Tracking the United States' national embarrassment.

This could be quite juicy if it's true. Haven't had time to properly look into it yet.

I heard about this and thought about posting, but figured it would be blown off as a "conspiracy theory". I had already heard this was going to happen before the event even happened. I think anyone objective who watched the whole thing live would think the exact same thing while watching. The "moderators" argued with Trump directly and didn't challenge Kamala even once, despite repeating things debunked by leftwing entities like Snopes. Everything Kamala did was scripted and rehearsed in the week leading up to the "debate". Pretty easy to do if you have 5-7+ days knowing the questions in advance and a team to bring you up to speed as an actress. Trump OTOH had to be off the cuff in a 3 on 1.

I doubt anything will come of this, unless Trump actually gets in office at which point it will be framed as retaliation.

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Dems as always are desperate to be lied to, even if it means getting evicted for not being able to afford rent, or going without healthy food due to extreme Bidenflation.
