that it is currency and they enforce that - so you are giving to the government something that only has value because the government says it has value.

So if the Greeks issue a new drachma and say its equal to $100 euro, then the Greek's are RICH!

I see a problem with the plan ....
So if the Greeks issue a new drachma and say its equal to $100 euro, then the Greek's are RICH!

I see a problem with the plan ....

It's not hard to knock down a straw man that you set up yourself. You seem not to be familiar with the concept of currency.

What do you think the GOV is? some kind of cargo cult??
So now you suddenly seem to get that the person didn't build that on their own but as part of the society that 'We the People' built?

As for standard time, the current time zones were set by the railroads during the heyday of laissez-faire capitalism
So you agree it's fair to tell the business owners 'You didn't build that.' But instead it was built by 25 International nations organized by President Arthur. International Merdian Conference
I'd like to follow up on @Metalman's idea that if we pay taxes we all build it. Well something special has happened in our multiverse. The largest craft ever sent by a small blue green planet in the backwaters of the universe to another planet. Curiosity was built directly by a team of more than 2,000 people.

Though as Americans we all worked together in various ways - including paying taxes that @Metalman cites - making this happen. We do need to congratulate each other on the success. So cheerio good job Team USA.
I'd like to follow up on @Metalman's idea that if we pay taxes we all build it. Well something special has happened in our multiverse. The largest craft ever sent by a small blue green planet in the backwaters of the universe to another planet. Curiosity was built directly by a team of more than 2,000 people.

Though as Americans we all worked together in various ways - including paying taxes that @Metalman cites - making this happen. We do need to congratulate each other on the success. So cheerio good job Team USA.

and THIS is the whole point of society. THIS is why we are here