Liberal Meltdown :banana:


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
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The presidential race of 2008 will go down in history as a turning point - as the pivotal event that exposed the shallowness of liberal policies, institutions and people. A mere 5 months ago, the liberals were on the brink of victory. And now…

Now, it appears that not only are the masses not buying what the left is selling, but have instead shown their stubborn allegiance to traditional values and God, as embodied so well by Gov. Palin. This, despite the herculean efforts by another liberal institution, the media.

The same media, which a study showed to have been the decisive factor in Obama’s nomination, is now having to report that Palin is more popular than both McCain and Obama.

Unable to believe they’ve been on the wrong side of history, the media is lashing out in ever more frivolous and blatant attempts to smear Gov. Palin and prop up Obama. Only this time, they’re encountering a backlash.

US Weekly Magazine is losing subscribers due to the vicious smear piece recently published about Palin. A new website has even been launched to organize a boycott of US Weekly and their advertisers. Adding insult to injury, Rasmussen reported a whopping 51% of American women believe the media is trying to hurt Sarah Palin and 24% say those stories make them more likely to vote for McCain.

The presidential race of 2008 will go down in history as a turning point - as the pivotal event that exposed the shallowness of liberal policies, institutions and people. A mere 5 months ago, the liberals were on the brink of victory. And now…

Now, it appears that not only are the masses not buying what the left is selling, but have instead shown their stubborn allegiance to traditional values and God, as embodied so well by Gov. Palin. This, despite the herculean efforts by another liberal institution, the media.

The same media, which a study showed to have been the decisive factor in Obama’s nomination, is now having to report that Palin is more popular than both McCain and Obama.

Unable to believe they’ve been on the wrong side of history, the media is lashing out in ever more frivolous and blatant attempts to smear Gov. Palin and prop up Obama. Only this time, they’re encountering a backlash.

US Weekly Magazine is losing subscribers due to the vicious smear piece recently published about Palin. A new website has even been launched to organize a boycott of US Weekly and their advertisers. Adding insult to injury, Rasmussen reported a whopping 51% of American women believe the media is trying to hurt Sarah Palin and 24% say those stories make them more likely to vote for McCain.

The presidential race of 2008 will go down in history as a turning point - as the pivotal event that exposed the shallowness of liberal policies, institutions and people. A mere 5 months ago, the liberals were on the brink of victory. And now…

Now, it appears that not only are the masses not buying what the left is selling, but have instead shown their stubborn allegiance to traditional values and God, as embodied so well by Gov. Palin. This, despite the herculean efforts by another liberal institution, the media.

The same media, which a study showed to have been the decisive factor in Obama’s nomination, is now having to report that Palin is more popular than both McCain and Obama.

Unable to believe they’ve been on the wrong side of history, the media is lashing out in ever more frivolous and blatant attempts to smear Gov. Palin and prop up Obama. Only this time, they’re encountering a backlash.

US Weekly Magazine is losing subscribers due to the vicious smear piece recently published about Palin. A new website has even been launched to organize a boycott of US Weekly and their advertisers. Adding insult to injury, Rasmussen reported a whopping 51% of American women believe the media is trying to hurt Sarah Palin and 24% say those stories make them more likely to vote for McCain.

The presidential race of 2008 will go down in history as a turning point - as the pivotal event that exposed the shallowness of liberal policies, institutions and people. A mere 5 months ago, the liberals were on the brink of victory. And now…

Now, it appears that not only are the masses not buying what the left is selling, but have instead shown their stubborn allegiance to traditional values and God, as embodied so well by Gov. Palin. This, despite the herculean efforts by another liberal institution, the media.

The same media, which a study showed to have been the decisive factor in Obama’s nomination, is now having to report that Palin is more popular than both McCain and Obama.

Unable to believe they’ve been on the wrong side of history, the media is lashing out in ever more frivolous and blatant attempts to smear Gov. Palin and prop up Obama. Only this time, they’re encountering a backlash.

US Weekly Magazine is losing subscribers due to the vicious smear piece recently published about Palin. A new website has even been launched to organize a boycott of US Weekly and their advertisers. Adding insult to injury, Rasmussen reported a whopping 51% of American women believe the media is trying to hurt Sarah Palin and 24% say those stories make them more likely to vote for McCain.

The presidential race of 2008 will go down in history as a turning point - as the pivotal event that exposed the shallowness of liberal policies, institutions and people. A mere 5 months ago, the liberals were on the brink of victory. And now…

Now, it appears that not only are the masses not buying what the left is selling, but have instead shown their stubborn allegiance to traditional values and God, as embodied so well by Gov. Palin. This, despite the herculean efforts by another liberal institution, the media.

The same media, which a study showed to have been the decisive factor in Obama’s nomination, is now having to report that Palin is more popular than both McCain and Obama.

Unable to believe they’ve been on the wrong side of history, the media is lashing out in ever more frivolous and blatant attempts to smear Gov. Palin and prop up Obama. Only this time, they’re encountering a backlash.

US Weekly Magazine is losing subscribers due to the vicious smear piece recently published about Palin. A new website has even been launched to organize a boycott of US Weekly and their advertisers. Adding insult to injury, Rasmussen reported a whopping 51% of American women believe the media is trying to hurt Sarah Palin and 24% say those stories make them more likely to vote for McCain.

The presidential race of 2008 will go down in history as a turning point - as the pivotal event that exposed the shallowness of liberal policies, institutions and people. A mere 5 months ago, the liberals were on the brink of victory. And now…

Now, it appears that not only are the masses not buying what the left is selling, but have instead shown their stubborn allegiance to traditional values and God, as embodied so well by Gov. Palin. This, despite the herculean efforts by another liberal institution, the media.

The same media, which a study showed to have been the decisive factor in Obama’s nomination, is now having to report that Palin is more popular than both McCain and Obama.

Unable to believe they’ve been on the wrong side of history, the media is lashing out in ever more frivolous and blatant attempts to smear Gov. Palin and prop up Obama. Only this time, they’re encountering a backlash.

US Weekly Magazine is losing subscribers due to the vicious smear piece recently published about Palin. A new website has even been launched to organize a boycott of US Weekly and their advertisers. Adding insult to injury, Rasmussen reported a whopping 51% of American women believe the media is trying to hurt Sarah Palin and 24% say those stories make them more likely to vote for McCain.
I guess it's wrong to point out a candidate's criminal tendencies? Yes, we like our unknown candidates to remain unknown so that we can instead dream up our favorite fantasies and have them vicariously live them. Yes, I'll play pretend that Palin is a far-way land princess that sprinkles fairy dust and can talk to animals and makes evil demons go away. Yeah, I'd vote for her now!
I guess it's wrong to point out a candidate's criminal tendencies? Yes, we like our unknown candidates to remain unknown so that we can instead dream up our favorite fantasies and have them vicariously live them. Yes, I'll play pretend that Palin is a far-way land princess that sprinkles fairy dust and can talk to animals and makes evil demons go away. Yeah, I'd vote for her now!
I guess it's wrong to point out a candidate's criminal tendencies? Yes, we like our unknown candidates to remain unknown so that we can instead dream up our favorite fantasies and have them vicariously live them. Yes, I'll play pretend that Palin is a far-way land princess that sprinkles fairy dust and can talk to animals and makes evil demons go away. Yeah, I'd vote for her now!
I guess it's wrong to point out a candidate's criminal tendencies? Yes, we like our unknown candidates to remain unknown so that we can instead dream up our favorite fantasies and have them vicariously live them. Yes, I'll play pretend that Palin is a far-way land princess that sprinkles fairy dust and can talk to animals and makes evil demons go away. Yeah, I'd vote for her now!
I guess it's wrong to point out a candidate's criminal tendencies? Yes, we like our unknown candidates to remain unknown so that we can instead dream up our favorite fantasies and have them vicariously live them. Yes, I'll play pretend that Palin is a far-way land princess that sprinkles fairy dust and can talk to animals and makes evil demons go away. Yeah, I'd vote for her now!
I guess it's wrong to point out a candidate's criminal tendencies? Yes, we like our unknown candidates to remain unknown so that we can instead dream up our favorite fantasies and have them vicariously live them. Yes, I'll play pretend that Palin is a far-way land princess that sprinkles fairy dust and can talk to animals and makes evil demons go away. Yeah, I'd vote for her now!
Glaucus said:
I guess it's wrong to point out a candidate's criminal tendencies? Yes, we like our unknown candidates to remain unknown so that we can instead dream up our favorite fantasies and have them vicariously live them. Yes, I'll play pretend that Palin is a far-way land princess that sprinkles fairy dust and can talk to animals and makes evil demons go away. Yeah, I'd vote for her now!

Umm... what exactly are Palin's "criminal tendencies"? What laws has she broken or been convicted of? Did I miss something? I don't recall seeing her as a convicted person. Please enlighten... :?

Glaucus said:
I guess it's wrong to point out a candidate's criminal tendencies? Yes, we like our unknown candidates to remain unknown so that we can instead dream up our favorite fantasies and have them vicariously live them. Yes, I'll play pretend that Palin is a far-way land princess that sprinkles fairy dust and can talk to animals and makes evil demons go away. Yeah, I'd vote for her now!

Umm... what exactly are Palin's "criminal tendencies"? What laws has she broken or been convicted of? Did I miss something? I don't recall seeing her as a convicted person. Please enlighten... :?

Glaucus said:
I guess it's wrong to point out a candidate's criminal tendencies? Yes, we like our unknown candidates to remain unknown so that we can instead dream up our favorite fantasies and have them vicariously live them. Yes, I'll play pretend that Palin is a far-way land princess that sprinkles fairy dust and can talk to animals and makes evil demons go away. Yeah, I'd vote for her now!

Umm... what exactly are Palin's "criminal tendencies"? What laws has she broken or been convicted of? Did I miss something? I don't recall seeing her as a convicted person. Please enlighten... :?

Glaucus said:
I guess it's wrong to point out a candidate's criminal tendencies? Yes, we like our unknown candidates to remain unknown so that we can instead dream up our favorite fantasies and have them vicariously live them. Yes, I'll play pretend that Palin is a far-way land princess that sprinkles fairy dust and can talk to animals and makes evil demons go away. Yeah, I'd vote for her now!

Umm... what exactly are Palin's "criminal tendencies"? What laws has she broken or been convicted of? Did I miss something? I don't recall seeing her as a convicted person. Please enlighten... :?

Glaucus said:
I guess it's wrong to point out a candidate's criminal tendencies? Yes, we like our unknown candidates to remain unknown so that we can instead dream up our favorite fantasies and have them vicariously live them. Yes, I'll play pretend that Palin is a far-way land princess that sprinkles fairy dust and can talk to animals and makes evil demons go away. Yeah, I'd vote for her now!

Umm... what exactly are Palin's "criminal tendencies"? What laws has she broken or been convicted of? Did I miss something? I don't recall seeing her as a convicted person. Please enlighten... :?

Glaucus said:
I guess it's wrong to point out a candidate's criminal tendencies? Yes, we like our unknown candidates to remain unknown so that we can instead dream up our favorite fantasies and have them vicariously live them. Yes, I'll play pretend that Palin is a far-way land princess that sprinkles fairy dust and can talk to animals and makes evil demons go away. Yeah, I'd vote for her now!

Umm... what exactly are Palin's "criminal tendencies"? What laws has she broken or been convicted of? Did I miss something? I don't recall seeing her as a convicted person. Please enlighten... :?

ltstanfo said:
Umm... what exactly are Palin's "criminal tendencies"? What laws has she broken or been convicted of? Did I miss something? I don't recall seeing her as a convicted person. Please enlighten... :?

That is why there is a backlash, Palin has commited no crimes. The Obama camp and the liberal media are manufacturing lie after lie, the fringe left laps it up not caring if it is true or not.
ltstanfo said:
Umm... what exactly are Palin's "criminal tendencies"? What laws has she broken or been convicted of? Did I miss something? I don't recall seeing her as a convicted person. Please enlighten... :?

That is why there is a backlash, Palin has commited no crimes. The Obama camp and the liberal media are manufacturing lie after lie, the fringe left laps it up not caring if it is true or not.