Tracking the United States' national embarrassment.

Not sure who should be most embarrassed by this but why does it always seem to be child pornography?

From what you posted and a quick internet search, it's about as clear as mud. Supposedly he had pics of a 17 year old on his phone. Granted I didn't dig very deep, what I did read seems he's maybe a garden variety creep. Maybe paid a 17 year old girl over a payment app for pics when he was 24. He was supposedly set to plead guilty. It seems defecting to join the Russian army is a bit of an extreme. While a creep and would be registered as an offender, it seems to be a case he could probably get expunged down the road. Doesn't sound like a lifetime offender registry?

Maybe this creep being a p3d0 goes even deeper than the pics. As mentioned, defecting to join the Russian army seems extreme.
From what you posted and a quick internet search, it's about as clear as mud. Supposedly he had pics of a 17 year old on his phone. Granted I didn't dig very deep, what I did read seems he's maybe a garden variety creep. Maybe paid a 17 year old girl over a payment app for pics when he was 24. He was supposedly set to plead guilty. It seems defecting to join the Russian army is a bit of an extreme. While a creep and would be registered as an offender, it seems to be a case he could probably get expunged down the road. Doesn't sound like a lifetime offender registry?

Maybe this creep being a p3d0 goes even deeper than the pics. As mentioned, defecting to join the Russian army seems extreme.
That does seem extreme if it's the only skeleton in the closet. He apparently also said he thought she was 22. I know, "he would say that," etc, but the fact that's even a potential excuse does make it seem weird he'd rather leave altogether and quite possibly be dead soon.

GETTING READY: Anti-Wall Democratic Party Erects 10-Foot Wall Around DNC, Gets Roasted on X [SEE IT]

CBS News Chicago covered the wall construction.


100,000 anti-Israel protesters are migrating to Chicago this week to protest Kamala Harris and the Democratic party.

Rules for thee, not for me! 100,00 protestors for "the most popular unelected primary candidate evar!!!11".
The Democrat National Convention is already a total clown show. The Democratic Party's platform literally calls for reelecting Joe Biden.

Democrats Release Party Platform in Chicago: Calls for Reelecting Joe Biden

The Democratic Party released its official platform on Sunday night, to be voted on at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois — and it calls for reelecting President Joe Biden, who was still the candidate at the time the document was finalized in mid-July.

President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats are running to finish the job,” it says.

Read the full, 91-page document here.
Amazing restraint shown by plod here. Try that level of abuse towards plod at a UK football match and you'll find out pretty damn quick. And I'm not even sure that's the most embarrassing thing :D :

Dems "protesting" and rioting against their own convention, yet we're supposed to believe the party is unified and Kamala is the "most popular primary candidate ever", but that could go in the propaganda thread.

Oh yeah, some leftwing "news" outlets are blaming Republicans for this.

Fact Check: Biden Claims Credit for 500,000 EV Stations, but Only 8 Were Built

CLAIM: “Creating hundreds of thousands of jobs in clean energy for American workers, including the IBEW installing 500,000—500,000—charging stations all across America.”

VERDICT: MOSTLY FALSE. They built eight, as of May.

President Joe Biden claimed credit Monday night for building 500,000 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, as part of the bipartisan infrastructure bill. The reality is that as of May 2024, two and-a-half years after the bill was passed, only eight of the charging stations had been built.
"Mostly False" <--- Only off by 99.9984% :lol:

Dems are soo desperate to be lied to in the absolute most ridiculous ways.
Anyone saying it wasn't a coup at this point isn't very smart. Actually they're quite dumb. Sitting president, allegedly legitimate one, gets forced out, relegated to night one of the convention, then not allowed to take the stage until almost midnight.

In the name of the wee man, what is going on here? I'll say one thing for you crazy yanks, you put a lot more razzmatazz into your political party conferences than we in the UK
In the name of the wee man, what is going on here? I'll say one thing for you crazy yanks, you put a lot more razzmatazz into your political party conferences than we in the UK

Your average Dem voter doesn't form their own opinion by research and careful consideration. They go by feelings and what their favorite person from pop culture tells them to do. Even those feelings are formed by themes and messaging in TV shows, movies, pop music etc.
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Amazing restraint shown by plod here. Try that level of abuse towards plod at a UK football match and you'll find out pretty damn quick. And I'm not even sure that's the most embarrassing thing :D :
That depends on what you're protesting and whether you're a gammon of course. In the clip above plod is in a bit of a pickle coz buddy's slapped on a pair of tits and now he's a womanand you wouldn't hit a woman, would you?
In the name of the wee man, what is going on here? I'll say one thing for you crazy yanks, you put a lot more razzmatazz into your political party conferences than we in the UK
Don't re-watch "Idiocracy". It's depressing.