On the subject of "MAGA"


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Mar 26, 2005
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Yes. I have the hated red hat. No, I don't identify as "MAGA", whatever the fsck that's supposed to be.

I do 110% believe that America has lost its way, and that we as a whole are headed in a dangerous and "American way of life-altering" way...

We (collectively as a people) keep "electing" people to everything from local office to Congress and even the Presidency of the United States in a manner which completely overlooks their qualifications for the job, or even their positions on the matters in lieu of popularity, or because we (again, collectively) feel like "well bleep, watching her ought to be funny"...

Meanwhile, there are no controls on Congress (term limits) and you have career politicians in there who do not represent We The People at all. Instead, they barter in power and control, and pander to votes to make sure they stay in power for the rest of their lives.

This is NOT a Democrat vs Republican argument. No man or woman should be in Congress for 40+ years, and right now, there are probably 100+ people in Congress alone who fit that bill... None of whom actually listen to, or work for their constituency.

It's time that changes, and we can't change anything until everyone starts treating this shit seriously..
When you said you had the hated red hat, at first I thought you were talking about the IBM owned Red Hat corporation, lol! I don’t normally think about politics at all. In todays world you sometime have to pay attention to it.
No, I don't identify as "MAGA", whatever the fsck that's supposed to be.

"MAGA" gave this country by far the most prosperous 4 years in our lifetime and it's not even close. MAGA is just a slogan, but the dreaded orangmanbad actually delivered. We had sub $2.00 gas (years before the coof), $1 McChickens and sub 1.5% inflation.

I'm not a big slogan person, I'm a results person. That said, if you really just boil down each 4 year term to a slogan, I'm sure any sane sentient being would take "MAGA" over "Build Back Better" 100 out of 100 times.

I struggle not to be "black pilled". I'm really not sure this country can recover from what Brandon's caretakers have done and the Congress largely went along with. Remember the old "Downfall Of Rome" discussions? It fell. Remember me banging on about hyper-inflation annoying everyone? It's happening, not technically "hyper-inflation" but pretty close and nearing another tipping point. There's a reason cash will probably be eliminated in the next 5-10 years.
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One of my points about "MAGA" is that liberals, or more pointedly, the FAR left, want to paint anyone who wants America to be better as a bad person. Those who believe that no one person can succeed unless everyone succeeds. Those who believe in the whole "sliding scale classroom grading" joke as the only real outcome..

I'm fed the bleep up with DEI, leftist ideals, and all the other bullshit that's coming along with it.

I honesty don't know who is going to "win" in November. I believe the voting system has been corrupted, and with the illegal aliens now in this country counting in the next census (regardless of their being allowed to vote or not) that sways things blue on an irretrievable basis. All of these liberal cities crying out as a "sanctuary city" who are now being paid billions of FEDERAL DOLLARS to support the illegals, will eventually gain more and more seats in Congress, making their ability to sway future elections all that much stronger...

There are days -- and I pray that I'm wrong -- that I honestly believe that another civil war is coming and it scares the ever loving shit out of me...

Just an FYI: only citizens can vote in federal elections. That's been true for over 200 years.
Just an FYI: only citizens can vote in federal elections. That's been true for over 200 years.
I don't know if that's true or not because each state has control over election process in their state, and it's "offensive and discriminatory to ask for ID" in some leftist-controlled states like California who are literally drawing zero distinction based on legal citizenship...

You simply cannot state with impunity that only citizens can vote in Federal Elections because FFS, dead people do it all the time...

I don't know if that's true or not because each state has control over election process in their state, and it's "offensive and discriminatory to ask for ID" in some leftist-controlled states like California who are literally drawing zero distinction based on legal citizenship...

You simply cannot state with impunity that only citizens can vote in Federal Elections because FFS, dead people do it all the time...


Certain districts had more votes for Biden than actual registered voters, but we're not allowed to point that out without being labeled a "conspiracy theorist".
From the file marked "If you can't beat them..."?

Donald Trump joins TikTok despite previously wanting ban

I haven't checked today, but yesterday within just 24 hours Trump had literally 10x the followers of the official Biden account. The same Biden who's hospice caretakers are paying big bucks after hiring a social media team and being on the platform for a long time.

orangemanbad walks into the worst part of town and/or the worst social media platform and is immediately a hit, yet we are told to believe Brandon is "the most popular and legitimate president evar!!11".
It's not really about that in my head. I just don't understand the far left's (media) ideal that "Mak(ing) America Great Again" is somehow a shitty redneck idea and that if you believe America should be great, you must be a racist...
I do believe what I posted on FB though. If your blind hatred of one man outweighs your love of this country, YOU are part of the problem...

That could apply either way, regardless of candidate. The Presidency of the United States is not a {bleep} popularity context for Reality TV..
As a leftist I wholeheartily agree; I feel leftist idealism has been hijacked and perverted from constructive to very destructive.
I feel like I've replied to this previous, but obviously I have failed....

Like in my other thread about two things can be true, you can solemnly believe that the government needs to do a better job of taking care of it's people (right leaning) without feeling like the government needs to provide for it's people (left leaning)...

The problem I see is that there are groups out there who are SO enjoying the Series final episode of "America" that the do nothing but stir up shit for the sake of seeing what stinks. The women of The View are optimal examples of stupid incarnate who only spout shit for ratings, but there's apparently a large group of people who take their shit seriously...

Toss in politicians who don't work for We The People and there you have it

I don't know if that's true or not because each state has control over election process in their state, and it's "offensive and discriminatory to ask for ID" in some leftist-controlled states like California who are literally drawing zero distinction based on legal citizenship...

You simply cannot state with impunity that only citizens can vote in Federal Elections because FFS, dead people do it all the time...

yes, certain locations, cities, etc can decide to allow people living in those locations to vote in certain situations. Like voting for candidates on school boards because the immigrants have children going to those schools. Becoming a citizen takes years (it certainly took years for members of MY family to become citizens). They still have a vested interest in being involved in local policies. Either because of their children and/or they work in these places. I see nothing wrong with immigrants voting about LOCAL candidates or policies. These are LOCAL issues, and therefore none of my business.

MY comment was about the Constitutional fact of FEDERAL elections. THAT will never change. At least as long as we don't allow fascists to ruin this country. And, I certainly won't support any nonsense on this.
MY comment was about the Constitutional fact of FEDERAL elections. THAT will never change. At least as long as we don't allow fascists to ruin this country. And, I certainly won't support any nonsense on this.
I have absolutely zero problems with immigrants. Hell. Every American here comes from a family that immigrated at some point in history. MY issue is with the ILLEGAL part. In that I don't give a royal shite about whether an ILLEGAL immigrant has a "vested interest" in this country. They have zero right to be IN THIS COUNTRY ILLEGALLY... I don't care if there are border babies involved or not.

As for local vs Federal elections, have you ever seen an election day ballot, one ballot for local elections, one ballot for Federal elections? No? Me neither, so if you hand an illegal alien a ballot and allow them to vote on a "local issue", you are, in fact, placing the ability in their hand to vote for Federal offices..

So, in point of fact, these leftist socialist marxist states are allowing illegal aliens to vote.
I don’t really care what the asylum process is like as 90% of the illegal aliens claiming asylum will never be qualified. In the meantime they get to live here, illegally, for free with more benefits than the American Veteran
I don’t really care what the asylum process is like as 90% of the illegal aliens claiming asylum will never be qualified. In the meantime they get to live here, illegally, for free with more benefits than the American Veteran

Biden's hospice caretakers know exactly what they are doing. Blanket amnesty is ongoing.

Biden admin criticized over reports of 'amnesty' for asylum-seekers: 'They know exactly what they're doing'

A report released last month by Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), a nonpartisan data gathering organization that tracks immigration cases and backlogs, shows that since 2022, over 350,000 asylum cases filed by migrants were closed by the U.S. government on the basis that those who filed did not have a criminal record or were not deemed a threat to the U.S.

The New York Post called the move "Biden's mass amnesty."


"The Biden administration knows what I know, that based on immigration court data in the last 10 years, nine out of 10 of these people claim asylum at the border won't win a case. They'll be ordered removed because they either don't show up in court or they don't qualify," he said.

"This administration knows exactly what they're doing. They know these people get removed or deported. They don't want that. They'd rather they be here illegally and wait … to be counted in the next Census, which would benefit the Democrats. They've got a plan and this is their plan."

Even that article is soft selling it all. Amnesty is just the first step. Next will be either blanket citizenship, or officially allowing illegals to vote in federal elections. Democrats would be just fine creating an official underclass of "legal" noncitizens. It's all out in the open.
He said this in a Tikok video and more. He also said Trump was wrongly convicted for helping black people.


That video has now been pulled and "the machine" is going bonkers trying to cover it up. If you google it you will get nonsense like "reporter tricks elderly man". If he was saying this about Biden, it would be the headline everywhere.
After 4 years of Biden is there anyone left that’s not voting for Trump?
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