Riddle me this Democrats and general leftists...

Is it though? Really?
I hear it's set in the fictional basement of a real pizza restaurant.

What I find fascinating about this is the very real fantasising about the imagined fantasising of a certain demographic.
Is it though? Really?

A "rape fantasy" book? I can't say from my perspective, I've not read it. Whether it is or not is probably in the eyes of the beholder. I think the issue at hand is that Bill Clinton is a known rapist and pedophile. It's like if Jeffry Dahmer was seen in prison reading books about cannibal tribes. The book itself might just be historical accounts, but it takes a different meaning when someone like Dahmer reads it.
What I find fascinating about this is the very real fantasising about the imagined fantasising of a certain demographic.

Bill Clinton is a "certain demographic"? Let me remind you of a few things.

Bill Clinton is a pedo

Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights, according to records obtained by FoxNews.com.

Clinton’s presence aboard Jeffrey Epstein’s Boeing 727 on 11 occasions has been reported, but flight logs show the number is more than double that, and trips between 2001 and 2003 included extended junkets around the world with Epstein and fellow passengers identified on manifests by their initials or first names, including “Tatiana.” The tricked-out jet earned its Nabakov-inspired nickname because it was reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girls.

“Bill Clinton … associated with a man like Jeffrey Epstein, who everyone in New York, certainly within his inner circles, knew was a pedophile,” said Conchita Sarnoff, of the Washington, D.C. based non-profit Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking, and author of a book on the Epstein case called "TrafficKing." “Why would a former president associate with a man like that?”

This is not a case of guilt by association. A former president with Secret Service protection knew exactly what was going on. The flight logs even show underage sex slaves on board the same time as Slick Willy.


He's also a known rapist. The Liberal media protected the Clintons when they were even somewhat relevant politically, but now that both Clintons will never hold a public office again, the Liberal Media are FINALLY starting to report the truth (even if they still try some political spins).

New York Times: I Believe Juanita

Of the Clinton accusers, the one who haunts me is Broaddrick. The story she tells about Clinton recalls those we’ve heard about Weinstein. She claimed they had plans to meet in a hotel coffee shop, but at the last minute he asked to come up to her hotel room instead, where he raped her. Five witnesses said she confided in them about the assault right after it happened. It’s true that she denied the rape in an affidavit to Paula Jones’s lawyers, before changing her story when talking to federal investigators. But her explanation, that she didn’t want to go public but couldn’t lie to the F.B.I., makes sense. Put simply, I believe her.

So you can be as snarky as you want, but the simple facts are that the pedos and rapists are very real even if you want to bury your head in the sand since you like their politics.

Well, you think all paedophiles are Democrats, so this has a touch of Mandy Rice Davis about it.
Or is it all Democrats are paedophiles? I'm never quite sure these days.
I might be getting mixed up - is it all mass murderers are Democrats?
No, hang on, that was muslims wasn't it?
Or maybe black people?
Wait, it's black-muslim-Democrats, isn't it?
Well, you think all paedophiles are Democrats, so this has a touch of Mandy Rice Davis about it.
Or is it all Democrats are paedophiles? I'm never quite sure these days.
I might be getting mixed up - is it all mass murderers are Democrats?
No, hang on, that was muslims wasn't it?
Or maybe black people?
Wait, it's black-muslim-Democrats, isn't it?

Quite a straw man you are building up there. I'll answer the one question that fits this thread.

Well, you think all paedophiles are Democrats, so this has a touch of Mandy Rice Davis about it.
Or is it all Democrats are paedophiles? I'm never quite sure these days.

I don't know what a Mandy Rice Davis is. Not all Democrats are pedos, but most pedos are certainly Democrat. I've never seen a right wing news source, website or social activist group promoting the normalization of pedophilia, but there is certainly plenty of it on the left.
For Robert.

I've never seen a right wing news source, website or social activist group promoting the normalization of pedophilia, but there is certainly plenty of it on the left.


Pedophiles are rebranding themselves as “MAPs” or “Minor Attracted Persons” in an effort to gain acceptance and be included into the LGBT community.

According to Urban Dictionary, the blanket term MAP includes infantophiles (infants), pedophiles (pre-pubescent children), hebephiles (pubescent children), and ephebophiles (post-pubescent children). Some MAPs also refer to themselves as NOMAPs or “Non-Offending Minor Attracted Persons”.

These pedophiles seek to be a part of the LGBT+ community, even going so far as to make a “Pride” flag for Gay Pride Month.

The “MAP/NOMAP community” tries to pull at people’s heartstrings by claiming that pedophiles are misunderstood marginalized people, and that as long as their attraction to children is not acted upon — or in some cases when they get permission from the child — that they should not be villainized.


Many blogs exist on Tumblr showing support for MAPs, claiming that they should be a part of the LGBT community and attempting to create “safe spaces” for these “minor attracted persons”. The blog “Pedophiles about Pedophilia” also presents many sob stories of “marginalized” pedophiles in pretty pastel colors, claiming that they mean no harm and just want to be loved like everyone else as shown in such headlines as “Why Pedophilia And Pedophiles Are Not A Risk To Children”, “Growing Up A Pedophile” and “How I came out as an anti-contact pedophile to the woman I love”.

This name change seems to follow in the liberal trend of rebranding things by giving them more “politically correct” names, but is the next step really normalizing pedophilia?
James Gunn = Pedo


Disney Director James Gunn Exposed: Disturbing History of Child Rape ‘Jokes’

TheWrap also reports that Gunn “apparently deactivated his personal website in the midst of the online firestorm[.]”

One of the reasons might be the prior existence of a video on the site that, according to the site’s own url, was titled: “100-pubescent-girls-touch-themselves.” [Note: Breitbart News has not viewed the video, would not view the video, and will not link the url, even though it has been deactivated.]

According to the Wayback Machine that archives old blog posts, on his now-deleted website, Gunn bragged about receiving the video from Huston Huddleston, who is now a convicted pedophile.

“Huston Huddleston posted this video on my Facebook page with the note ‘I thought you’d appreciate this.’ My response: ‘Appreciate it?!! I just came all over my own face!!'” the post reads.
It's all just jokes (wink wink).


Old tweets comedian Michael Ian Black wrote have resurfaced, revealing similar “jokes” about child molestation and pedophilia that got “Guardians of the Galaxy” director fired by Disney on Friday.

Black, a self-described feminist, joked about a range of off-color topics in the old tweets, including relieving himself on little boys and judging the size of baby boys’ reproductive body parts.

Since Donald Trump won the presidency in November 2016, Black’s has ramped-up his rhetoric against Trump, referring to him as a “con man” or a “monster,” and regurgitates the liberal talking-point that the National Rifle Association as a terrorist organization.

“What’s Latin for ‘bring me some boys’?” the former “Reno 911!” actor said in a tweet March 13, 2013. Other so-called jokes include: “Hosting a bunch of eleven-year-old girls for a sleepover tonight. Terrified their parents will find out.”

“I don’t like watching ‘iCarly’ with my daughter because there is nobody on that show I want to molest,” he wrote June 28, 2011.

“Went to my kids’ elementary school Halloween parade. Disappointingly few ‘slutty girl’ costumes,” he wrote in another tweet Oct. 30, 2009.

And people still want to ignore Corey Feldman.
It's all just jokes (wink wink).
Watch out everybody, here comes the Joke Police... Have your comedy license papers ready!

Even in this climate of overboarding P.C. culture, which you clearly celebrate, a joke does not have to be good to qualify as such.

Anybody who bothers to do just a minimum of research will find that Michael Ian Black has a reputation for having a very dry sense of humor and frequently making 'provocative' jokes (without references to children even!). You do not have to find them funny. I do not. But I also happen to have enough common sense to recognize them for what they clearly are.
Gunn bragged about receiving the video from Huston Huddleston, who is now a convicted pedophile.

Watch out everybody, here comes the Joke Police...

I don't find "joking" about things you are actually doing very funny.

Wikipedia: Huston Huddleston

Huston was arrested on April 24, 2018 and charged with child pornography and other crimes, including contacting a minor with intent to commit a felony.[7] He was held at the Pitchess Detention Center North Facility on $750,000 bail and pleaded not guilty on May 22, 2018.[8] His court date was June 12, 2018.[7][9]. On June 21, Huddleston pled guilty to one misdemeanor charge of possessing child pornography [10] and has been added to the sex offender registry.

2-3 years obsessing over kiddie diddling with friends who are convicted pedos? I'm not laughing JoBBo. I'm willing to bet in this #metoo environment and all the publicity this is generating, James Gunn's victims will hopefully come forward.

Watch out everybody, here comes the Joke Police... Have your comedy license papers ready!

I just did a quick search of Whyzzat for any reference to you being outraged about Joke Police for Trump saying "grab 'em by the pussy, they like that". I could be wrong here, but I also can't seem to find you defending Roseanne Barr when she was fired for a single alleged "racist" joke. Whyzzat?

Anyhow, you have you head in the sand if you don't think Hollywood is crawling with pedos.

Corey Feldman Claims Pedophilia is Biggest Problem in Hollywood

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I don't find "joking" about things you are actually doing very funny.
I did not comment on the Gunn guy.

There is no credible information suggesting that Michael Ian Black has ever inappropriately touched a child. Period.

Making jokes that many would rightfully consider to be tasteless does not prove that you committed a crime. So far. Maybe if people like you get their way, this will change.

I just did a quick search of Whyzzat for any reference to you being outraged about Joke Police for Trump saying "grab 'em by the pussy, they like that". I could be wrong here, but I also can't seem to find you defending Roseanne Barr when she was fired for a single alleged "racist" joke. Whyzzat?
I have no obligation to defend anybody just because you feel like it.

You keep accusing both individuals as well as groups of millions of people of being pedophiles and use absurd Twitter jokes as "proof".

I will make you a deal: If I ever see you accuse Trump or Roseanne of being pedophiles based on Twitter jokes, I will defend them...

Anyhow, you have you head in the sand if you don't think Hollywood is crawling with pedos.
There are actual credible studies about these things and the percentage of offenders is fairly even across industries (including instutitutions such as as the Catholic church, as the Vatican semi-proudly pointed out after their huge scandals).
There are actual credible studies about these things and the percentage of offenders is fairly even across industries (including instutitutions such as as the Catholic church, as the Vatican semi-proudly pointed out after their huge scandals).

Wait, what? There was a study that stated the rate of pedos is even between Hollywood and the general public? To say that I find that hard to believe would be an understatement. Between friends and acquaintances in my life I've known thousands of people, not one of them a kiddie diddler. Hollywood total must be in the low thousands, including C-listers? The pedos are generally known but unspoken about. It seems every other day a new one is outed.
All of these "jokes" keep coming to light. I have a dark sense of humor, but I don't think I've ever felt the need to make a baby rape joke. For some reason a good portion of Hollywood seems to have an obsession with it.

‘Rick and Morty’ Creator Dan Harmon Apologizes for Baby Rape Sketch

Like with Michael Ian Black, it is all supposedly just a joke. It seems to be an inside joke for Hollywood that they only do among themselves for themselves.

Interesting. Sounds like they wrote some edgy shit, filmed it and found it didn't work so they shit-canned it. Now someone has pulled it out of the bin and is assaulting people with it - sounds like the people who are spreading this are the offending party, partly because it is the only way that the material would have made it into the eye-line of the complainers an partly because the spreaders likely don't have the copyright.
How is a person supposed to be held accountable for the feelings of others for something they said in confidence (or with the expectation of confidence) and did not themselves disseminate to the offended parties? Surely the offender is the one who spread offensive material with intent to offend.
Interesting. Sounds like they wrote some edgy shit, filmed it and found it didn't work so they shit-canned it. Now someone has pulled it out of the bin and is assaulting people with it - sounds like the people who are spreading this are the offending party, partly because it is the only way that the material would have made it into the eye-line of the complainers an partly because the spreaders likely don't have the copyright.
How is a person supposed to be held accountable for the feelings of others for something they said in confidence (or with the expectation of confidence) and did not themselves disseminate to the offended parties? Surely the offender is the one who spread offensive material with intent to offend.

I take it the people who dug it up did so with the intention of exposing pedophilia in Hollywood. Whether people like Dan Harmon themselves are pedos is unclear, but they certainly seem to do these "jokes" for a specific audience. Hell, I watched the movie "A Serbian Film" and feel less as a human being for doing so. I certainly wouldn't recommend it, and the movie was not trying to be funny but some sort of political commentary. Why do such a large portion of Hollywood think "edgy humor" about pedophilia and child rape is hilarious?