Stuff your western colonial cis het patriarchal engineering - the important questions are: is the gear train fair and how does it make you feel?
Someone doesn't understand how a gear train works!
Stuff your western colonial cis het patriarchal engineering - the important questions are: is the gear train fair and how does it make you feel?
As it is now - one of those cogs has got to go. I'd say probably the students. Best would be to move them all apart and put a belt around the whole thing - that way they'd a) be able to turn and b) they'd all be going the same direction.makes me feel like the teeth want to break, and students have twice the torque of teachers, parents only 2/3 that of teachers, teachers move counter clockwise to parents
I did a quick look on google and this seems to be a fairly common graphic shorthand for "working together" though most don't join the circle for odd numbers of gears, though plenty do. There are a few examples on shutterstock that have three locked gears and arrows added to show the supposed direction of rotation.and this rather interesting variant. (linky-link)
I don't pronounce mauve like gauze but to rhyme with grove.The Chaos by Gerard Nolst Trenité (1922)
This is a classic English poem containing about 800 of the worst irregularities of English spelling and pronunciation.