Tracking the United States' national embarrassment.

You seem to miss the part where they tried quietly giving him blanket immunity for all past and future crimes.
And you seem to have missed the part that he was convicted. If Biden was as adept at pulling strings as the cranks claim he did for Trump's trial, Hunter would have walked. And still, no matter the outcome, it's always the deep state. Unless you mean another "they".
I suppose it must be comforting when everything that doesn't go the way we want can be blamed on the cabal. Partly explains Q.
And you seem to have missed the part that he was convicted.

Nope, I was referring to previous to actually going to full trial, when both sides were trying to illegally broker full blanket immunity for Hunter covering all past and future crimes. You weren't aware? I wasn't here at the time.

How DOJ, Hunter Biden lawyers tried to force judge’s hand in plea hearing

Published July 27, 2023

Hunter Biden’s defense team and federal prosecutors tried to slip the first son’s wrist-slap plea deal past a Delaware federal judge Wednesday, only to see their plan unravel when the jurist called out the agreement as flawed — and possibly unconstitutional.

Hunter, 53, was poised to admit to two misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay federal income taxes and enter a diversionary program on a felony weapons charge.

However, near the end of the diversionary agreement was a paragraph reading, in part, “The United States agrees not to criminally prosecute Biden, outside of the terms of this Agreement, for any federal crimes” committed by the first son for which the statute of limitations had not already expired.

The TLDR is that this was a step too far even for a hand selected judge and it all fell apart. The defense would not accept a plea without this illegal stipulation, thus it went to court.

BTW, I seem to remember people 'laugh react'ing to me sharing laptop photos of Hunter smoking crack and claiming it was obviously all Russian propaganda.

Tactics changed, crackhead Hunter had to take the fall while they ignore all the crimes by "The Big Guy" implicated on the laptop.

Who are "they"? Do you really think Joe is the acting president and there is not a circle of handlers/caretakers that parade him out on rare occasion, Weekend At Bernie's style?

I suppose it must be comforting when everything that doesn't go the way we want can be blamed on the cabal. Partly explains Q.

Huh? Hunter filmed himself smoking crack and never denied illegally applying for and owning a gun. Are you saying you are a Q follower now?
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Are you saying you are a Q follower now?
Yes, I believe Hillary was arrested in 2017 just as Q predicted.
Michelle Obama is a man pretending to be a woman.
Trump is, of course, not only innocent but the greatest president the USA has ever seen. I know it, you know it, and Q knows it.
He never diddled the books to cover up paying off the porn star he shagged around the time his wife was having a baby. In fact he never even shagged her, let alone paid her off. That was all made up by the cabal.
He never committed sexual assault either. Made up by the deep state
As for that "grab 'em by the pussy" stuff? Doctored audio again - he never said it. And even if he did, he didn't mean it.
The election was stolen from Trump because the cabal control the voting machines and are scared that, after the amazing swamp draining he completed during his first term, another 4 years would see their adrenochrome-drinking, face-eating, baby-raping antics exposed.
Despite this injustice, he never tacitly encouraged his knuckle-dragging followers to storm the capital. The audio is fake.
Nor did he twiddle his thumbs whilst people were dying during said incident.
In fact, he did everything in his power to stop it immediately, but was deliberately prevented from doing so by the cabal.
Nor did he ever express a preference for collective punishment.
When Biden rambles it's because he's a doddery old man.
When Trump rambles, he's not actually rambling but dropping coded 5D-chess breadcrumbs.
Because Trump is not only a good man, but the chosen one.

All this and more are things the Q followers believe. Of course, you wouldn't believe any of that rubbish, would you? :p
Yes, I believe Hillary was arrested in 2017 just as Q predicted.
Michelle Obama is a man pretending to be a woman.
Trump is, of course, not only innocent but the greatest president the USA has ever seen. I know it, you know it, and Q knows it.
He never diddled the books to cover up paying off the porn star he shagged around the time his wife was having a baby. In fact he never even shagged her, let alone paid her off. That was all made up by the cabal.
He never committed sexual assault either. Made up by the deep state
As for that "grab 'em by the pussy" stuff? Doctored audio again - he never said it. And even if he did, he didn't mean it.
The election was stolen from Trump because the cabal control the voting machines and are scared that, after the amazing swamp draining he completed during his first term, another 4 years would see their adrenochrome-drinking, face-eating, baby-raping antics exposed.
Despite this injustice, he never tacitly encouraged his knuckle-dragging followers to storm the capital. The audio is fake.
Nor did he twiddle his thumbs whilst people were dying during said incident.
In fact, he did everything in his power to stop it immediately, but was deliberately prevented from doing so by the cabal.
Nor did he ever express a preference for collective punishment.
When Biden rambles it's because he's a doddery old man.
When Trump rambles, he's not actually rambling but dropping coded 5D-chess breadcrumbs.
Because Trump is not only a good man, but the chosen one.

All this and more are things the Q followers believe. Of course, you wouldn't believe any of that rubbish, would you? :p

Michelle Obama is a man pretending to be a woman.

This is true.

He never diddled the books to cover up paying off the porn star he shagged around the time his wife was having a baby. In fact he never even shagged her, let alone paid her off.

Lots to unpack there, but you cannot tell what actual CRIME he committed. Tell me the actual CRIME, without Google. After Google, be ready to defend that alleged "crime". At that point, Google will not help you. I don't need Google.

When Biden rambles it's because he's a doddery old man.

He's one step from being Bernie from Weekend At Bernie's. He may barely have a pulse, but he's almost completely braindead. I guess you missed where where the Special Council declined to prosecute him because he is "an elderly man with a poor memory". Only in la-la land can someone be unfit to stand trial due to age related severe mental decline, but also be perfectly fit to be POTUS. Go ahead and try to defend this. It should be fun.

Do keep up Robert.
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Michelle Obama is a man pretending to be a woman.

No one will confuse Joan Rivers for a fringe right wing conspiracy theorist.

Joan Rivers Officiates a Gay Wedding in her Final ET Interview​

Entertainment Tonight

Joan Rivers: 'I'm The Queen Of The Gays'​

HuffPost Live

She slipped into a coma from "routine plastic surgery" weeks after this next clip and died a month later.

(Cant embed Rumble video)

Just listen to the 2 times Barack calls Michelle "Michael" at the beginning of the clip. (Hint, it's not the same as what the laughable "fact check" sites "debunk".

But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Find a single photo of a pregnant Michelle. Good luck.

BTW, people have been talking about this long before orangemanbad was in office. Quite funny how you fall hook, line and sinker to the talking point that it's a recent Q thing. Joan Rivers said the quiet part out loud shortly before her "unfortunate passing" in 2014. She was far from the first. There were rumblings for as long as he's been in the public eye.
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As you ignore what's right in your face.
When the entirety of your evidence amounts to a dead comedian said so, her husband misspoke, and you've never seen her pregnant?
:lol: do me a favour.

As for it predating Q - so does practically all of the conspiracy nonsense they parrot:
Vaccines cause autism
Georgia Guide Stones (now destroyed thanks to Q cranks)
Flat earth
Fake Moon Landings
Etc, etc, etc.

All from before Q.
All given oxygen by crackpot anons.
When the entirety of your evidence amounts to a dead comedian said so, her husband misspoke, and you've never seen her pregnant?
:lol: do me a favour.

As for it predating Q - so does practically all of the conspiracy nonsense they parrot:
Vaccines cause autism
Georgia Guide Stones (now destroyed thanks to Q cranks)
Flat earth
Fake Moon Landings
Etc, etc, etc.

All from before Q.
All given oxygen by crackpot anons.

Has your wife called you "Rhonda" by accident, on many occasions? You were the one who brought Q into this in a nonsensical way. It's probably becoming the new Godwin's Law for you.

BTW speaking of Godwin's Law, Hitler was a vegetarian towards the end of his life and would've been considered a vegan with today's terms. By your deductive reasoning, anyone who's either vegan or vegetarian is a Nazi.
You were the one who brought Q into this in a nonsensical way.
I don't see it as nonsensical. I see it as a valid comparison, uncannily so.
1. Make outlandish claim.
2. Produce flimsy "proof" to back up said claim, or some deliberately misleading tosh masquerading as proof.
3. Dismiss any evidence to the contrary as "mainstream" or "liberal".

You might not see the similarities but I can't unsee them. ;)
Not AI, not deep fake, not The Onion. This is your "president".

Perhaps he only looks that way because he's just shat himself again. Either that or he's dropping deep-state 5D-chess code-bombs. :p

More seriously, he was already too old 4 years ago. So was Trump. They're both another 4 years past it now. Watching and listening to either of them now is usually pitiful, with the occasional exception. A ludicrous situation for a country your size. And the only other option is RFK jr, who seems nuttier than the worst of the other two combined.
Perhaps he only looks that way because he's just shat himself again. Either that or he's dropping deep-state 5D-chess code-bombs. :p

More seriously, he was already too old 4 years ago. So was Trump. They're both another 4 years past it now. Watching and listening to either of them now is usually pitiful, with the occasional exception. A ludicrous situation for a country your size. And the only other option is RFK jr, who seems nuttier than the worst of the other two combined.

I actually agree with a lot of what RFK jr has been using as his public facing talking points. He doesn't ignore illegal things done during the shutdown and is strongly anti-war. Its the subjects he is avoiding talking about which I don't like. He's an extreme leftwing guy that happens to have a handful of stances that I and others agree with. I'd take him over Biden for sure, but not Trump.
Trump may only be 3 years younger than Joe Biden, but it might as well be 30 years.
Aye, Trump is completely stable. Here he is explaining the logic behind his opposition to electric vehicles. :confused:

It's just as amusing to me watching one side talk about Trump being senile, as it is watching the other side talk about Biden being senile. It's clear to anyone not choosing a side that neither of them are playing with a full deck. Both sides are all over social media with this just now and seemingly incapable of any self-awareness whatsoever.
‘What would happen if the boat sank from its weight, and you’re in the boat, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery’s now underwater, and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there?’
“By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that? Lot of sharks. I watched some guys justifying it today: ‘Well they weren’t really that angry, they bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were not hungry but they misunderstood who she was.’ These people are crazy. He said, ‘There’s no problem with sharks, they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming.’ No, really got decimated, and other people, too, a lot of shark attacks.
“So I said, ‘There’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards, or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking? Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?’ Because I will tell you, he didn’t know the answer.
“He said, ‘You know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.’ I said, ‘I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.’ But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark. So we’re going to end that, we’re going to end it for boats, we’re going to end it for trucks.”
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yeah, I heard felon45 say all that......what a wacko. The best part are people's reactions


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The first time I saw this clip I thought this should be done to Trump more often, e.g. his recent denials he said Clinton should be locked up. But then you think about if for half a second and realise that anyone still voting for Trump by this stage doesn't care about truth.
In the future there will only be Gileads. Only religious groups will be having children. Every culture that doesn't make child creation a sacred duty will go extinct (as they always have).