Outside of personal jibes, I'm not sure I'd bother to go out of my way to defend Snopes.
What a strange way to look at it.
I'm hardly going out of my way to defend Snopes by pointing out that most of their facts check out.
I will, however, defend any links I've posted from Snopes.
Assertions on here that Snopes is a lying, liberal mouthpiece are usually in response to articles on Snopes which demonstrate some claim which appears to be obvious bullshit is, in fact, actual bullshit.
Pretty much what you said it used to be useful for.
Guess what? It often still is.
As demonstrated yet again here:
Claim: Snopes will say Trump mis-fed fish
Reality: Snopes said Trump did no such thing.
This happens on this site to an absurdly silly degree and not once has any link I've posted from Snopes been shown to be false, yet the claims and derision continue.
But they've always been quick to confirm things they wanted
Like showing that the claims of Trump mis-feeding the fish were bogus?
Is that the kind of thing they want, to show Trump in the best light possible?
Snopes may indeed be as much of a lying, liberal mouthpiece as Breitbart is a lying, right-wing mouthpiece but, if it is, it has yet to be demonstrated in any Snopes articles I've posted on here.
And, honestly, let's face it. The open-minded, fairly reasonable, and somewhat likable one was always Barbara. Without her, Snopes isn't really Snopes.
Ah, right - someone you 'somewhat' liked left and now you no longer like the site?
That's fair enough but I hope you can also appreciate that it says the square route of zero about how reliable Snopes is as a fact checker.
So, if you think anything I've posted from Snopes is either incorrect or misleading, please let me know and I'll happily correct or retract.
OTOH, if you just want to jump on the baseless, mud-slinging band-wagon, you're in esteemed company.