Watergate 2.0 on 50th anniversary of Watergate 1.0


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Apr 2, 2005
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Stephen Colbert Staff Arrested In U.S. House Building, Were Snooping Near Offices Of GOP Members

U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) arrested a group of staffers who work for CBS’s “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” late on Thursday night after they allegedly illegally entered an office building for the U.S. House of Representatives and were snooping around offices belonging to Republican Members.

The group of nine individuals were arrested in the Longworth House Office Building after police had escorted them out of different building earlier in the day where they were looking to conduct interviews related to the January 6 committee hearings.

“However, the group surfaced later that night after the Capitol complex was closed to the public Fox is told they took pictures and video around the offices of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Lauren Boebert (R-CO),” Fox News correspondent Chad Pergram tweeted. “They were unescorted and arrested and charged with illegal entry. They were arrested near Boebert’s office.”

The nine individuals who were allegedly arrested included Jake Plunkett, Allison Martinez, Tyrone Dean, Stephen Romond, Nicoletta Green, Brendan Hurley, Robert Smigel, Josh Comers, and David Feldman.

“Robert Smigel is known for being the voice of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog,” Pergram noted. “He also produced short cartoons for Saturday Night Live’s ‘TV Funhouse.’”

Fox News host Jesse Watters claimed in a segment that Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Jake Auchincloss (D-MA) let Colbert’s staff in the building.

“On June 16, 2022, at approximately 8:30 p.m., U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) received a call for a disturbance in the Longworth House Office Building,” USCP said in a statement. “Responding officers observed seven individuals, unescorted and without Congressional ID, in a sixth-floor hallway.”

“The building was closed to visitors, and these individuals were determined to be a part of a group that had been directed by the USCP to leave the building earlier in the day,” the statement continued. “They were charged with Unlawful Entry. This is an active criminal investigation, and may result in additional criminal charges after consultation with the U.S. Attorney.”

They gained illegal entry and were arrested. I fully expect the Liberal Media to call this sedition and for there to be televised hearings for weeks. I also expect Joe Biden will go on TV and say "I am not a crook" before stepping down.
More info coming out:

INSURRECTION: Colbert Producers Caught by Police Invading US Capitol After Work Hours — Aided by Adam Schiff — Stalk and Harass US Lawmakers

On Thursday night several CBS employees who work for Colbert’s late-night show were arrested in the US Capitol, trespassing after hours, and HARASSING GOP lawmakers.

The US Capitol was closed at the time.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) let the insurrectionists in the building.

The group of leftist insurrectionists reportedly banged on doors of several Republican offices – including that of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, Jim Jordan of Ohio and Lauren Boebert of Colorado.

Shouldn’t these dangerous radicals be sitting in prison at this point? Or does it only work this way for Trump-supporters?

Tucker Carlson reported on this latest US Capitol break-in.


The group was cleared into the complex by staffers for Rep. Jake Auchincloss, D-Mass., and House January 6 Committee Member Adam Schiff, D-Calif.

The group reportedly banged on doors of several Republican offices – including that of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, Jim Jordan of Ohio and Lauren Boebert of Colorado — as they allegedly filmed a skit for Colbert’s “Late Show” program that was to center around the January 6 hearings.

Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill, the ranking member on the House Committee on Administration – which has jurisdiction over the Capitol Police and House chamber operations – told “Jesse Watters Primetime” Friday he will demand answers when Congress returns to session next week.

Davis noted the Colbert group visited the same buildings as those on Rep. Loudermilk’s,heavily-scrutinized January 5, 2021 tour.
yeah, 'cause a hand puppet is really a scary thing :rolleyes:

No less scary than random unarmed people in MAGA hats. Both groups had the doors opened and were escorted inside. Both groups went around knocking on doors. Lets at least be consistent. Most recent group had a guy with a hand puppet, the one before had a guy with horn-hat.
Ah, yes, good old Jake the Q Shaman, who you kept trying to tell us was an Antifa/Dem plant, even after that nonsense had been debunked. What a time to be alive that was.:lol:

The post above the one you linked to, you said:

Can't speak to that gentleman above

...and the post below the one you linked to:

The guy with the stupid hat with horns.

Nowhere in that link was I discussing the horn-hat guy. Even you acknowledged I misread your reply to mean the guy with the raised fist. Don't go Full CNN. No one likes when you go Full CNN.

If you search deep and wide, maybe just maybe you will find an example of me doubting the horn-hat guy's cred as a bonafide member of the Trump administration, but you didn't show it here and it certainly wasn't me "kept trying to tell you".

The post above the one you linked to, you said:

...and the post below the one you linked to:

Nowhere in that link was I discussing the horn-hat guy. Even you acknowledged I misread your reply to mean the guy with the raised fist. Don't go Full CNN. No one likes when you go Full CNN.

If you search deep and wide, maybe just maybe you will find an example of me doubting the horn-hat guy's cred as a bonafide member of the Trump administration, but you didn't show it here and it certainly wasn't me "kept trying to tell you".

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Look at the second link. You said, "As expected" then posted this:

Nowhere in that link was I discussing the horn-hat guy.
Except the above was after it was pointed out to you he wasn't anything to do with Antifa or a plant.
And your original reply was to my post laughing at Ann Coulter for thinking he was an Antifa plant. Why pick up on that if you agreed with me?
Apart from any of that, the guy you originally mentioned also turned out to not be anything remotely resembling your "soy boy" claims.
So yes, I'll concede that you didn't keep trying to tell us Jake was fake but you did on more than one occasion either claim or insinuate both Jake and the other lad were fake. You were wide of the mark. Neither were plants and both were full-on Trump-loving Q fans.
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But it could have caused representatives to feel unsafe. It could have caused them to fear for their lives and leave them with PTSD resulting in them weeping whenever recounting the trauma in front of cameras. (Remember, it's not intent but impact that counts!)
I GET that the Capitol police are nervous and on alert for anything and anyone hanging around the building.
But there's a HUGE difference between the mob that PLANNED storming the Capitol because dopey donny encouraged them. And a bunch of comedians filming a few funny skits for a TV show.

One MOB came specifically to KILL the vice president of the United States (and anyone else they could find) [Just listen to the chants of "FIND MIKE PENCE, FIND MIKE PENCE"... then "HANG MIKE PENCE".....]

I don't like pence but I'd NEVER try to kill him. I'm not a criminal or a murderer.

Because that MOB desecrated the Capitol physically and figuratively I'd be nervous visiting the building myself. I wouldn't want to be there if another bunch of lunatics try this again.
But there's a HUGE difference between the mob that PLANNED storming the Capitol because dopey donny encouraged them. And a bunch of comedians filming a few funny skits for a TV show.

One MOB came specifically to KILL the vice president of the United States (and anyone else they could find) [Just listen to the chants of "FIND MIKE PENCE, FIND MIKE PENCE"... then "HANG MIKE PENCE".....]
The idea that the mob were completely harmless is a convenient and perhaps necessary myth for those who cling to the fiction that Trump's behaviour that day wasn't dangerously reckless.
who cling to the fiction that Trump's behaviour that day wasn't dangerously reckless

Trump was not in the protestors, did not direct the protestors and did not open the doors and escort the protestors in. He even told them to go home in peace before the shenanigans started. There's a reason practically no one is watching the kangaroo court hearings to the point networks are switching to golf. Golf! People clinging to "worse than the civil war and 9/11 combined" are in the fringe minority.
People clinging to "worse than the civil war and 9/11 combined" are in the fringe minority.
I can't say I've come across anyone claiming that so it must be a tiny minority. None of that changes the fact that Trump's behaviour was reckless and contributed to events.
One MOB came specifically to KILL the vice president of the United States (and anyone else they could find) [Just listen to the chants of "FIND MIKE PENCE, FIND MIKE PENCE"... then "HANG MIKE PENCE".....]

I don't like pence but I'd NEVER try to kill him. I'm not a criminal or a murderer.

It's what you call fake news.

Shocker: FBI Has Still Not Identified Who Set Up the Fake Art “Gallows” on Jan. 6 or Arrested Anyone Chanting “Hang Mike Pence”

This was ridiculous and hearsay. For one, no one heard about the “hang Mike Pence” chants that day. There is ONE video of this happening. We have no idea who was behind the chants or if the video was doctored. And Liz Cheney made the claim based on hearsay and opinion. It was just another Cheney lie.

President Trump later came out on Truth Social and confirmed Liz Cheney was misleading the public once again.


The fake news mainstream media LOVES to replay video of “Trump supporters” allegedly chanting “hang Mike Pence.”

The fake news also LOVES to repost the picture of the mysterious gallows and noose that was erected near the US Capitol on January 6th. The media will not tell you or show that this was labeled “art” and was not intended for use. It was a display!



It's what you call fake news.

Shocker: FBI Has Still Not Identified Who Set Up the Fake Art “Gallows” on Jan. 6 or Arrested Anyone Chanting “Hang Mike Pence”

This was ridiculous and hearsay. For one, no one heard about the “hang Mike Pence” chants that day. There is ONE video of this happening. We have no idea who was behind the chants or if the video was doctored. And Liz Cheney made the claim based on hearsay and opinion. It was just another Cheney lie.

President Trump later came out on Truth Social and confirmed Liz Cheney was misleading the public once again.


The fake news mainstream media LOVES to replay video of “Trump supporters” allegedly chanting “hang Mike Pence.”

The fake news also LOVES to repost the picture of the mysterious gallows and noose that was erected near the US Capitol on January 6th. The media will not tell you or show that this was labeled “art” and was not intended for use. It was a display!



just stop embarrassing yourself
Talking to your mirror? Odd.
lame. I don't need mirrors.
I'm not a narcissist

we've seen the criminals invade the Capitol ON Jan 6th. My relatives in Europe were watching and PM'ed me with SHOCK. The whole freaking world knows what happened.
oh, and you can keep track of the criminals here:

lame. I don't need mirrors.
I'm not a narcissist

we've seen the criminals invade the Capitol ON Jan 6th. My relatives in Europe were watching and PM'ed me with SHOCK. The whole freaking world knows what happened.

Yes yes, we know. MAGA hat wearing Republicans burned DC nearly to the ground and caused billions in damage along with untold violent assaults w/ many deaths.

democrats DC burning.jpg

Oh wait, that was Democrats in 2020 and it was cheered on by Democrats.


How quick people (NPCs) act like this didn't happen for 4 years.
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Yes yes, we know. MAGA hat wearing Republicans burned DC nearly to the ground and caused billions in damage along with untold violent assaults w/ many deaths.

View attachment 2493

Oh wait, that was Democrats in 2020 and it was cheered on by Democrats.

View attachment 2494

How quick people (NPCs) act like this didn't happen for 4 years.
"New @ACLEDINFO data show that while more than 90% of demonstrations since #GeorgeFloyd's killing are peaceful, they're increasingly met with violence by government forces, non-state groups, and counter-demonstrators"


While the US has long been home to a vibrant protest environment, demonstrations surged to new levels in 2020. Between 24 May and 22 August, ACLED records more than 10,600 demonstration events across the country. Over 10,100 of these — or nearly 95% — involve peaceful protesters. Fewer than 570 — or approximately 5% — involve demonstrators engaging in violence. Well over 80% of all demonstrations are connected to the Black Lives Matter movement or the COVID-19 pandemic.

Research from the University of Washington indicates that this disparity stems from political orientation and biased media framing (Washington Post, 24 August 2020), such as disproportionate coverage of violent demonstrations (Business Insider, 11 June 2020; Poynter, 25 June 2020). Groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) have documented organized disinformation campaigns aimed at spreading a “deliberate mischaracterization of groups or movements [involved in the protests], such as portraying activists who support Black Lives Matter as violent extremists or claiming that antifa is a terrorist organization coordinated or manipulated by nebulous external forces” (ADL, 2020). These disinformation campaigns may be contributing to the decline in public support for the BLM movement after the initial increase following Floyd’s killing, especially amongst the white population (USA Today, 31 August 2020; Civiqs, 30 August 2020a, 30 August 2020b). This waning support also comes as the Trump administration recently shifted its “law and order” messaging to target local Democratic Party politicians from urban areas, particularly on the campaign trail (NPR, 27 August 2020).
Despite the media focus on looting and vandalism, however, there is little evidence to suggest that demonstrators have engaged in widespread violence. In some cases where demonstrations did turn violent, there are reports of agents provocateurs — or infiltrators — instigating the violence

The vast majority of the thousands of Black Lives Matter protests this summer have been peaceful, with more than 93% involving no serious harm to people or damage to property, according to a new report tracking political violence in the United States.
And there has been a troubling trend of violence and armed intimidation by individual actors, including dozens of car-ramming attacks targeting demonstrators across the country.
"New @ACLEDINFO data show that while more than 90% of demonstrations since #GeorgeFloyd's killing are peaceful, they're increasingly met with violence by government forces, non-state groups, and counter-demonstrators"


Yes yes, they "mostly peacefully" burned major blue cities to the ground and caused the most costly property damage in US history. You completely miss how this narrative fits entirely, much more so even, with what happened on 1/6/21, but is being framed entirely different. About 120,000 people went to the capital to protest on that day. That's only the number for the capital and not the number around the country. In total 865 people have been arrested for that day. Putting aside everything else and assuming all 865 are mustache swirling nefarious criminals, it still makes up 0.7% (less than 1%) of those at the capital that day, let alone around the country.

George Floyd riots were not the only organized terrorism during Trump's presidency. It was almost nonstop for 4+ years. Those events barely got mainstream news mentions and when they were they were framed like you just posted. The Jan6 event saw not a single person killed by a protestor. There were no millions in damages, let alone hundreds of billions in damages. The sham hearings are put in a prime time slot and produced by a Hollywood producer. They didn't even follow congressional rules when selecting speakers. The whole thing is a sham "Reality Show" brought to you by the same people who had dems believing in things like the "Trump pee pee tape", Russian collusion and so on. As the viewership numbers show, it's not working any longer. As it's not working they are getting increasing desperate with the midterms approaching.