Fake News

The Liberal Media is not just the national media, its nearly all "local" news too. Here's one planning his own Jussie Smollet moment.

Reporter Cameron Ridle at Arizona High School Pro-Trump Rally: ‘Maybe They’ll Call Me a N*gger’

Arizona reporter Cameron Ridle was caught on a hot mic in a Facebook live video as he walked to the scene of a Pro-Trump rally outside Perry High School in Gilbert, Arizona — whose principal and staff allegedly punished students for bringing MAGA gear to school — discussing with another man the possibility of Trump supporters calling him the “N-word.”
Could also go in the Globalism/Deep State thread.

Fusion GPS Alums Headline NEW Group Feeding Collusion Conspiracy Theories To Willing “Journalists”

Key Democratic operatives and private investigators who tried to derail Donald Trump’s campaign by claiming he was a tool of the Kremlin have rebooted their operation since his election with a multimillion-dollar stealth campaign to persuade major media outlets and lawmakers that the president should be impeached.

The effort has successfully placed a series of questionable stories alleging secret back channels and meetings between Trump associates and Russian spies, while influencing related investigations and reports from Congress.

The operation’s nerve center is a Washington-based nonprofit called The Democracy Integrity Project, or TDIP. Among other activities, it pumps out daily “research” briefings to prominent Washington journalists, as well as congressional staffers, to keep the Russia “collusion” narrative alive.

TDIP is led by Daniel J. Jones, a former FBI investigator, Clinton administration volunteer and top staffer to California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein. It employs the key opposition-research figures behind the salacious and unverified dossier: Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and ex-British intelligence officer Christopher Steele. Its financial backers include the actor/director Rob Reiner and billionaire activist George Soros.
Far Left types get their news primarily from "Comedy Central" these days, Jim Jefferies being the face of it. He's been exposed.

It's only a 7 minute clip, watch it.

Oh, ZOOM over my head there. Looked like a lot of content to watch so hadn't gone through it yet. I missed the obvious connection.

it's almost like the powers that be have read the manifesto and want exactly the same thing.

Yes, bingo. I've been beating that drum for years, and been repeatedly called a tinfoil hatter. Jim Jefferies has been fully exposed, but likely NOTHING will happen to him. This won't likely make any of the Liberal Media outlets. MAYBE if we're lucky Fox news will pick it up, but i am not holding my breath.
Criticism Mounts for CNN over Charlottesville Hoax

A growing chorus of critics is questioning CNN’s repeated — and false — reports that President Donald Trump referred to neo-Nazis as “very fine people” in his remarks about the Charlottesville, Virginia, riots in 2017.


On Thursday, CNN contributor Steve Cortes — who tried to correct his network on the air, and was rebuffed by CNN anchor Erin Burnett — broke with CNN in an op-ed at RealClearPolitics, “Trump Didn’t Call Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People.’ Here’s Proof.” Cortez also called out other news outlets that have spread the “Charlottesville hoax.”
Probably should go in the Soros/Deep State Thread, but here ya go.

Soros-Funded Group Paid $3.8 M To Fusion GPS-Linked Firms To Keep Russia Collusion Stories In The News

The Democracy Integrity Project — or TDIP — was founded in January 2017 by Daniel J. Jones, a former staffer to California Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein, with the overt goal of aiding government investigators in their search for Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

A recent investigative report from Real Clear Investigations examined the links between TDIP and Fusion GPS, as well as former British spy and author of the infamous Russia dossier, Christopher Steele. The RCI piece also noted that one of the products of the organization was a daily roundup of Russia collusion-related news articles sent to Hill staffers and friendly news outlets with the express outlet of keeping the story in the news. In short: TDIP was conducting opposition research and sending “news” tips to respected outlets to lend them credibility. The practice of planting stories has gone by another name in other countries: propaganda.

In a new report, The Daily Caller reiterates the relationship TDIP had with key players in the collusion narrative and also notes that one of the backers of the organization was progressive billionaire George Soros. In all, The DC finds that TDIP paid other research and consulting firms “more than three times what the DNC and the Clinton campaign paid Fusion GPS and Steele during the 2016 presidential campaign to investigate Donald Trump’s possible ties to Russia.” The final amount TDIP paid out to help keep the Russia collusion narrative going was almost $4 million.