Tracking the United States' national embarrassment.

With that definition of abortion

First link was an abortion doctor who killed babies after live birth. The 2nd link discusses the fight for post-birth abortions and is even coming from a mostly pro abortion slant. Your post had a guy claiming to pay for anyone to point out one instance. I did that with the first link. Extreme example or not, that's why I said "too easy".

BTW, have you ever known someone who worked in an abortion mill? Botched abortions that end with live birth of a viable baby is not all that uncommon. What Gosnell did is not isolated.

‘Dance You Monkey’: Emails Show Biden Clean Air Official Took Commands From Chemical Lobbyist

The day the Senate confirmed Joe Goffman, he texted lobbyist Rich Gold 'Will I ever be able to thank you enough?'

President Joe Biden announced his intent to nominate Joe Goffman to lead the EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation on March 8, 2022. That same day, Goffman wrote to Rich Gold, a major Democratic donor and Holland & Knight lobbyist who represents clients including the American Chemistry Council, oil and gas companies, and the timber industry, to thank him.

“It’s live,” Goffman said of the job announcement, text messages reviewed by The Daily Wire show. “Will I ever be able to thank you enough?”

“Gotta get good people in these jobs,” the lobbyist said. “And need to chat next steps.”

Goffman said he would call the lobbyist “tomorrow morning so I can give you a heads up about something.”

Messages between Goffman and Gold, obtained by the watchdog group Functional Government Initiative under the Freedom of Information Act and shared with The Daily Wire, suggest that Goffman did pay the favor back. In the ensuing months, Goffman shared intimate information about dynamics within the EPA, and in one case promised to “pull a rabbit out of the hat” for Gold.
First link was an abortion doctor who killed babies after live birth. The 2nd link discusses the fight for post-birth abortions and is even coming from a mostly pro abortion slant.
By definition, killing after birth is not an abortion. It seems he (and you) is actually arguing that six states allow the legal killing of a newborn child, rather than abortion. Setting aside the semantics, which six states is that legal in and how are these executions administered?
Your post had a guy claiming to pay for anyone to point out one instance. I did that with the first link.
Wasn't the point of my post but after birth is not an abortion.
By definition, killing after birth is not an abortion. It seems he (and you) is actually arguing that six states allow the legal killing of a newborn child, rather than abortion. Setting aside the semantics, which six states is that legal in and how are these executions administered?

Wasn't the point of my post but after birth is not an abortion.
Partial birth abortion is a thing though.
I question the wisdom of highlighting the incoherent ramblings of a man clearly-too-old-to-run-for-president, when the only person left running for president that spews incoherent ramblings of a man clearly-too-old-to-run-for-president is the candidate you want to win.
Then again, perhaps why I'm not a political strategist.
I question the wisdom of highlighting the incoherent ramblings of a man clearly-too-old-to-run-for-president

It's one of the biggest political coverups and hoaxes in the history of the country. That coverup and hoax being that Biden was "sharp as a whip" and any suggestion otherwise was a conspiracy theory. The media ran propaganda to prop up that hoax as did every Democrat politician, along with most Republican ones too. Even on this site some of ya'll would laugh react if I pointed it out, insinuating like you are here that Biden's late stage Dementia was no different than Trump's self aggrandizing. There is no equivalency. The same people who called it a conspiracy theory that his brain is made of tapioca, were the same ones claiming the debate with Trump was the first time ever he has shown deficiencies.

The FDR health coverup was just as bad, but his health problems weren't mental capacity related just physical. The propaganda now is even more thorough. The Liberal Media (4th branch of government under Democrats) simultaneously claim that both A) Biden's presidency was the greatest one ever, while at the same time B) Kamala will fix everything horribly broken under Biden if elected.

Don't try to make false equivalencies where they don't exist.
Don't try to make false equivalencies where they don't exist.
There is currently only one person left running for president who regularly rambles all over the map in barely coherent word-salads and is clearly too old to be president. There is no false equivalence in stating that fact.
That person is Kamala Harris.

Sure it is. Here she is, rambling all over the map, verbatim from just the other night:
She destroyed the city of San Francisco, it’s — and I own a big building there — it’s no — I shouldn’t talk about this but that’s OK I don’t give a damn because this is what I’m doing. I should say it’s the finest city in the world — sell and get the hell out of there, right? But I can’t do that. I don’t care, you know? I lost billions of dollars, billions of dollars. You know, somebody said, ‘What do you think you lost?’ I said, ‘Probably two, three billion. That’s OK, I don’t care.’ They say, ‘You think you’d do it again?’ And that’s the least of it. Nobody. They always say, I don’t know if you know. Lincoln was horribly treated. Uh, Jefferson was pretty horribly. Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all, that he was treated worse than any other president. I said, ‘Do that study again, because I think there’s nobody close to Trump.’ I even got shot! And who the hell knows where that came from, right?
Oh, hang on, that wasn't Harris.
And what about her age? Didn't someone say something about false equivalence?
Sure it is. Here she is, rambling all over the map, verbatim from just the other night:

Oh, hang on, that wasn't Harris.
And what about her age? Didn't someone say something about false equivalence?
Definitely not reading the teleprompter.
I finished watching the Lex Fridman interview with Trump last night. I think this is worth a watch whether you like him or not,
although I doubt it will change any minds. It's very softball but what little pushback Lex does give results in some revealing details from Trump. For instance, near the beginning he acknowledges that in the end he "lost by a whisker". This is the first time I've heard him admit he actually lost, rather than "it was stolen". He subsequently rows back on it so, depending on your perspective, you may see that as anything from a misspoken-senile-blooper to a refreshing admission.
This qualifies.

House Panel Subpoenas Walz In COVID Fraud Probe

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, the Democratic Party’s vice presidential nominee, has been subpoenaed as part of a Republican-led congressional investigation into the fraudulent use of COVID relief funds.

The House Education and the Workforce Committee is seeking documents related to the Minnesota Department of Education’s (MDE) administration of federal child nutrition programs (FCNP).

At issue is how the Minnesota-based nonprofit Feeding Our Future (FOF) was implicated in what the Department of Justice (DOJ) described as a $250 million fraud scheme that “exploited” an operation meant to feed hungry kids in need during the COVID pandemic.

“As the chief executive and the highest ranking official in the state of Minnesota, you are responsible for the MDE and its administration of FCNPs,” Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) wrote in a cover letter to Walz.

“Statements in the press by you and your representatives indicate that you and other executive officers were involved, or had knowledge of, MDE’s administration of the FCNP and responsibilities and actions regarding the massive fraud,” she added.

The committee also sent subpoenas for documents to MDE Commissioner Willie Jett, Agriculture Secretary Thomas Vilsack, and Agriculture Department Inspector General Phyllis Fong. Walz and the others received a September 18 deadline.

Vice President Kamala Harris picked Walz as her running mate in the 2024 presidential race in early August, but the House GOP’s inquiry into FOF and efforts to obtain documents from Minnesota officials dates back to last year.

In 2022, federal prosecutors announced charges against dozens of defendants linked to FOF in what the DOJ described at the time as being “the largest COVID-19 fraud scheme in the nation.”

In June of this year, U.S. Attorney Andrew Lugar announced that five defendants had been convicted by a federal jury, and a total of 23 individuals had been “held accountable” for their roles in the $250 million fraud scheme.

Democrat = Criminal
Criminal = Democrat