On the subject of "MAGA"

What happens if she wins? Pultin concubine?

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You mean like Hildabeast did?
I'd like to think you're well aware of the contempt I hold Hillary Clinton in but, nonetheless, she eventually conceded. Trump never did. That makes him even scummier than Hillary Clinton. Imagine being lower than that horrible excuse for a human?
And the really tragic thing is, such is his cult of personality that his acolytes believe whatever lies he spouts, regardless of evidence, and will continue to do so, no matter what. The next 4 years will be a hilarious, if tragically depressing rollercoaster.
What happens if she wins? Pultin concubine?
You can't seriously think Harris is more of a Putin fan than Trump is? If that's what you're getting at I'd love to see your working.
Robert, I’m joking. If Trump was President for 2020-2024 the war on Ukraine would have never happened and the US would not have sent over 200 billon dollars to that country which as a US tax-payer I disagree with.
If Trump was President for 2020-2024 the war on Ukraine would have never happened and
Russia would still have invaded but Ukraine would probably now belong entirely to Russia, partly because:
the US would not have sent over 200 billon dollars to that country
However, the fact they did contribute (along with multiple other countries) has helped Ukraine to at least put up a fight and try to hang on to some of the territorial borders Russia promised to respect when Ukraine gave up its nukes.
which as a US tax-payer I disagree with.
As is your right. You are under no obligation to care about anywhere, anyone or anything.
Russia would still have invaded but Ukraine would probably now belong entirely to Russia, partly because:

Russia would have never invaded as proven by they fact it did not happen under his watch. There was not a single new conflict under the Trump administration. Trump is the only president within my lifetime that a new conflict did not occur.

All these horrendous things happening around the world are due to the fact foreign leaders aren't fed Liberal Media propaganda and wouldn't be dumb enough to believe it anyhow. They knew the US did not have an actual sitting president and they were free to do as they wished on anything.

I've been saying it all along that I don't think it will be Harris to get the nomination. I will continue to say it until the convention formalizes it. It is true that the Obamas' have refused to give their endorsement. There's been a steady stream of high profile visitors to Michelle's home in recent weeks. The infighting in the Democrat Party right now is very real.

The Dems and the Liberal Media have nonstop beaten the drum that Trump "will end democracy" and 2024 would be the last election ever if he was elected. This very same Democrap Party just went against the will of their own voters and will be helicopter dropping in a random unelected candidate. Remind me again who exactly has "ended Democracy"?
Here's the Donald explaining that he'll "fix it" so that this is last time you have to vote. Nice little MAGA dictatorship planned or just another example of a bumbling old man incapable of speaking in coherent sentences without saying something stupid? My guess is the latter but coming from the man who tried to steal the last election, who can be sure?
Here's the Donald explaining that he'll "fix it" so that this is last time you have to vote. Nice little MAGA dictatorship planned or just another example of a bumbling old man incapable of speaking in coherent sentences without saying something stupid? My guess is the latter but coming from the man who tried to steal the last election, who can be sure?

Perfect example of reading into something as you wish it to be. Those who want confirmation bias of a dictator Trump will hear just that.
I'd like to think you're well aware of the contempt I hold Hillary Clinton in but, nonetheless, she eventually conceded. Trump never did. That makes him even scummier than Hillary Clinton. Imagine being lower than that horrible excuse for a human?
And the really tragic thing is, such is his cult of personality that his acolytes believe whatever lies he spouts, regardless of evidence, and will continue to do so, no matter what. The next 4 years will be a hilarious, if tragically depressing rollercoaster.
She left office and maintained for the rest of time that she was robbed. Just like Trump. They both handed over the office when the time came, but neither have accepted the results.
I think you all will end up with a dictator either way.
The last 8 years at least have shown that the President is not running the country. Trump couldn' tsignificantly budge the trajectory of the US and Biden wasn't even really there. The dictatorship has been in control for a long time. We just don't know who is dictating.
She left office and maintained for the rest of time that she was robbed. Just like Trump. They both handed over the office when the time came, but neither have accepted the results.
Hillary might have had her feelings hurt but aside from writing a book, she didn't DO anything.

felon45 didn't partake in the "peaceful transfer of Power" as we call the political activities that occur between the departing administration and incoming administration between the election (results) and Jan 20th when the new administration is formalized.
Not only did felon45 not discuss any the normal bureaucratic details but he tried to stop the Congress from counting the votes on Jan 6th by getting a bunch of his cult members to storm the Capitol in an attempt to intimidate mike pence.

That's WAY more than simply being "disappointed". He allowed the violence to continue for about three hours before he was forced to tell them to go home. Which they did IMMEDIATELY, BTW. People all over the world (including my cousins who live in Europe) were watching this. They were horrified.