Next step in religious persecution?

some people can't stand that everyone isn't as deluded as they are.
hear yea, hear yea, the word of Richard Dawkins!

“If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be one nation gone under.”
Ronald Reagan

“Sometimes when I'm faced with an atheist, I am tempted to invite him to the greatest gourmet dinner that one could ever serve, and when we have finished eating that magnificent dinner, to ask him if he believes there's a cook.”
Ronald Reagan

“Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged.”
Ronald Reagan
IDon't you get tired of trolling?

So your debating skills are limited to name calling?

Robert’s Rules, #43 ,
“It is not allowable to arraign the motives of a member, but the nature or consequences of a measure may be condemned in strong terms. It is not the man, but the measure, that is the subject of debate.”​
but it is an inescapable reality from the extremist radical believer to the atheist.... our beliefs guide us...
But they must be subservient to the law. If you were a doctor who believes that thou shalt not suffer a witch to live and therefore you refuse to treat a wounded Wiccan then you may have followed your religious obligations but have failed in your obligations to your society.
"restricting the recognition of marriage to opposite-sex couples" approved by California voters is "churches imposing their beliefs"

I must have just imagined the Mormon church getting busted pouring millions into campaigning against gay equality then... Silly me for thinking that pouring huge sums of cash into politics could buy you influence!

being opposed to same sex marriage is not the same as "homosexuals should be killed"

And where did I say that? Don't worry, I'll wait.

Perhaps you might actually like to discuss some of the things that have actually been said in this thread rather than whatever conversation is currently going on within the confines of your skull.
So your debating skills are limited to name calling?

When you start debating rather than trolling or regaling us with you inner monologue I'll be the first to enter into rational debate with you.

Don't like getting called on your behavior? Then stop doing the things that necessitate it. I was hoping you might have taken the point and ran with it, because I know full well you are so much better than this.

Clearly it was false hope in this case.
the trouble with being actively against same sex marriage rather than simply not supporting it within one's church is that this takes away other people's civil rights.

and THAT is what the Founding Fathers were trying to protect when they set up this country. religion is a personal matter. if you don't like gays being married, don't marry a gay man. it's really that simple.

“It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” - Thomas Jefferson
But they must be subservient to the law. If you were a doctor who believes that thou shalt not suffer a witch to live and therefore you refuse to treat a wounded Wiccan then you may have followed your religious obligations but have failed in your obligations to your society.

Not to mention the failure to honour the Hippocratic Oath.

Anyone want to take a bet on me not being able to find an example of a patient being turned away or otherwise refused treatment by a "Christian" Dr because they weren't Christian themselves? Maybe double or nothing if the discriminated party was in fact a Wiccan?

Any takers?
Not to mention the failure to honour the Hippocratic Oath.

Anyone want to take a bet on me not being able to find an example of a patient being turned away or otherwise refused treatment by a "Christian" Dr because they weren't Christian themselves? Maybe double or nothing if the discriminated party was in fact a Wiccan?

Any takers?
I wouldn't take that bet because I've seen similar discrimination
Not to mention the failure to honour the Hippocratic Oath.

Anyone want to take a bet on me not being able to find an example of a patient being turned away or otherwise refused treatment by a "Christian" Dr because they weren't Christian themselves? Maybe double or nothing if the discriminated party was in fact a Wiccan?

Any takers?

Any bets on whether the most prolific serial killing doctors worked for NHS? and were atheist?

How about NHS Muslim Doctors refusing to treat Jews, Homosexuals, alcoholics?
(they take an Islamic Medical Oath not the Hippocratic Oath)
I must have just imagined the Mormon church getting busted pouring millions into campaigning against gay equality then... Silly me for thinking that pouring huge sums of cash into politics could buy you influence!

Works for George Soros
Anyone want to take a bet on me not being able to find an example of a patient being turned away or otherwise refused treatment by a "Christian" Dr because they weren't Christian themselves? Maybe double or nothing if the discriminated party was in fact a Wiccan?

Boy, pop culture really poluted your mind when it comes to christianity. Are there some examples of this if looking hard enough? I'm sure. Is is it the insitutional stance of the major religions? I seriousy doubt it since it would be very unlike Jesus' teachings. What it would be is simple individual prejudice using religion as their excuse, not unlike the doctors that refused to treat my wife since we didn't have insurance despite us having the cash to pay.. Heck in the early 90's the (local) Catholic church(s) ran ads stating it was open to everyone regardless of race or sexual preference or anything else.

Point that finger at orthodox muslim and ou have a solid target.
Boy, pop culture really poluted your mind when it comes to christianity.

Nope. The vast, vast majority of Christians are peacefully going through lives not bothering anyone. But to ignore or deny the influence of the fundamentalist sects as well as their the number of political appointees would be to deny reality.

I seriousy doubt it since it would be very unlike Jesus' teachings.

And you would be correct in that assertion. However you are in danger of running a no true Scotsman fallacy.

What it would be is simple individual prejudice using religion as their excuse, not unlike the doctors that refused to treat my wife since we didn't have insurance despite us having the cash to pay..

Again, not in disagreement with this statement. But when these bigots start to use their religions as the justification and their views are supported by their churches, then there s a problem.

Point that finger at orthodox/fundamentalist anything and you have a solid target.

Fixed that for you, because until the republicans start adopting fundie Muslims or ultra Orthodox Jews as one of their core voting blocks, providing them with a similarly disproportionate amount of airtime to fundie xtianity, then the point stands.
Any bets on whether the most prolific serial killing doctors worked for NHS? and were atheist?

Still having your own conversation I see. But hey, now you've made the claim. Go back it up.

How about NHS Muslim Doctors refusing to treat Jews, Homosexuals, alcoholics?
(they take an Islamic Medical Oath not the Hippocratic Oath)

If you can find such, great. how does that take away from the original point? Oh wait it doesn't....
Still having your own conversation I see. But hey, now you've made the claim. Go back it up.

atheist NHS doctor kills between 250 and 459 patients
atheist NHS nurse kills 4 but tried to kill 13 before being caught

At least they never turned away or otherwise refused treatment to any of their patients
atheist NHS doctor kills between 250 and 459 patients
atheist NHS nurse kills 4 but tried to kill 13 before being caught

Well that's me convinced; atheism and the NHS is clearly a combination that leads to serial killing.
Thanks for the heads up.
atheist NHS doctor kills between 250 and 459 patients
atheist NHS nurse kills 4 but tried to kill 13 before being caught

At least they never turned away or otherwise refused treatment to any of their patients
Citations please that either Harold Shipman or Beverley Allit were atheists (I've seen claims that they were atheists, Jews Muslims and even Satanists as well as mind bending combos of all of them, but not one reliable verifiable claim for either of them).

This is really getting old metalman.
Clearly a beneficiary of abstinence only education.. I'd ask where the republican party keeps digging these clever folk up from, but after the past two years I just don't care any more, so long as they stop.

I look at the republican party of the past and see some truly brilliant ideas that have come from them as a group. But I look at today's lot and wonder WTF they think they're playing at. From what I can tell, most self declared republicans are as sick of the likes of Bachman and her ilk too.

Which makes for a neat segue back to my original reply in saying that far from loosing power and influence, religion has never been in a stronger position than it is now.

Which makes for a neat segue back to my original reply in saying that far from loosing power and influence, religion has never been in a stronger position than it is now.
I don't know if it's really a case of religion being "stronger" today or just the reality that empty barrels make the most noise.

I've seen people claim this is the death throes of religions political influence. And while that would be a pleasant idea I don't want to count the chickens before they hatch.

in any case there's no doubt that the main reason crazy politicians are spewing this crap is because they KNOW for a fact that they have a crazy audience who wants to hear all the insane words. And the only reason (that I can see) to feel comfortable wallowing in the crazy ideas is because the corporate overlords ALSO love the crazy ideas.

the corporate overlords are the real enemy here. they need to be destroyed before they destroy my country

Nate Phelps is the son of Fred Phelps,......One of 13 children, Nate ultimately broke away from his father's extreme Calvanist teaching (and the emotional and physical abuse he asserts was prevalent in the Phelps home) at the age of eighteen. He built a new life, declared himself an atheist and is now on the front lines against Westboro, religion, child abuse, and is a strong supporter of the LGBT community.
I haven't yet had time to listen to this interview but I'm sure it's interesting. And if this isn't religion abusing people...well, it's right up there