On the subject of "MAGA"

After 4 years of Binden is there anyone left that’s not voting for Trump?
Honestly? I don't know what's going to happen in November. There seems to be a lot of Delusion Syndrome on both sides, and honestly I don't feel as though either person is right for the country. Trump IMO is much "better" for the country on a policy and economy level, but his personality is just SOOOO divisive and will serve as a catalyst for four more years of hatred and "peaceful protesting" if he's elected.

Biden on the other hand, cannot pretend he's going to last another four years, but he is.. Pretending that is.

My guess is this. *IF* Biden stays in the race beyond the next month or so, he will announce Killary Clinton as his VP running mate. Kamala's a shitshow and doesn't help Biden's chances despite checking off all the right boxes on the DEI scoresheet. Killary on the other hand will rally the hardcore left to get Biden re-elected.

NOW... If Biden drops out of the election, the DNC will straight up nominate Killary directly, which is probably the biggest potential threat to a Trump re-election... Her entrance into the race would be a complete rally cry to all the leftist screaming liberals (the hardcore whackjobs, not EVERY liberal) that "peacefully protested" because they thought Trump stole the election in 2016..

No matter what, I know who I'm voting for, so my vote be damned..
I’m not sure I will even vote at all.
My guess is this. *IF* Biden stays in the race beyond the next month or so, he will announce Killary Clinton as his VP running mate. Kamala's a shitshow and doesn't help Biden's chances despite checking off all the right boxes on the DEI scoresheet. Killary on the other hand will rally the hardcore left to get Biden re-elected.
That would completely destroy his already slim chance of winning, IMO. So much so that if the DEEP STATE(tm) want Biden to lose, I can't think of a better 5D-chess move than bringing Mrs. Toxic back into the fold. ;)
the DNC will straight up nominate Killary directly

Not Hillary, she has the stink of loser to the left hand side. The right KNOWS who she really is, but IMO even the left is done with her. She's yesterday's garbage to the TikTok crowd. Gavin Newsom is who they've groomed to be Biden's successor. It's pretty stunning they even left Biden in for the 2020 election. He was a dementia riddled disaster 4 years ago. He's currently a barely walking corpse. The DNC will have a brokered convention shortly before November and Newsom will be thrust into the spot. Bookmark this post, I'm calling it now. Some excuse about an "unexpected" Biden health event will be the excuse and most dems are too shallow of thinkers to even question it.

As bad as we all know Biden's caretakers have been for the country, Newsom would be the final nail in the coffin. Just look at the state of California...
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That would completely destroy his already slim chance of winning, IMO. So much so that if the DEEP STATE(tm) want Biden to lose, I can't think of a better 5D-chess move than bringing Mrs. Toxic back into the fold. ;)
You gotta remember, there's still a plethora of leftists out there that worship her. It's almost as bad as the people who worship Trump, so I don't know if I could agree with your assessment off hand.
Not Hillary, she has the stink of loser to the left hand side. The right KNOWS who she really is, but IMO even the left is done with her. She's yesterday's garbage to the TikTok crowd. Gavin Newsom is who they've groomed to be Biden's successor. It's pretty stunning they even left Biden in for the 2020 election. He was a dementia riddled disaster 4 years ago. He's currently a barely walking corpse. The DNC will have a brokered convention shortly before November and Newsom will be thrust into the spot. Bookmark this post, I'm calling it now. Some excuse about an "unexpected" Biden health event will be the excuse and most dems are too shallow of thinkers to even question it.

As bad as we all know Biden's caretakers have been for the country, Newsom would be the final nail in the coffin. Just look at the state of California...
I don't know where the true hardcore left leans where Newsome is concerned. I find it incomprehensible that people can't see beyond the shit show that he made out of California, but I'd like to pretend I'm rarely surprised by the type of people who'd flock to him. As I said, I've been spending more and more time on Twitter/X and just listening to this idiots makes me wanna wretch...

I don't know where the true hardcore left leans where Newsome is concerned. I find it incomprehensible that people can't see beyond the shit show that he made out of California, but I'd like to pretend I'm rarely surprised by the type of people who'd flock to him.

I struggle to avoid taking the black pill, but I doubt it even matters what the hard left really believes. Biden did NOT win the 2020 election legitimately. You know it and I know it. I wouldn't be at all surprised if another pandemic lockdown happened just in time for the election and all the trappings like mail in ballots that come with it.
Biden did NOT win the 2020 election legitimately. You know it and I know it.
Yeah, well, there's a difference between what I know, and what I "know", you know?

Biden and Harris have been a complete Obama-driven train wreck from day one. Even Robin Williams was making fun of Joe Biden in the 80's/90's, and Obama had admitted exactly what he's done in an earlier interview where he discusses his "third term"...

But I digress. I could easily fall down a conspiracy hole but it doesn't matter. American politics, and the American political parties do not represent We The People in any way, shape or form. Not a conspiracy or even my personal thought to that. It's a simple, demonstrable fact. As such, we could sit here getting wound around the axle over all of it, but I'm choosing to try and not let it control my life.

The whole "Serenity prayer" thing I suppose...
Gavin Newsom is who they've groomed to be Biden's successor. It's pretty stunning they even left Biden in for the 2020 election. He was a dementia riddled disaster 4 years ago. He's currently a barely walking corpse. The DNC will have a brokered convention shortly before November and Newsom will be thrust into the spot. Bookmark this post, I'm calling it now. Some excuse about an "unexpected" Biden health event will be the excuse and most dems are too shallow of thinkers to even question it.

Biden's handlers have announced he is dropping out of the race. Kamala was not endorsed as his successor as predicted. Biden's handlers, the deep state, have likely already worked out Newsom as their handpicked replacement. Only Hail Mary play I can see that is not Newsom is if they can convince Michael Obama to run instead. If Michael accepted and went public as being transgender before running, it would galvanize the dem base. Dems don't care about being lied to, they prefer it. They are also extremely emotion driven creatures and voting for a black transgender woman would bring them out in droves.
He already announced Harris as his successor. Newsom is way too busy screwing up California anyway.
Biden's handlers have announced he is dropping out of the race. Kamala was not endorsed as his successor as predicted. Biden's handlers, the deep state, have likely already worked out Newsom as their handpicked replacement. Only Hail Mary play I can see that is not Newsom is if they can convince Michael Obama to run instead. If Michael accepted and went public as being transgender before running, it would galvanize the dem base. Dems don't care about being lied to, they prefer it. They are also extremely emotion driven creatures and voting for a black transgender woman would bring them out in droves.
I think the way the funding works his campaign money has to stay with the ticket so it has to go to Harris. We shall see.
I think the way the funding works his campaign money has to stay with the ticket so it has to go to Harris. We shall see.

It's an absolute clusterf**k for the Democrat Party and completely unprecedented in US history. No such presidential candidate has dropped out so close to the election. Of the few incumbents who decided not to run for reelection, they did so many months earlier in the process.

Supposedly Biden did end up vocally endorsing Kamala, but I've not seen that myself yet. Even if true, it's not a given that she's the candidate. Also for the funding, there seems to be no clear consensus even among dems. This is a pretty good short read:

Biden Will Step Aside in the 2024 Race. What Happens Next?


A: Biden has spent the last several months accruing nearly 4,000 Democratic delegates by winning primary elections in U.S. states and territories.

Those delegates would normally vote for him to be the party's official presidential nominee at the Democratic National Convention that is set to take place Aug. 19-22, but the rules do not bind or force them to do so. Delegates can vote with their conscience, which means they could throw their vote to someone else.

By stepping aside, Biden is effectively "releasing" his delegates, potentially sparking a competition among other Democratic candidates to become the nominee.

A: Several candidates could step into the fray.

Vice President Kamala Harris is at the top of the list, but she has had her own problems after a rocky start in the job and poor polling numbers. The U.S. Constitution dictates that the vice president becomes president if the president dies or becomes incapacitated, but it does not weigh in on an inter-party process for choosing a nominee.

California Governor Gavin Newsom, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear and Illinois Governor JB Pritzker have all been floated as possible replacements. Up until now they have been Biden supporters working to help get him elected.


A: There could be a free-for-all of sorts between the Democratic heavyweights vying for the job.

According to Ballotpedia, there are expected to be some 4,672 delegates in 2024, including 3,933 pledged delegates and 739 so-called superdelegates - senior party members.

In order to secure the nomination, a candidate would need to get a majority - that is, more votes than all the others combined.

If no one achieves that, then there would be a "
brokered convention" in which the delegates act as free agents and negotiate with the party leadership.

Rules would be established and there would be roll call votes for names placed into nomination.

It could take several rounds of voting for someone to get a majority and become the nominee. The last brokered convention when Democrats failed to nominate a candidate on the first ballot was in 1952.


The Biden-Harris campaign had $91 million in the bank at the end of May, but experts on campaign finance law disagree on how readily the money could change hands.

Because Harris is also on the campaign filing documents, many experts believe the money could be transferred over to her if she is on the ticket. But there is some debate about whether Biden would need to be officially nominated first as the party's candidate before a transfer could be made.

There is also the question about changing the ticket so late in several states per state law where the candidate cannot be changed so late in the process, so no Dem candidate will be on the ticket at all. I THINK that applies to Kamala herself too, but not an expert on those states' election laws. The DNC is an absolute dumpster fire. The only path I see for them to have any chance whatsoever is for it to be stolen even more blatantly than the last time. Yesterday's Microsoft/CrowdStrike outage could very well be the test run for new national lockdowns so mandatory mail-in balloting would be required, but that might be a subject for another thread. Outside any "conspiracy theories" like that, their only Hail Mary Pass would be an out of the closet Big Mike run as mentioned.
Here you go.

Yeah. The Giggler represents a far greater threat to democracy the Republic than Joe Biden at this point.
  1. To some, she's "not Trump".
  2. She's minimally coherent (at least since the debate).
  3. She checks all the DEI boxes for those who support such things.
  4. She believes in every hard left Liberal cause (whether she does, or whether it's what Obama tells her to is a question).
  5. She was handed responsibility for the border and we see how that's worked out.
  6. She has zero demonstrated fiscal management experience to fix the economy..
  7. 1/4 of Americans will vote for her REGARDLESS of all that because she's a woman.
  8. 1/4 of Americans will vote for her REGARDLESS of all that because she identifies as black.
  9. More of the remaining Americans will vote for her because they blindly hate Trump.
Sadly, I think that unless America wakes up.. I mean REALLY wakes up, the America we know now (not even the now-dead America we've known) will be gone by 2028. I'm guessing that if we're not in the middle of the next World War, we'll be part of the United Earth Coalition by then...

Welcome to Obama's Fourth Term..
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Yeah. The Giggler represents a far greater threat to Democracy than Joe Biden at this point.
  1. To some, she's "not Trump".
  2. She's minimally coherent (at least since the debate).
  3. She checks all the DEI boxes for those who support such things.
  4. She believes in every hard left Liberal cause (whether she does, or whether it's what Obama tells her to is a question).
  5. She was handed responsibility for the border and we see how that's worked out.
  6. She has zero demonstrated fiscal management experience to fix the economy..
  7. 1/4 of Americans will vote for her REGARDLESS of all that because she's a woman.
  8. 1/4 of Americans will vote for her REGARDLESS of all that because she identifies as black.
  9. More of the remaining Americans will vote for her because they blindly hate Trump.
Sadly, I think that unless America wakes up.. I mean REALLY wakes up, the America we know now (not even the now-dead America we've known) will be gone by 2028. I'm guessing that if we're not in the middle of the next World War, we'll be part of the United Earth Coalition by then...

Welcome to Obama's Fourth Term..
Sadly, I think that unless America wakes up.. I mean REALLY wakes up, the America we know now (not even the now-dead America we've known) will be gone by 2028. I'm guessing that if we're not in the middle of the next World War, we'll be part of the United Earth Coalition by then...

Welcome to Obama's Fourth Term..

I don't think so. I have one hard left friend who's part of the alphabet community and while not antifa, has been you could say antifa-adjacent on some subjects. This person likes the idea of Communism. Everything you would think would make this person default to Kamala. Except, it's the opposite. I've been a fly on the wall of this person's social media interactions with actual antifa type lefty friends and not a single one of them like her. They absolutely hate her. Even just random lefties on the internet seem to hate her. I think in her entire term as VP I've seen one person post something positive. That one person may have just been sh*tposting or a bot. hell in the 2020 primary, she was dead last out of everyone and didn't get one single delegate. She's roundly hated.

I still am guessing Biden's delegates will not back her and force a brokered convention. They don't give 2 shits about the will of Democrat voters, they'll insert whomever the deep state thinks has the best chance to win with no vote.
This thread has gone waaay OT, but since we're on the subject now I'll drop this here.

JD Vance on Democrats Ousting Joe Biden: ‘Insanely Anti-Democratic,’ ‘Quite Dark’ that Elites Have Such Power, Disregard for Voters

“Whatever we think about Joe Biden — and I certainly don’t like him or like his policies — they effectively removed the president because he became a political liability, and they gave voters no choice in the outcome,” Vance told Breitbart News. “It’s actually quite dark if you think about it: A bunch of billionaires and Democratic politicians getting together in a room, deciding to deprive voters of the choice of who would be the nominee of the Democratic Party. It’s really anti-democratic, and it’s hysterical that after years of saying Republicans are the anti-democracy party, we actually ran a primary. President Trump won the trust and the confidence of Republican voters and the right to represent them on the national stage. Whoever the Democrats ultimately nominate, there is no democratic legitimacy because voters were not consulted. They were never given the opportunity to participate in this process, and I think it’s extraordinarily insulting to them and to everybody to think we could have somebody who has an approximately 50-50 chance of becoming president of the United States who voters have never weighed in on.”

The problem is most dems don't seem to know or care that they have no say in the matter. A majority of dems have the "vote blue no matter who" mentality. They'll actually tell you this unironically themselves. It's a literal hivemind.
To some, she's "not Trump".
Indisputably true and could perhaps have played well for her but Trump surviving an assassination attempt makes him very hard to catch IMO.
She's minimally coherent (at least since the debate).
I think she can speak reasonably well but as the absurd pronoun nonsense posted above shows, she can also sound like a buffoon. Nonetheless, she certainly comes across as more statesmanlike* than either Biden or Trump, although that's an incredibly low bar.
I also get the impression she'll accept the result and concede defeat when she loses. We all know what will happen if she somehow manages to beat Trump.

1/4 of Americans will vote for her REGARDLESS of all that because she's a woman.

When Trump is coming out with mysogynist clangers like, "We're not going to have a socialist president, especially a female..." can you blame them?

*edited to add, more statesmanlike to my Scottish eyes and ears. I have no idea what you American folks see as statesmanlike anymore. :p

-EDIT 2-
A couple of old-fashioned US Statesmen having a pleasant chat.
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I also get the impression she'll accept the result and concede defeat when she loses. We all know what will happen if she somehow manages to beat Trump.

You mean like Hildabeast did? Anyhow he only difference here, Trump didn't lose.