You obviously are succumbing to something and it sure smells more like fear, or an outrage born of fear. You and your other "insiders", the people in the know who can see what's really going on, you know the real threat to you and your family is the black family down the road, not the bank CEOs, not the oil barons and the captains of Monsanto, no, it's those dark skinned kids in hoodies. You might just need to go get a gun - you know the REAL reason Obama is trying to take the guns away is so that black thugs can kick whitey's ass without fear of retaliation. That's right, the white race is in danger and the gubmint does nothing so we gonna have to defend ourselves - but we ain't scared, no, no - jus' prudent.
Meanwhile down the block the black family is watching their neighbours building crosses and buying gasoline and thinking that maybe a shotgun around the house isn't such a bad idea, or considering how outnumbered they are, something with a big magazine.
Because fear begets rage and rage invokes fear - and when you are concentrating on all of the worst attacks of the last few months in a country of three hundred million people as if they were happening right on your street, instead of seeing all the millions and millions of non-violent interactions you get a perverse view of the world in your head and you forget about all the black allies you might have if you weren't so damned poisoned in your mind. That's the danger and it's needless shit stirring but it's good for someone and if there are well funded groups who wish to fan this then you could end up with running gun battles - and depending on who is funding the astroturf you've plugged into you'll get years of economically unproductive Shia on Sunni (or black on white) unrest or you'll get the clamp-down you've all been hoping for and you'll be begging the armoured men in their bullet proof vans to take your guns and tap your phones and give you the full erotic search every time you go to the mall.
Because when people can't handle their own anxieties then the nanny state steps in to help. It's the old D&C (that'd would be divide and conquer though it's also a method of aborting a republic).
Now, if you can't keep your cool and you start freaking out and go posting the stuff you're posting to stir the racial piss pot then you are helping to fan the flames of the fire you don't want. You need to calm the hell down and get a grip on your manhood.
If, after a week of NOT watching video loops of blacks beating up whites, you still feel that it's a problem that is impacting your life then try and
find some people in the black communities you can talk to (you may have to settle for some socialisty liberal types) and ask if your perceptions are valid and what can you do to help build bridges - or just hunker down in your fortress and hide every time you see anyone with an unreasonably dark tan.
It's up to you, really. It's not my country. I'd hate to have to sit here and watch you guys slaughtering each other - Fluffy is just a big bleeding heart, you know. Civil wars make Fluffy sad.