Political Jokes


luxury socialism
Free education, free medical and free designer outfits for everyone!

luxury socialism
Free education, free medical and free designer outfits for everyone!

Wait, aren't high heels bad because "muh patriarchy" or sumthin? I can't keep track any more it seems :confused:
Got to hand it to him, no matter how many times you think he's reached the tipping point of cringe, he always manages to go the extra yard..

The Puerto Rico government said 64 people died in Hurricane Maria
now 2 years later, oops we miscounted by 2900
Puerto Rican government is so incompetent they cant even count
BUT its Trumps fault

fake news
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The Puerto Rico government said 64 people died in Hurricane Maria
now 2 years later, oops we miscounted by 2900
Puerto Rican government is so incompetent they cant even count

Indeed, as Trump has already explained, those numbers were made up by the Democratic party.
To make him look bad.
The Puerto Rican government has falsely inflated the death toll from a natural disaster purely to make Trump look bad.
Because they're controlled by the democratic party.
Who made up the numbers.
And then persuaded two universities and a government to go along with the charade.
Indeed, as Trump has already explained, those numbers were made up by the Democratic party.
To make him look bad.
The Puerto Rican government has falsely inflated the death toll from a natural disaster purely to make Trump look bad.
Because they're controlled by the democratic party.
Who made up the numbers.
And then persuaded two universities and a government to go along with the charade.

Puerto Rico’s Gov. Ricardo Rossello officially raised the death toll from 64 to 2,975 based on a estimate of people who died from disaster related stress, by the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University, which released its study on Aug. 28.2018

a team of Harvard scientists in another survey estimated that more than 4,600 people were killed by the stress of dealing with the disaster

There's no national standard for how to calculate disaster-related deaths. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) reports only direct deaths (64 ), directly resulting from the storm such as those caused by flying debris or drowning,
Local governments may include indirect deaths from things caused by stress of dealing with the disaster

using this methodology the 9/11 attack resulted in the stress related deaths of over 10 million Americans
Ricardo Rossello officially raised the death toll from 64 to 2,975 based on a estimate of people who died from disaster related stress, by the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University..

...Harvard scientists in another survey estimated that more than 4,600 people were killed...

Indeed - you know that, I know that and even Trump knows that.
But he *said* it was the Democrats who made up the death toll.
To make him look bad.
If you can't see why I find that funny (not to mention reprehensible), I guess I'll just settle for humour being subjective.
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Indeed - you know that, I know that and even Trump knows that.
But he *said* it was the Democrats who made up the death toll.
To make him look bad.
If you can't see why I find that funny (not to mention reprehensible), I guess I'll just settle for humour being subjective.

It was a "political decision" made by Puerto Rico’s Gov. Ricardo Rossello ( New Progressive Party / Democratic Party )

You put this in the wrong thread. I think you meant to put it in the Fake News thread.