Global Warming Report for Feb 3, 2011 and NFL laughed at

redrumloa said:
Do you have any thoughts on there being a pole shift? I have thought about this but have not heard mentioned much.

There are several poles that we could talk about and it's important we make sure we are talking about the right one in a given situation.

There is the pole that we have due to our axis of rotation, the pole we have due to the earth's magnetic field and the bits of the earth that are geographically at those points.

The axis of rotation wanders on a largely predictable basis because to a large degree we can consider the earth a solid body and classical physics applies. The axis of rotation precesses and so the whole planet wobbles a little.

The sea floor of the arctic and the continent of Antarctica are both moving over the mantle of the earth as are all the plates and continents. The process is slow. What is at the poles will one day be different and that will have a great deal of effect on the weather. If Antarctica was not at the southern pole there would be no place for winter ice to collect and so it would break up each spring (without land to shelter it). This would result in more antarctic ocean heating in the southern summers as the albedo or reflectivity of the ocean is less than that of ice or snow. In the north the arctic ocean is able to maintain sea ice because it is enclosed by North America and Eurasia which holds the ice in place during the summer. Changes in what bit of the earth's surface is at the poles plays a considerable role in global climate.

Finally the magnetic pole shifts and changes strength largely unpredictably because as far as we currently can tell it is created by dynamic and chaotic processes in the core. These systems cannot be accurately predicted though they often show some periodicity. The earths magnetic pole wanders around quite a lot and there are many local variations in field strength and angle. Fairly frequently, on geological timescales, this field will fade and then reestablish itself with an opposite polarity. The earth is not alone in this sort of behaviour. The sun has a magnetic field too and it's field polarity waxes and wanes then waxes again in the opposite polarity roughly every eleven years. One of the symptoms of this process is the number of sunspots on the sun's face over time.

The earth's field, according to some, is behaving in a way that would suggest a reversal is coming. Nobody really knows if this is so or how long a reversal should or could take but it is extremely unlikely that it would be on a timescale of just a few years.

In terms of catastrophes, the planet, as far as we know, has never ever flipped nor is there any plausible way that it could. Nor have has the crust moved in unison nor on short timescales of hundreds, nor even thousands of years to put the north continents in the south and vice versa. Magnetic pole reversal do happen and are recorded in the rocks. Not much terrible is expected to happen from this. Reversal are frequent and don't seem to coincide with dramatic events such as extinctions. Potential problems are with increased erosion of the atmosphere during during the reversal as more solar wind will reach to top of the atmosphere. It's not a very big effect and we won't all suffocate or anything. Solar storms may or may not have much effect on us since a large part of the electrical problems we experience are due to the interaction of solar ejecta and the Earth's field.

Magnetic reversals happen and look to be no big deal. Total planetary flips would be a big deal but never happen (unless we get hit by something the size of the moon, but then we have worse problems to deal with ... for a very short time).
A magnetic reversal may create a situation where the magnetic pole is around the equator for some time. During that time the earth's magnetic field may not provide the best protection against the solar wind. If so, satellites and electrical equipment may be damaged. Otherwise, life on earth would probably go about as normal, although there may be a link between the earth magnetic fields and weather. We'll know for sure when it happens. :mrgreen:

Thank you for that wonderfully informative summary.
Nice long reply and interesting stuff. Thanks for it
Fade wrote:
I think what McDeath and Faethor are both saying is, they intend to leave no proof of anything they have said about global warming to their great great grandchildren.

Better to be safe than sorry. Right guys?

Fluffy bluffed:
Still no real name on your posts? Guess you aren't as confident as you like to pretend.


Are you nuts! With all the "Warming Activists" out there, my life wouldn't be worth a plug nickel. I could even be tracked down by someone from Minnesota, Vancouver, or even as far away as Scotland. :wink:

The posts with my name on them go into that "Lock Box" I was talking about for my great great grandchildren.

More's the pity that Faethor's and your great great grandchildren will never get to see your posts though.
The posts with my name on them go into that "Lock Box" I was talking about for my great great grandchildren.

Yeesh, no need to visit the sins of the fathers, etc.....

Just when we all seemed to be getting along, too.....
Fade said:
The posts with my name on them go into that "Lock Box" I was talking about for my great great grandchildren.

Wow. You are actually leaving your great great grandchildren a box full of your posts to whyzzat? They will be grateful.

I thought you were saying that we should all put our real names to our posts on-line but now I understand that we are supposed to only put our real names on private copies of the posts we make. Why, that's a much lower bar. In fact that bar looks like it is sitting on the ground.

I hope that last one goes into the lock box too. Maybe you'll get lucky and by the time your great great grandchildren open it bluff will have come to mean what you think it means now.
Robert said:
Just when we all seemed to be getting along, too.....

That would be dull. Fade is such a lightning rod that sometimes I think he is someone's alternate account used just to bring a little energy and craziness to the board.
Well, ever since the acclaimed "Warming Soothsayer" Algore invented the Lock Box during his run for president, it seems logical that all you Warmers would have one for every purpose or occasion.

How are your future generations going to learn of the missed opportunities to save the world, because the world didn't heed your advice? They will never know how far ahead you were on the cutting edge of societal evolution and revolution, if you don't leave a record.

Oh, and those Kumbaya moments during climate change protests, that are so dear to the left, can never be relived or put into song. Sad really. Very very sad.
Fade said:
Well, ever since the acclaimed "Warming Soothsayer" Algore invented the Lock Box during his run for president, it seems logical that all you Warmers would have one for every purpose or occasion.

Al Gore? Deary me.



I see what you mean.

:banana: :banana: Mehrnutsthanabagahumptycoos. :banana: :banana:
@Robert and @Fluffy,

I had recommended a book for Red, and others, based upon our present knowledge and understanding of astronomy. If I may there's another book I might purpose you reading. 'The Age of American Unreason' by Susan Jacoby. There is a significant percentage of our population that are anti-intellectuals. For example, the people that think Obama is not American is polling in the 15-20% area and a similar number believe Obama to be a Muslim. It's very clear a good number of people don't question but instead accept their gut reaction. This book tries to answer why is this.
faethor said:
'The Age of American Unreason' by Susan Jacoby.

I haven't read that particular book but I imagine that the reasons for unreason are the usual ones - ignorance (which leads people to believe that they know everything) and conformity (people like to fit in with their community) and partly because the slave owners hate the slaves knowing too much so deliberately keep a lid on knowledge and discourage thinking and learning. What was once called "uppity" is now call "elitism". In the village of idiots the learned man is "elitist" and so derided and run out of town. This is not a new strategy but the basic political play is described in the bible.
some people just shouldn't have children :mrgreen:
Fade said:
The posts with my name on them go into that "Lock Box" I was talking about for my great great grandchildren.
But if you really wanna give them something interesting to read, make sure you throw all of my responses in that "Lock Box" as well.
"Bugger me, look at the amount of shyte great-grampaw used to spout.... Mum, explain again, why do we have to read through all this kiech?"

"So you know what happens if you [insert sideways insult of choice]"

Fluffy plowed ahead with:
"ignorance (which leads people to believe that they know everything)"

Please excuse Fluffy everyone. He doesn't realize what he just said.

Per Cecilia:
"some people just shouldn't have children" :mrgreen:

So true. They're usually the people that don't. :wink:

Glaucus bragged:
But if you really wanna give them something interesting to read, make sure you throw all of my responses in that "Lock Box" as well.

Unknown comic said:
"Bugger me, look at the amount of shyte great-grampaw used to spout.... Mum, explain again, why do we have to read through all this kiech?"

That's why "Warmers" are afraid to put any evidence in their "Lock boxes". :duel:
Seriously?! Red put up his evidence and I denoted problems with it and instead we're pissing about some imaginary lock box? Let's call this thread science don't work too hard at anything related.:lol:
Fade said:
Fluffy plowed ahead with:
"ignorance (which leads people to believe that they know everything)"

Please excuse Fluffy everyone. He doesn't realize what he just said.
I used to know everything many years ago. It seems that you still do.
Per Cecilia:
"some people just shouldn't have children" :mrgreen:

So true. They're usually the people that don't. :wink:
Like Bristol Palin and inner city junkie moms.

Keep stuffing your imaginary lock box (and if it's not and you really are putting your whyzzat posts in it then that really is quite quaint and rather adorable).
FluffyMcDeath said:
Like Bristol Palin and inner city junkie moms.

Wow, you are slamming Bristol Palin because you don't like her mom's politics? Being an unwed 17 year old mother when her baby was born is hardly cause to put her in the same league as inner city junkie moms. At least Bristol didn't take the left's way out and simply discard (kill) the child.