i was one of the "lucky ones" assigned to this task.... another soldier and i were in the parking lot guiding the forklift under the pallet that was on the truck. i saw something out of the corner of my eye, and turned my head. she was strolling across the parking lot with another female soldier, and they stopped where we were. we had our field shirts off so we had no name tags on. she said "which one of you is bentham?", to which i replied "thatd be me." "we are here to help" she said, and they removed their field shirts and grabbed brooms. as we began, susan made it a point to be working near where i was, and frequently she would tangle her push broom up in mine and then giggle, flashing a wry smile. i pretended "the mission" was more important, mostly because i was shy around girls. that only seemed to make her flirt more. she asked me if i lived in hays and all of the other questions you'd think soldiers ask each other,"mos, when do you go to basic, and where?" which i answered, but i couldn't hardly look at her because i knew i'd wind up staring at her. i told her i lived on a farm. she pried for more details. "what kind of farm? and where?" so i told her. more sweeping. more flirting. an nco came over inspected that tent and we rolled it up. and readied for the next one. she sidled up next to me as i sat on the finished tent, waiting for the lift driver to unload the next tent... i felt awkward and clumsy... i tried not to say too much without thinking it through because she was incredibly beautiful, smart and funny. i couldn't tell if she was actually interested in me, or just messing around. i was leaving for basic in a few weeks and wouldn't see her until i got back so i decided even if she was interested, i probably did not need to start something, just as im leaving. i tried to cool things down. more sweeping. more broom fights. more smiles. more giggles. the tents were done and it was almost time for closing formation. everyone milled about waiting for the cmmdr to show up in the back lot. i scanned the group hoping to see her one last time, to no avail. formation was called, notices were made, and then we were dismissed. i walked back out to the parking lot. my mind was distracted. so badly in fact that i was bumping into other people because i couldn't walk and daydream about her at the same time. i was happy and sad all at the same time. i reached for the door handle and then a familiar voice stopped me"hey you". i turned, it was her. her hair was down, head tilted to the side just a bit. shoulder length, beautiful auburn hair glimmering in the 5 oclock sun. "a bunch of us are going to McGreevy's for beers, would you wanna come with us?" she walked right up to me and was standing with her face not a foot away from my mine, as i looked into those eyes i felt my heart sank as my brain reminded me i was only 16, and i still had cows to milk. "i can't i said, the real world is a calling me". she said," well maybe when youre done you can come out and play?" "maybe..." i said in a tone that im sure implied unlikely. "well" she said"see you later", only she didnt move. "bye then" i replied not moving either. and we just looked into each others eyes. without sounding like too much of a schmuck, there is a point when you meet certain people that you have a connection with and when you are both realizing it at same moment in time it is both entrancing and transcending. i wanted to kiss her so bad i couldn't stand it. i believe she would have let me. fortunately one of the people she was going out with hollered for her, so i didn't have to find out. "see you around sometime" and she kinda did a skip as she went away. i needed a shower and to get the cows milked. i headed home.