Global Warming Report for Feb 3, 2011 and NFL laughed at

FluffyMcDeath said:
Fade said:
My suggestion to everybody:
Make copies of all these weather posts and put them away in a "Lockbox" for your great great grandchildren to read in the year 2150.
We could just go back to the guys in the 50's who were saying that increasing carbon dioxide would lead to a warmer planet (I mean the guys in the 1850's who were putting this forward). We are those great great grandchildren and it looks like (by a wide diversity of measurements) that they were right. The experiment you posit has already been done.
You're exactly right on. While our children will be able to see what the effects are during their time. We can see the effects within our own time. How? We do this by comparing past events to present events. Fairly good measures exist about 100-150 years back. And reaching back even farther is showing improvement. Here's one study that went back 2000 years. And interestingly a climate events appears to coincide with the demise of the Roman Empire

I listen to NPR's Science Friday as a Podcast. On 1/21 they had an interesting piece with about 3 ocean scientists discussing how and what changes we've seen in the oceans in the last couple of decades. Sorry can't get to it from work to post a link. It's an interesting listen.
faethor said:
You're exactly right on. While our children will be able to see what the effects are during their time. We can see the effects within our own time. How? We do this by comparing past events to present events. Fairly good measures exist about 100-150 years back.

You too eh? Taking a trend from the end of the Little Ice Age until now as evidence of Global Warming :?:

Hey look, it's the Kool Aid Man! Hi Kool Aid Man!!! Ooooh, yeah!!!
redrumloa said:
Fluffy, PLEASE PELASE PLEASE tell me that you are not trying to make the case that a warming trend from 1850 until today is a sign of man made Global Warming. Just tell me yes or no, I really have to know.

What I am saying is that by 1850 the heat absorbing properties of carbon dioxide were known and that there were people at that time that theorized that the industrial revolution then under way would start to warm the planet because of the carbon dioxide. To satisfy Fade's test all that is necessary is that some people say that the planet will get warmer and after a 150 years we see if the planet is warmer. Fade's test is past by people like John Tyndall.
redrumloa said:
You too eh? Taking a trend from the end of the Little Ice Age until now as evidence of Global Warming :?:
From the guy who measures world wide climate trends by looking out of his window. Good way to find out what todays weather is but a little too cursory to build the bigger picture.


We didn't just come out of the little ice age, we blew right past the medieval warm period. We did this at a time when we were also blasting sulphate particulates into the atmosphere that were reflecting sunlight. Now we seem to be entering another low sunspot period so we might expect another little ice age but so far we are coming at it from far higher temperatures than the last one.

The one thing the critics are right about is that there are multiple factors involved. That much is true but they use that simple fact to muddy the waters and understate the contribution of CO2.
redrumloa said:
faethor said:
You're exactly right on. While our children will be able to see what the effects are during their time. We can see the effects within our own time. How? We do this by comparing past events to present events. Fairly good measures exist about 100-150 years back.
You too eh? Taking a trend from the end of the Little Ice Age until now as evidence of Global Warming :?:
The larger question being asked are what are the factors at work that are contributing to the present state of the Climate. To look at the present state of the climate we need to, surprise, monitor the various factors within today's climate. Seems to me you again misunderstand Climate Science. Global Warming says that at present the largest contributing factor to change is the increase of CO2. It doesn't say this is the only factor now nor the only factor always.

Now this isn't to say past events aren't of interest to scientists. It is, of course, interesting to see what factors have caused warming and cooling in the past history of the planet. We can then use those items as points of comparison for causes and effects.

In this site you've declared a Global Cooling Trend with 60 days of data in Florida? Now you declare 2,500 years of data spread across the globe isn't enough? :roll:

Did you really just post the infamous "Hockey Stick" graph that has been widely discredited :?:

faethor said:
In this site you've declared a Global Cooling Trend with 60 days of data in Florida?

I have declared no such thing, though reality out my window does not mesh with the nonsense we are being fed about what is supposedly happening now.

Now you declare 2,500 years of data spread across the globe isn't enough? :roll:

Not when the data is purposely cooked to an eye rolling degree.

Come one Fluffy, the Hockey Stick chart? Really :?:
redrumloa said:
Not when the data is purposely cooked to an eye rolling degree.
Thanks Red. I think this speaks volumes to your view. I now understand you believe to believe there to be a conspiracy of 'thermometers'. There's little use to presenting you with scientific research or data because it's all been 'cooked'.
faethor said:
redrumloa said:
Not when the data is purposely cooked to an eye rolling degree.
Thanks Red. I think this speaks volumes to your view. I now understand you believe to believe there to be a conspiracy of 'thermometers'. There's little use to presenting you with scientific research or data because it's all been 'cooked'.

You mean to tell me you still accept all the data that was used to create the infamous Hockey Stick graph :?:
Amazing video of ice falling off Super Bowl stadium ... nfl-317119

At least six people were injured at the Super Bowl when large chunks of ice fell 200 feet off the roof of Cowboys Stadium on Friday.

Six victims were taken to the hospital, with one listed in critical condition.


Authorities said the ice falling off the roof was an unexpected consequence of the winter weather that has paralyzed Dallas this week. They had never before dealt with such a problem.

After the incident, stadium officials closed all but one entrances to the stadium and blocked off all potentially dangerous areas. An NFL spokesman says workers and visitors will be safe.

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell have insisted that the bad weather in Dallas won't affect future Super Bowl bids in cold-weather cities, but with Dallas highways iced over, flights cancelled and the game's site proving to be a hazard to workers and fans, it's hard to see how the league can justify going back to a colder climate after New Jersey hosts the game in 2014.
redrumloa said:
1) If the Medieval Warm Period was warmer than today, with no greenhouse gas contribution, what would be so unusual about modern times being warm also?
This might be a good question if it wasn't for the false premises. First the WMP was not warmer than today. Second, greenhouse atmosphereic gases always make a contribution. CO2 is produced by natural means and existed during the WMP. So saying 'no..contribution' is simply incorrect. The leading question is negated by his own false premises.

2) If the variable sun caused both the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age, would not the stronger solar activity of the 20th century account for most, if not all, of the claimed 20th century warmth?
The guy goes on and on about sunspots. Great as in the 1600s telescopes were often pointed at the sun. Of course today we have telescopes in greater number and greater resolution. I'd think due to the increases in technology we likely can count sunspots that a 1600s telescope may have not seen? (Though I'd need to research this more). I'd say more importantly is instead of using indirect evidence we can use direct evidence. The answer why the sun isn't seen as the only cause is because Solar energy is decreasing, while temps increase has been the case for about the last 40 years. The author doesn't include direct measures of the sun as in irradiance and uv radiation. Far, far more accurate than sunspot count.

What sort of 'scientist' promotes the least accurate measurements as the best evidence? Come on!

There are some other amusing things in this article. Just after Fig 4 the author claims the WMP is gone? Yet it's right in front of his frickin' nose! Maybe the author needs to understand what error boundaries are? Hint in Fig 4 they are yellow.

He then goes on to demonstrate he clearly doesn't understand the 'hockey stick'.
To disprove the `Hockey Stick', it is sufficient to merely demonstrate conclusively the existence of the Medieval Warm Period and/or the Little Ice Age in proxy and/or historical evidence from around the world. According to the `falsifiability' principle of science, substantial physical evidence that contradicts a theory is sufficient to `falsify' that theory.
See the Hockey stick comes from multiple sources of evidence. In the WMP and LIA it uses proxies, such as trees, to map temperature. But, when more solid records are used (I'd have to look I believe that is in the 50s and forward), the more accurate measurements are used. They are called thermometers. Assuming 'WMP' was demonstrated wrong it wouldn't kill the last part of the graph where it's not used. WOW! Such a glaring, glaring error I am going to give John Daly the benefit of the doubt and assume he didn't read the scientific work. (Cuz if he did read it, this error indicates how he didn't understand it. )

More humor? Daly lists the MWP at 700-1300 AD and the LIA at 1560-1830 AD. Then he gives us evidence of this in Fig 7 where not only are the dates not the the same but this time the LIA comes before the MWP? He, in the same section where he declared he's giving us MWP/LIA evidence, gives us temps in Idaho starting in 1897? Therefore after both events. I thought perhaps he was changing position but just after Idaho is more talk about the WMP? Bad form, at best.

IMO the guy should read more science and work to understand it and reduce the posturing. Maybe nextime he'll have less holes than a Uwe Boll movie.

EDIT: I went back and viewed the video at the link. There are a couple oversimplifications but it is worth the view to understand the other evidence to why it is not all sun caused.
I think what McDeath and Faethor are both saying is, they intend to leave no proof of anything they have said about global warming to their great great grand children.

Better to be safe than sorry. Right guys? 8)
Fade said:
Oh yeah, make sure that you put your real name on your posts, so the kids can't deny the
relation. If you've got the nerve.

Fade said:
I think what McDeath and Faethor are both saying is, they intend to leave no proof of anything they have said about global warming to their great great grand children.

Better to be safe than sorry. Right guys? 8)

Still no real name on your posts? Guess you aren't as confident as you like to pretend.
FluffyMcDeath said:

Do you have any thoughts on there being a pole shift? I have thought about this but have not heard mentioned much. A Google search today got me this: ... her-chaos/

In layman’s terms, the most apocalyptic outcome of a polar shift would come as a result of the the poles flipping, with the south pole becoming the north pole and vice versa. The good news is that on average this only happens every half a million years, but the bad news is that it hasn’t happened in roughly 780,000 years, with some experts warning that the planet is overdue. Pole flips have been known to happen only 50,000 years apart.

If it happened, a complete pole shift would cause “superstorms in the future with winds as high as 300 to 400mph…which “would totally destroy anything they came into contact with on land,” writes Terrence Aym for
redrumloa said:
FluffyMcDeath said:
Do you have any thoughts on there being a pole shift? I have thought about this but have not heard mentioned much. A Google search today got me this: ... her-chaos/

In layman’s terms, the most apocalyptic outcome of a polar shift would come as a result of the the poles flipping, with the south pole becoming the north pole and vice versa. The good news is that on average this only happens every half a million years, but the bad news is that it hasn’t happened in roughly 780,000 years, with some experts warning that the planet is overdue. Pole flips have been known to happen only 50,000 years apart.

If it happened, a complete pole shift would cause “superstorms in the future with winds as high as 300 to 400mph…which “would totally destroy anything they came into contact with on land,” writes Terrence Aym for
My first question is what is our evidence? In Global Warming we have quite a bit of evidence indicating how things work. For other items we have evidence that such catalymic events have happened in our past but no real way to determine when or how they may happen again.

We're due for a pole shift, a supervolcano (Yellowstone in particular), an world changing astroid strike, etc. I'd recommend reading 'Death from the Skies' by Phil Plait. Plait is an astronomer. This work gives some good debunking to some of the 'threats' out there. Along with a good understanding of what we know and how we know our present state of Astronomical Science.

Being a child in the 70s I read most of the crap pseudoscience of the Bermdua Triangle, UFO abductions, BigFoot, and Egyptians from Space (For example: the ever popular Chariots of the Gods) this book was a great from the standpoint it's built on our present scientific knowledge instead of that conspiracy theoriest hiding in his closet writing books.
faethor said:
Being a child in the 70s I read most of the crap pseudoscience of the Bermdua Triangle, UFO abductions, BigFoot, and Egyptians from Space

All interesting subjects, but only BigFoot is verifiable fact :wink: