Democrat election fraud, right out in the open.

Rats getting ready to jump off a sinking ship?

RealClearPolitics Withdraws Biden’s PA Win rescinds President-elect Status

RCP reversed Biden’s win in Pennsylvania bringing him back down below the 270 threshold to 259 electoral votes. Although some sources argue that Real Clear Politics never called Pennsylvania to begin with, in the Presidential race.

The “live results” reversal comes as votes continue to be counted and lawsuits fly.

RealClearPolitics (RCP) based in Chicago, claims to be an independent, non-partisan political news media company. RCP is also a polling data aggregator.


Meanwhile, US Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors across the U.S. to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified.

On Monday afternoon, members of the Trump campaign announced two new lawsuits in Pennsylvania and Michigan, relying mostly on witnesses’ sworn statements but no concrete evidence. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany asked the public for “patience” while the campaign investigates further.
It would be so ironic, if after all this, there were recounts in all contested states and after a fully observed recount, Biden's share of the vote was larger.
I'm sure there has been some degree of fraud in this election and probably the last few. I'm less sure there's the scale of systematic fraud that would lead to a change in outcome for any of the contested states. It will be interesting to see what evidence is presented.
I'm sure there has been some degree of fraud in this election and probably the last few. I'm less sure there's the scale of systematic fraud that would lead to a change in outcome for any of the contested states. It will be interesting to see what evidence is presented.

I can't answer for the other states evidence, but there are three lawsuits now in Michigan, and none of them have presented anything past heresy evidence. I've had my share of gripes against our new governor at various points, but once again, Michigan has done shit mostly right under her watch. I'm not saying it was perfect, but this was probably the least fucked up election Michigan has run in the past couple decades. And that is the truth, right there.
I can't answer for the other states evidence, but there are three lawsuits now in Michigan, and none of them have presented anything past heresy evidence. I've had my share of gripes against our new governor at various points, but once again, Michigan has done shit mostly right under her watch. I'm not saying it was perfect, but this was probably the least fucked up election Michigan has run in the past couple decades. And that is the truth, right there.
I'm obviously an outsider looking in but aren't senate seats on the same ballot papers? The Democrats appear to have won the presidency but not a lot else, which is a curious kind of mixture for them to fraudulently go for.
I'm obviously an outsider looking in but aren't senate seats on the same ballot papers? The Democrats appear to have won the presidency but not a lot else, which is a curious kind of mixture for them to fraudulently go for.
This. Given the huge turnout and the general lack of major change beyond the presidency, this looks more like a repudiation of Trump specifically rather than the party. Which would make some sense to me as my opinion of Trump as a president, as a businessman and as an individual could not be poorer.
this looks more like a repudiation of Trump specifically rather than the party.
Not even a proper repudiation - he got millions more votes than he did 4 years ago.
Although it's definitely a repudiation of sorts. Much like last time, the majority seem to have voted against one candidate rather than for the other. (Again, just my Limey-outsider impression.)

my opinion of Trump as a president, as a businessman and as an individual could not be poorer.

Likewise, especially the individual part.
However, 70-odd million Americans seem to adore the fellow. :eek:
I think the honest truth is that his policies and actions were easy to decry publicly, but a lot of people found it a little bit easier to put food on their table at home and so whether they approved of him or not wasn't really relevant to their vote.
I think the honest truth is that his policies and actions were easy to decry publicly, but a lot of people found it a little bit easier to put food on their table at home and so whether they approved of him or not wasn't really relevant to their vote.
Aye, could be. Like I say, I've not been paying anywhere near as much attention to any politics as I used to, let alone the US variety. I follow Trump on Twitter for the Lolz but that's about it. Way too busy lately to keep up.
I think the honest truth is that his policies and actions were easy to decry publicly, but a lot of people found it a little bit easier to put food on their table at home and so whether they approved of him or not wasn't really relevant to their vote.

There's likely a whole lot more truth to that than most people want to admit. And he pisses off the people who have never helped the rural voters. So therefore, he must be doing something right. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." That's a ton of the 70 million people, right there.

Except he's not really on their side more than anyone else. He's always been on a side of his own, and anyone he happens to help slightly is a sheer coincidence. But, sadly, even _that_ is more than rural voters are used to getting. I can't blame rural voters for voting for him. The Democrats are reaping what they've sown for the better part of my life. No one wants to talk about how when you piously look on from the coasts and label the middle of the country "despicables be there" you might not be very popular outside the coasts.

Still, based on what I've seen from President Trump's actions, and how easily and willingly he puts his own interests before those of the country and world, I felt that I had to choice but to eat my own dislike of Biden and register the most effective vote against Trump that I could. The destruction of the EPA, FCC, public education, public health, science and reason was more than I could bear. And COVID mismanagement was the cherry on top. For the good of this country, I, myself, was left with no other choice.
I can't answer for the other states evidence, but there are three lawsuits now in Michigan, and none of them have presented anything past heresy evidence.

Please. If you don't see it, you only watch the Liberal Media and our "Social Media" overlords. Hopefully this video isn't deep six'ed by the time you see it.

RNC Chair Says 11,000 People Have Come Forward With Voter Fraud Claims

On Tuesday night, Ronna McDaniel, Chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), told FOX News commentator Sean Hannity that she has 234 pages containing 500 sworn affidavits alleging 11,000 incidents of various types of voter fraud.

Briefly listing the allegations on Hannity's show, McDaniel said that a person in Wayne County, Michigan alleged that 60 percent of a batch of voter ballots had the same signature on them, that another affidavit claimed to have seen 35 ballots counted despite not being cast by registered voters, that 50 ballots were counted multiple times in a tabulation machine elsewhere, that one woman's dead son somehow voted in one election and that Democrats handed out documents on how to distract Republican vote challengers.
One of my favourite YouTubers got involved in the discussion:
A Republican friend in AZ just posted this on Fakebook.

no record of my vote last week on state website, just general election 2 years ago. anyone else here having this problem?
A Republican friend in AZ just posted this on Fakebook.

no record of my vote last week on state website, just general election 2 years ago. anyone else here having this problem?
Aren't they still counting in AZ?
He voted in person and therefore would have scanned the ballot himself.
So does that mean it should already be visible on the website, sort of instantaneously, or is there usually a bit of time in between?