Tracking the United States' national embarrassment.

I remember when Matt Taibi called Goldman Sachs a vampire squid after its role in the crash of 2008. For that he was labelled anti-semitic. This is how the game works. The success of this sort of orchestrated "racial immunity" even inspired mobster Joseph Colombo to found the Italian-American Civil Rights League which went round denouncing anyone blaming crime on the mafia or the mob as anti-Italian racism. It's just a way of turning the overwhelming law abiding majority of a religious or ethnic cohort into unwitting human shields. In the same way, blaming terrorism on Islamic terror groups is Islamophobic. Only white guys can be bad. Pointing out other people's crooks is racist.
So poor old Laura Loomer simply fell for "the game"? Perhaps, as I suggested in my original post, you should tell her instead of me. And what about Marge? You seem to like her. Is she a victim here too, falling for the trap of "smells like curry" being racist? Is that how "the game" works?
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Two of the biggest nutters have fallen out:
"You're a racist!"
"Well, you're an antisemite and a slut"

Jewish Space Lasers are back! Perhaps someone on here can explain to her that citing anti-semitic tropes like the Rothschild family is apparently not really anti-semitic. :p
Wait a minute.. is this the real reason mad Marge is upset? :jerry:
Wait a minute.. is this the real reason mad Marge is upset?
So poor old Laura Loomer simply fell for "the game"? Perhaps, as I suggested in my original post, you should tell her instead of me. And what about Marge? You seem to like her. Is she a victim here too, falling for the trap of "smells like curry" being racist? Is that how "the game" works?
The "game" is yelling "ist" and "phobe" and people who disagree with you. It's a ginned up ad-hominem. But, because it is fueled by a lot of no-thought moralizing in large, what are effectively faith groups, it can be easily used to whip up virtual and real lynchings. Salman Rushdee and Charlie Hebdo are extreme examples but the mechanism is transferable to other ideologies.
The "game" is yelling "ist" and "phobe" and people who disagree with you. It's a ginned up ad-hominem. But, because it is fueled by a lot of no-thought moralizing in large, what are effectively faith groups, it can be easily used to whip up virtual and real lynchings. Salman Rushdee and Charlie Hebdo are extreme examples but the mechanism is transferable to other ideologies.
That "game" has existed for as long as I can remember but it doesn't mean prejudice based on characteristics doesn't exist. One of my earliest memories is of being beaten up at 5 years old for being "a wee orange bastard" because some "big guys" (probably aged 7 or 8 but they were big to me) thought I was a Protestant. I wasn't a Protestant but I followed the "proddy" football team and that was enough. It was an early lesson in group-think, prejudice and, indeed, "ists". Not a lot has changed since then other than the web. People are tribal and this often leads to othering. For example, the last 11 months has shown othering of Scottish Jews like I've never seen before. Does this mean that criticism of Israel is anti-semitic? Of course not, the government there have been utter cunts for decades. Nonetheless, straight-up Jew hatred is now widely accepted and "The Rothschild Family" is a favourite trope for a lot of those doing the othering.
Fable? It's the lyrics to the classic soul track. I have this on vinyl and still play it from time to time. It's one of my all time favourites.

Undoubtedly something along those lines.

Interesting, I didn't know that. I don't know where but I've heard it in spoken form before. Maybe my time in Catholic school.
Interesting, I didn't know that. I don't know where but I've heard it in spoken form before. Maybe my time in Catholic school.
I think I've heard Trump recite the lyrics before so it might be that.