Tracking the United States' national embarrassment.


Which of the 10 Commandments do you disagree with? Just curious.
Which of the 10 Commandments do you disagree with? Just curious.
It's not about disagreeing with individual commandments, more forcing Christianity on everyone.
On top of that, the ten can vary depending on who is pushing them.
Nonetheless, if we're going with the list below, I have no truck with 1, 3 & 4, for reasons which I'd hope are pretty obvious given I'm atheist.


Regardless, even if I agreed with all of them, I wouldn't agree with displaying them in public buildings.

As an aside, if I'm correct in inferring from your question that you agree with all ten, how do you go about enforcing no. 4?
Here in Scotland, the Western Isles communities still enforce it (or try to). If you're in Stornaway on a Sunday, no shops or bars are open, no public transport. No one is allowed to do anything - can't go fishing, can't play sports, can't hang laundry out to dry. What ends up happening is the young folk shut their curtains and get drunk because there is absolutely nothing else to do. You're not allowed to get drunk either, which is why they have to draw the drapes.
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As an aside, if I'm correct in inferring from your question that you agree with all ten, how do you go about enforcing no. 4

As an agnostic it doesn't move the needle for me one way or the other. I don't feel threatened by the list existing and don't think the act of the list existing means any sort of law enforcement of them. It being posted to walls of public schools would be so far down my "give a shit" list, it's probably not even on the page. Towards the top of the list are things like schools not actually teaching real life skills or thinking. Also near the top of the list is the pedophilic pipeline of the American public school system, from grooming to the actual sexual assault of children.

For some reason there is this fervent rejection of any sort of reference to anything Judeo-Christian, but only Judeo-Christian. Anything Muslim is OK, but Paganism is often openly practiced.

As for the Sabbath, I'm married to someone who is now a practicing Christian and who genuinely tries to abide by original scripture. The Sabbath is indeed supposed to be Saturday, like Jews practice. She doesn't cook or do manual labor from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. It doesn't impact my life at all, except maybe I make my own meal one day.

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Isn't it odd how the Catholic Church kiddy diddling scandal was (rightfully) such big news, but the public school kiddy diddling scandal is almost completely ignored despite being a far bigger scandal.
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Anything Muslim is OK
I'm not aware of any law passed making verses from the Quran on public building compulsory. If there is any such law, I'm equally opposed to it.
As for the Sabbath, I'm married to someone who is now a practicing Christian and who genuinely tries to abide by original scripture. The Sabbath is indeed supposed to be Saturday, like Jews practice. She doesn't cook or do manual labor from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. It doesn't impact my life at all, except maybe I make my own meal one day.
That's a one-couple personal choice. In the Western Isles you don't have that choice. If you're not Christian, tough tittie, you still don't get to do anything on a Sunday.
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Isn't it odd how the Catholic Church kiddy diddling scandal was (rightfully) such big news, but the public school kiddy diddling scandal is almost completely ignored despite being a far bigger scandal.
Different over here. In Scotland the Catholic church is very much a protected and promoted species these days. We recently had a government sanctioned enquiry into child abuse in Scottish sporting institutions and the most popular sport in the country, football, was specifically not included. There was no explanation why but it just so happened that at the same time one of the biggest football clubs in the country was being sued in a class action over historic child abuse. That club has very close ties to the church. Purely coincidental I'm sure and nothing sinister.

Another weird quirk of Scotland is that if you train as a school teacher, you can specifically request to only be placed in Catholic schools for idealogical reasons. You cannot, however, request to not be placed in a Catholic schools. There is no other religion that gets such leverage. Not muslim, not jewish and not protestant. Only Catholic.

Despite all of the above, the prevailing conventional wisdom in Scotland is that Catholicism is persecuted and unfairly treated. Utterly bizarre but there you go.
But can you mock it, or mock the Prophet?

Also there cannot be any voluntary Judeo-Christian bible study, wearing of crosses / Star Of David etc, but burkas are OK as is prayer rugs, praying to the east etc. Basically only Christians and Jews (if present) are barred from existing. Anything else is fair game.
But can you mock it, or mock the Prophet?
Another travesty but not currently enshrined in any of our laws (that I'm aware of) and your question implies that a valid response to such religious idiocy is legislation decreeing more religious idiocy.
Another travesty but not currently enshrined in any of our laws (that I'm aware of) and your question implies that a valid response to such religious idiocy is legislation decreeing more religious idiocy.
I thin you actually are in potential legal jeopardy in Scotland if you mock the prophet. Your new Hate Crime Act has language aimed at criminalizing language that could be considered inflammatory or offensive on the subjective say so of protected groups that hear those utterances (or who may be exposed to them at a later time) and that Islamophobia is a grounds for prosecution and that all of the Scottish parties have accepted the following formal definition of Islamophobia (which sounds like it's come straight out of a first year college -ism course):

“Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.”

which is, probably not by accident, a highly malleable non-definition kind of definition. You are already living in a theocracy. This sort of law is a noose you are told you don't have to worry about because your government would never do anything like that - but you are already standing on the trap door and that government is not YOUR government. No matter how you vote, the direction of the policies is always the same.
I thin you actually are in potential legal jeopardy in Scotland if you mock the prophet. Your new Hate Crime Act has language aimed at criminalizing language that could be considered inflammatory or offensive on the subjective say so of protected groups that hear those utterances
This was already possible before the farcical new act (which will probably be repealed when the SNP are no longer in charge). As has been discussed on here before, people have had prison terms for such as far back as a decade ago, although, once again, it is almost always Catholicism that receives such "protection", rather than islam. Back in 2008 you had public figures, including a politician who has recently been found to have fraudulently claimed £11k+ in expenses, demanding anyone singing the Hokey-Cokey is arrested for "anti-Catholic bigotry".
You are already living in a theocracy.
Have been since I was a child. Scotland has always been a basket case when it comes to religion.
Again though, I fail to see how existing religious idiocy in Scotland justifies or excuses new religious idiocy in the US.
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She's one I can't figure out if pure evil or just the intelligence of a slug. Can a slug also be evil? She gets away with saying the absolute most inflammatory and violent things, because she's a mentally challenged fringe left black woman.

Maxine Waters claims Trump has called for 'civil war' if he doesn't win back presidency in 2024

“I’m concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of color."

Not reported by a single mainstream outlet. Imagine if Matt Gaetz or god forbid Marjorie Taylor Greene said something like this about Biden? They'd be in Guantanamo already.
When Biden rambles it's because he's a doddery old man.

CNN (Clinton News Network): Biden’s debate performance sets off alarm bells for Democrats

WashingtonCNN —
President Joe Biden’s debate performance has set off alarm bells among top Democrats, leaving some to openly question whether Biden can stay atop of the Democratic ticket.

“He seemed a little disoriented. He did get stronger as the debate went on. But by that time, I think the panic had set in,” longtime Democratic operative and CNN senior political commentator David Axelrod said.

Axelrod also gave voice to a conversation happening among many Democrats on Thursday night: “There are going to be discussions about whether he should continue.”

Should be a wakeup alarm for ya.
Robert said:
When Biden rambles it's because he's a doddery old man.

“He seemed a little disoriented. He did get stronger as the debate went on."

Should be a wakeup alarm for ya.
For me? Because Biden rambled exactly like the doddery old man I said he was? I'm assuming you're getting at something else but, if so, you'll have to explain it to this doddery old man.
Robert said:

For me? Because Biden rambled exactly like the doddery old man I said he was? I'm assuming you're getting at something else but, if so, you'll have to explain it to this doddery old man.

Here's the whole context. You included it in your mockery of Q-Anon.

Yes, I believe Hillary was arrested in 2017 just as Q predicted.
Michelle Obama is a man pretending to be a woman.
Trump is, of course, not only innocent but the greatest president the USA has ever seen. I know it, you know it, and Q knows it.
He never diddled the books to cover up paying off the porn star he shagged around the time his wife was having a baby. In fact he never even shagged her, let alone paid her off. That was all made up by the cabal.
He never committed sexual assault either. Made up by the deep state
As for that "grab 'em by the pussy" stuff? Doctored audio again - he never said it. And even if he did, he didn't mean it.
The election was stolen from Trump because the cabal control the voting machines and are scared that, after the amazing swamp draining he completed during his first term, another 4 years would see their adrenochrome-drinking, face-eating, baby-raping antics exposed.
Despite this injustice, he never tacitly encouraged his knuckle-dragging followers to storm the capital. The audio is fake.
Nor did he twiddle his thumbs whilst people were dying during said incident.
In fact, he did everything in his power to stop it immediately, but was deliberately prevented from doing so by the cabal.
Nor did he ever express a preference for collective punishment.
When Biden rambles it's because he's a doddery old man.
When Trump rambles, he's not actually rambling but dropping coded 5D-chess breadcrumbs.
Because Trump is not only a good man, but the chosen one.

All this and more are things the Q followers believe. Of course, you wouldn't believe any of that rubbish, would you? :p

I hope that helps.
Obama still backs him.

There's probably a lot of shady things those two did together and he and the machine need someone "motivated" to keep a lid on things.

Having the debate was a mistake though - perhaps sabotage, though the Dems may have deluded themselves into thinking Joe had more juice than he does. This is a Toto moment - the curtain is pulled and the great Oz is just a sad old man.
Libtards and normies are "shocked" to see old Joe has end stage dementia. No one could have possibly seen this coming right :rolleyes: It's almost as if you beg to be lied to, you will get lied to. The Liberal Media despite calling for Brandon to stand down are still claiming Trump is the one who lied on the debate stage :lol: Anyhow...

‘Humiliation’: President stands ‘frozen with his mouth agape’ as Jill Biden speaks for him​

Jill Biden is the puppet master, that's becoming clear. For at least day to day decisions, Jill is the one in charge.
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Obama still backs him.

I've heard from a few pretty reliable sources that behind the curtain Obama has never liked Joe and is privately telling him to not run.

This is going to be interesting. I'd imagine it's going to have to be a brokered convention with Joe being swapped out for some random empty suit like Newsom. I'm just not sure if they can do that at this point. I'm hearing some key states have laws that will prevent a replacement from being on the ballot due to not being filed on time. Heck, there is so many moving parts that I can only imagine this will be a total sh*t show. Or worse...

Joe Biden Makes Another Gaffe in White House Address, Reads ‘End of Quote’ from Teleprompter

He also refused to take questions from the press as he left the podium.

Biden, however, sparked mockery because he appeared to be wearing makeup that made him look orange, a color associated with former President Donald Trump’s iconic television career.

:lol: :lol: :lol: