Ready for the next Ice Age? Winter is coming.

I just saw this in the Guardian and it reminded me of this thread (and many others before it).
"There is no evidence."
"Here's some evidence."
"NASA made that up."
I just saw this in the Guardian and it reminded me of this thread (and many others before it).
"There is no evidence."
"Here's some evidence."
"NASA made that up."

"But Cox produced a graph of global surface temperatures of the past century and immediately debunked the myth, pointing out it is a misunderstanding caused by looking at a small sample, starting from an unusually warm year two decades ago."

I brought a graph too!
and for an EVEN LONGER time period!

I produce a graph of global surface temperatures of the past century and immediately debunked the myth, pointing out it is a misunderstanding caused by looking at a small sample, starting from an unusually cool year one hundred years ago!

the Medieval Warm Period was even warmer than the current temperatures


German Professor: NASA Has Fiddled Climate Data On ‘Unbelievable’ Scale

A German professor has confirmed what skeptics from Britain to the US have long suspected: that NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies has largely invented “global warming” by tampering with the raw temperature data records.

Professor Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert is a retired geologist and data computation expert. He has painstakingly examined and tabulated all NASA GISS’s temperature data series, taken from 1153 stations and going back to 1881. His conclusion: that if you look at the raw data, as opposed to NASA’s revisions, you’ll find that since 1940 the planet has been cooling, not warming.

According to Günter Ederer, the German journalist who has reported on Ewert’s findings:

From the publicly available data, Ewert made an unbelievable discovery: Between the years 2010 and 2012 the data measured since 1881 were altered so that they showed a significant warming, especially after 1950. […] A comparison of the data from 2010 with the data of 2012 shows that NASA-GISS had altered its own datasets so that especially after WWII a clear warming appears – although it never existed.

Apart from Australia, the planet has in fact been on a cooling trend:

Using the NASA data from 2010 the surface temperature globally from 1940 until today has fallen by 1.110°C, and since 2000 it has fallen 0.4223°C […]. The cooling has hit every continent except for Australia, which warmed by 0.6339°C since 2000. The figures for Europe: From 1940 to 2010, using the data from 2010, there was a cooling of 0.5465°C and a cooling of 0.3739°C since 2000.
Ship of Fools II

An Arctic expedition designed to raise awareness of the perils of man-made climate change is being frustrated by unexpectedly large quantities of ice.

"On June 19th 2016, we left Bristol in our boat Northabout to circumnavigate the North Pole anticlockwise. By doing this we will be demonstrating that the Arctic sea ice coverage shrinks back so far now in the summer months that sea that was permanently locked up now can allow passage through."


Ships Log

Well I came up on watch this morning at 0800. ice, ice and more b****t ice.

the expedition is around 4 to 6 weeks behind schedule having been held up in the Laptev Sea by "ice".

current position, Sept 1 2016 North of the Yukon, starting Leg 3

First there was Brexit, now there’s Clexit – or “Climate Exit”.

We notice the sudden and unexplained denial of pre-booked sceptic conference facilities and the steadfast refusal of alarmists to debate facts and issues.

Why are they so afraid of words? Surely this is a sign that their facts are shonky and their arguments are feeble? They fear they are losing the confidence of the public.

The tide is turning, and informed opposition is growing. It is time for the thinking media to give sceptical evidence and conclusions a fair go in the court of public opinion.

In a short time with no costly international meetings and very little publicity, Clexit has gathered the support of over 115 members in 20 countries. Please look at the list of Foundation Members and countries:

Look at the skills, qualifications, experience and wisdom of our founding members; and the many other well-qualified dissenters listed at the end. The science is not settled.

How about coming at this from a different angle?

Let's assume that man-made climate change does not exist.

Dependence on fossil fuels presents a number of other problems:

  • The supply is finite, and this arguably has major geopolitical consequences

  • Localised pollution arising from use causes illness and death (there are studies that show this). Air quality in places like London is pretty dreadful, for example.

  • Disasters like oil spills have major environmental effects that can last many years
How about coming at this from a different angle?

Let's assume that man-made climate change does not exist.

Dependence on fossil fuels presents a number of other problems:

  • The supply is finite, and this arguably has major geopolitical consequences

  • Localised pollution arising from use causes illness and death (there are studies that show this). Air quality in places like London is pretty dreadful, for example.

  • Disasters like oil spills have major environmental effects that can last many years

I think you will find the vast majority of Global Warming Fraud opponents like myself are NOT pro-pollution and NOT anti-green energy. Peak Oil Theory is probably valid, though the actual numbers are debatable. No one wants smog and polluted waters.

The whole Global Warming Hoax has absolutely nothing to do with protecting the environment, and everything to do with control, power and money. Who is promoting the Global Warming hoax? The United Nations, Billionaire Elites and the largest Multi-National Corporations. Who is against the hoax? A majority of the everyone else, including many/most traditional (real) environmentalists. Would you consider the Greenpeace founder to be a real environmentalist?

Greenpeace co-founder: No scientific evidence of man-made global warming

Carbon credits and Cap & Trade will not reduce carbon emissions a single percentage. All it does is create a regulatory environment to empower the largest corporations in the world, and essentially eliminate small business. If you move manufacturing from the US to China, you just outsource CO2 emissions. It also would transfer a crippling amount of wealth from the bottom 99.9% of the population to the top 0.1% of the population. Plans like Agenda 21 (a real thing, not tin-foil hats) remove all sovereignty and enslave the world populations.

A lot of what I can say on the matter will put off the casual observer because they sound outlandish. Just doing a wee bit of investigating proves them out. Why do you think TPP is being negotiated in complete secrecy? Everything people like me was saying about it years ago was proven by Wikileaks.

In short, Global Warming is and always has been a hoax that has nothing to do with being environmentally conscious. It has everything to do with a one world government, and ensuring un-elected elites are in control.