World's Most Powerful Wind Turbine Installed in Full View of Trump's Scottish Golf Course


Marquis de Bon Vie
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score

financed by Putin?


How nice. Golfers get to watch endangered birds get chopped up.

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All this talk about endangered birds and no one has once thought about the feelings of the poor turbines that have been traumatised by the killing of the birds.

And who exactly would kill 15 rabbits like this? Who would gain from sympathy/outrage created by news reports of 15 dead rabbits?

1) The windmill company looking to expand in the area?
2) Oil tycoons?
3) True huggers?
4) Hunters?
5) Chinese Solar Companies?

Occam's razor
Misguided at best. They are murdering rabbits to try and draw attention to the welfare of eagles because of the threat from turbines. Why does an eagle have more value than a rabbit? They both have the same value because they are both animals. All animals are equal.
Misguided at best. They are murdering rabbits to try and draw attention to the welfare of eagles because of the threat from turbines. Why does an eagle have more value than a rabbit? They both have the same value because they are both animals. All animals are equal.

Who is "they"? Animal activists? I don't see it. They would have to be exceedingly stupid animal activists to think dead rabbits being reported in the media would help the cause of endangered birds. I'm not buying it.
Misguided at best. They are murdering rabbits to try and draw attention to the welfare of eagles because of the threat from turbines. Why does an eagle have more value than a rabbit? They both have the same value because they are both animals. All animals are equal.

The sheep all start bleating "Four legs good, two legs bad! Four legs good, two legs bad!"

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.'
Who is "they"? Animal activists? I don't see it. They would have to be exceedingly stupid animal activists to think dead rabbits being reported in the media would help the cause of endangered birds. I'm not buying it.

My first thoughts were they were activists in high school trying to be clever. So yes, they might just be stupid.
How many lefty greenies mocked Trump over the Turbine - golf course thing? Funny how their story changes when it is them facing it.

Blue State Rejects Free Electricity To Avoid Seeing A Wind Farm

Put out the NIMBY alert for Maryland. This very blue state is, of course, largely onboard with the entire “keep it in the ground” movement to abandon fossil fuels and embrace renewable energy. Unless, of course, you want to generate any of that electricity within sight of the state’s tony coastal communities. In Ocean City, Maryland, an energy company called U.S. Wind has plans in place to develop the second largest wind farm in the country offshore there, taking advantage of the almost constant breezes which blow in off the Atlantic. The amount of renewable electricity it would generate would be impressive indeed.

There’s just one problem. The locals don’t want any wind turbines within thirty miles of the coast for fear that it might obstruct the view and cut into tourism. U.S. Wind tried to tempt them by offering to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into other community development projects as an incentive. The locals said no. The company offered to build in a guarantee that they would cover any unanticipated cost overruns so Ocean City wouldn’t be stuck with the tab. The natives still wouldn’t relent. The final offer was truly incredible. The developers offered to provide Ocean City with free electricity for the life of the wind farm.

Their response? Sorry. Still not interested. (Baltimore Sun)

Christ! You can put the turbine in my back yard if you give me free electricity for life! I'll even clean up the dead birds myself! :eek:
How many lefty greenies mocked Trump over the Turbine - golf course thing? Funny how their story changes when it is them facing it.

Blue State Rejects Free Electricity To Avoid Seeing A Wind Farm

Put out the NIMBY alert for Maryland. This very blue state is, of course, largely onboard with the entire “keep it in the ground” movement to abandon fossil fuels and embrace renewable energy. Unless, of course, you want to generate any of that electricity within sight of the state’s tony coastal communities. In Ocean City, Maryland, an energy company called U.S. Wind has plans in place to develop the second largest wind farm in the country offshore there, taking advantage of the almost constant breezes which blow in off the Atlantic. The amount of renewable electricity it would generate would be impressive indeed.

There’s just one problem. The locals don’t want any wind turbines within thirty miles of the coast for fear that it might obstruct the view and cut into tourism. U.S. Wind tried to tempt them by offering to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into other community development projects as an incentive. The locals said no. The company offered to build in a guarantee that they would cover any unanticipated cost overruns so Ocean City wouldn’t be stuck with the tab. The natives still wouldn’t relent. The final offer was truly incredible. The developers offered to provide Ocean City with free electricity for the life of the wind farm.

Their response? Sorry. Still not interested. (Baltimore Sun)

Christ! You can put the turbine in my back yard if you give me free electricity for life! I'll even clean up the dead birds myself! :eek:
They put a wind farm near the coast here too, and it's not a pretty sight no. But one thing these wind farm have as a pro: they can ALWAYS be broken down if we have something better. This world can be ruined only once (well, ruined for us that is, I don't doubt life will find a way).