Fake News

As a sort of balance to some other news that seems to be popular right now.

I think that would actually go better in the Globalism thread. It is no accident that you can't hardly turn on the TV without seeing the "Russian Collusion" narrative being pushed hard. Same thing with the Parkland shooting. They are only showing sobbing kids demanding gun-grabbing.They aren't showing the affected kids who are against gun confiscation. People who don't understand their "news" is all 100% fake are sheep, total sheep. That goes for your local news, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, all of them. They all have an agenda, and our well being is not on their agenda.


John Carpenter Looks Back on ‘They Live': 'It's Not Science Fiction. It's a Documentary'
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And they don't like being called fake news?
All I have to say is that this sort of thing seems to work. The media paints every counterculture movement as Hitler and much of the public parrots it straight back. It's the same for everything - Syria, Iraq, Libya, Russia, Vemezuella, etc.
attributing “disturbing” photos of migrant detention centers to President Donald Trump — before discovering the photos were taken during Obama’s second term [/MEDIA]

Nice to know nothing "disturbing" like this will be allowed under Trump, isn't it?
Nice to know nothing "disturbing" like this will be allowed under Trump, isn't it?

I think it should be quite telling to you that the Liberal Media is reduced to blaming Trump for things Obama did.

Melania Trump Is Hiding Because She’s Being Abused, Suggests ‘Rolling Stone’ Writer Jamil Smith

Melania Trump is “hiding” because she’s been the victim of domestic abuse and doesn’t want the world to see – at least, that’s the suggestion made by Rolling Stone writer Jamil Smith. However, as Yahoo News reports, there’s absolutely zero evidence to support that claim.

As Yahoo News reports, Smith, the senior writer at the venerable magazine, suggested in a tweet Monday that the first lady is being abused and is in hiding.
Brzezinski Says Source Tells Her Donald Trump Is ‘Upset’ He Can’t Watch Porn in the White House

Thursday on MSNBC, “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski claimed a source in the White House told her President Donald Trump is “upset” he cannot watch porn in the White House.

“I know someone who spoke to Donald Trump recently about life in the White House, and Donald Trump’s biggest complaint was that he’s not allowed to watch porn in the White House. So, there you go. There’s a little bit of news for you. He’s upset that he can’t watch porn in the White House,” Brzezinski said.
I can totally see how that would happen. I'm sure that porn is not allowed through the public internet filters used there. Outside direct connections are not allowed inside the restricted areas, either. So, yeah, if you're in the White House, even on your own personal time, you still can't browse anything outside direct control and filtering. Even when decidedly NOT acting as President. Bummer for him. Maybe he should just get some more interns? Worked for Bill. lol
If that's your biggest complaint - you're probably doing pretty well - and you're probably pulling someone's leg!

Your thoughts and ilwrath's thoughts are essentially the same as mine. It's entirely possible he made an off the cuff joke to someone. The problem is MSNBC being MSNBC ran with it and claimed in all seriousness it is his biggest complaint, in the same conversation as implying him having some illegal wrongdoing with Stormy Daniels.

OTOH Trump will be 72 years old one week from today and he is married to Melania. I have a hard time seeing pr0n being a a major concern. I have to question whether MSNBC just made this up completely. It is possible he did jokingly, but certainly not the way they frame it.

I also find it funny how they will praise porn star Stormy Daniels in one breath as nothing wrong with pr0m (nothing wrong with pr0n in general here), but in the other breath hold pr0n against Trump as something nefarious.