Fake News

The linked article refuting the numbers. They mention FBI numbers. I assumed in my response that you had read the link you posted.

I did but I'm not sure you did. Either that or we're talking at cross purposes.
You appeared to be criticising the suggestion that the figures posted by Trump were fake.
I was countering by criticising the initial suggestion (or implication, from Trump himself) that the numbers were correct.
My point, which seems to have been lost, is that the burden of proof lies with the person making the initial claim.
And his 'proof' appears to be fake.

That being so, the FBI figures are used in the article to refute those figures posted by the President, not to support them, so I don't see how they could suggest his numbers are correct.
They may or may not refute Trump's figures to your satisfaction but you offer no criticism of the accuracy of the original claim.
And what about the accuracy of his numbers?
Why should anyone believe them?
The main suggestion for the president's figure's being correct comes from the fact he, the POTUS, posted them, since their only other credibility comes their listed source, which appears to be fake.

But he's the POTUS. For lots of people that's evidence enough.
That in itself is one reason why the man who popularised the term 'fake news' and never seems to stop whining about it is one of the worst perpetrators of it.

If you think I said anything similar to the above quoted text, please try rereading with your outrage glasses off.

I've read it again and if that wasn't what you were getting at then I don't really know what point you were trying to make.
Perhaps you could simplify it for the hard of thinking like me?
But still factually incorrect, i.e. fake.

Video: Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches!

Correction: the attacker is actually a Dutch boy "from Monnickendam."
in related news Anjem Choudary is a Briton "from London"
Video: Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches!

Why was he falsely labelled a migrant and which agenda does that suit?

Answer that honestly and you'll see why this level of 'fake' is a problem.
Why was he falsely labelled a migrant and which agenda does that suit?

Answer that honestly and you'll see why this level of 'fake' is a problem.

Why do care more about labels than a kid on crutches getting beat? So he's not first generation, he's 2nd generation but clearly hasn't assimilated. Got it. It doesn't change the fact that a a kid on crutches was beaten, nor was it any sort of isolated incident.
Why do care more about labels than a kid on crutches getting beat?
Can't answer the question so change the subject. How very you.
When did you stop smacking your wife about?
As if you care about the kid on crutches for any reason other than it fondles your biases.
You don't give a shit about him (nor do I but I'm not pretending to).

He has been labelled a migrant for a reason.
Of course, you know that as well as I do but to admit it would expose your faux outrage for the shallow bigotry it really is.
Can't answer the question so change the subject. How very you.

I didn't change the subject, that would be YOU by trying to dismiss every account outright because of what you perceive to one small technical inaccuracy in one account.

As if you care about the kid on crutches for any reason other than it fondles your biases.
You don't give a shit about him (nor do I but I'm not pretending to).

Speak for yourself and most certainly do not speak for me. I actually have empathy, I'm not a psychopath. I don't live in a lily white gated community self absorbed in materialism. I live in a lower-middle class blue collar multicultural area. I've dealt with true racism, violent racism. I've helped raise at-risk kids that are not my own, and even brought them into my home. I've offered to adopt kids who are not my own when the parents have been lacking. I don't believe in slaughtering unborn humans for convenience. I don't think we should ignore black on black murders in big cities, which is the biggest epidemic of our time after abortion. I also most certainly don't think being an immigrant is a get out of jail free card for violent crime up to and including murder. I don't believe in protected classes.

He has been labelled a migrant for a reason.

If you want to continue to split hairs, I will just simply correct you outright. By definition he IS an immigrant. He's a Second Generation Immigrant. Yes, he's been labeled that because THAT'S WHAT HE IS.

Of course, you know that as well as I do but to admit it would expose your faux outrage for the shallow bigotry it really is.

You must have some really, really nasty skeletons in either your own closet or in your family history to be speaking such rubbish. You have fallen for the Soros narrative hook, line and sinker. Unlike you, I am not a lemming and I am not a hollow shell of a human being.
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I didn't change the subject, that would be YOU

Fake news thread.
It's fake news.
I explained why it qualified as fake news.
You changed the subject.

I actually have empathy

As do I but that doesn't mean we care about the kid.

What's his name?
How's he doing now?
Did it take him long to recover?
Why was he on crutches in the first place?
How did it affect him mentally?

If you really care about him you should know the answers to these without googling.
You don't.
And the reason you don't is because you don't really care about him.
You only care about using his plight to massage your own biases.

I've dealt with true racism

Oh, I know you have. I've witnessed it many times.
This website is a living monument to you "dealing with racism".

If you want to continue to split hairs, I will just simply correct you outright. By definition he IS an immigrant.

By that definition we all are.
What's his name?
How's he doing now?
Did it take him long to recover?
Why was he on crutches in the first place?
How did it affect him mentally?

I don't think you understand what the term empathy means. It may be time to break out the old Websters, Robert.

Oh, I know you have. I've witnessed it many times.
This website is a living monument to you "dealing with racism".

You always know the ones who give snarky, condescending, fringe-left replies are the ones who live in lily white areas.

This means that the total White population of Glasgow is 88.42%.

Other major ethnic groups in Glasgow with more than 1% of population are Asian (8.05%) and African (2.10%). The Asian population in Glasgow almost doubled between the 2001 and 2011 censuses. In 2001 the Asian population in Glasgow was 4.44% and in 2011 it was 8.05%.




Groups that make up less than 1% of the population are Caribbean or Black (0.30%), Mixed (0.49%) and Other (0.64%).

Wow! That's worse than Whitelandia (Oregon) here in the USA! :-o

Here's a hint. You've never been jumped and robbed for walking through a black neighborhood while white. You've never had a kid jumped and teeth knocked out for being white and dating a black. You've never had a kid chased down by a group of black kids and injured for sport. You've never had a kid be told that their girlfriend/boyfriend's parent is upset they are dating a white kid. You've never had a teacher tell your kid not to dress a certain way because it was "too white, we don't put up with that anymore". You don't even know what "Cracker Day" is in public schools. Then again, AFAIK you never had a kid, period.

Get off your self righteous high horse.

By that definition we all are.

First generation immigrant and second generation immigrant are very common , very specific descriptive terms. People do not typically use 3rd generation or beyond. I would know that because the state I live in has had the highest rate of legal immigration in the US for decades. White non-hispanic is a minority class in most areas of the South Florida.
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So, if only I lived somewhere with a lower white population than Glasgow I'd be just as racist as you?
OK then.

Just don't look down from your ivory castle and call others bigots and such. Race relations are not some abstract concept. If you live it, you know it. If you get your views from professors, the telly and isolated pockets of white neighbors, it probably isn't accurate.
Watched that earlier. Love the "trust us because we make mistakes" line.

They use the same logic with everything, including Global Warming. It's all a scam. We all are just getting a real solid look behind the curtain due to Trump. Good or bad, Trump is one monkey wrench thrown in the gears of the deep state after another. That's why they increasingly push one bigger obvious lie after another. They are in desperation mode. They are losing, they know they are losing and they are panicked.
Why is Wikipedia man Jimbo Wales keynoting a fake news conference?
Who best to drain the swamp? Why, the biggest alligator

Comment The co-founder of the website that has propagated some of the internet's most enduring falsehoods on an industrial scale will address a Westminster conference about "fake news".

Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia will keynote a Westminster Media Forum entitled "Next steps for tackling fake news". Among the topics is "collaboration, trust and fact-checking".

In many ways Wikipedia pioneered the phenomenon, and journalists' lazy reliance on using it as a source helped falsities to propagate on a scale never seen before. For Wikipedia's birthday this year, we highlighted sixteen of Wikipedia's "fake stories" – although it could have been 16,000. Several of the hoaxes we highlighted ran for years without being noticed, and were repeated by thousands of secondary sources.
Has the term "Fake News" eaten itself?
If this arsehole (who appears to be the latest export from the ministry of incapable of completing a sentence without lying) is anything to go by...