Suddenly vaccine skepticism has gone mainstream.

this is sad. I can't even imagine being in a family like this
They're the lucky ones, mostly of an age where, when the parents started on about 5G-activated vaccines with tracking chips, they already knew it was nonsense or had the smarts to check for themselves.
I know of at least 3 children under 13, from different families, whose parents have been banging that drum very publicly for well over a year now. Hopefully they come through unscathed but it'll be harder for them.
To be fair, it would be rather worrying were this not the case.

To be fair, the published numbers are not trustworthy. Even here on Whyzzat we've discussed all all the various car crash deaths and such listed as Covid deaths.

Contrary to the Facebook posts, Aiken said, “Medical Examiners and Coroners certify hundreds to thousands of deaths each year, using investigation, autopsies, and medical tests as required, and do not choose a ‘default diagnosis’ such as COVID-19.”

“A greater issue is errors in the other direction — deaths caused by COVID that are not counted as such,” he said.

Lipsitch cited at least two reasons for that underreporting: Someone having and dying from clear COVID-19 respiratory symptoms but never being tested (especially early in the epidemic, when tests were scarce). Or, he said, someone dying from causes, such as a heart attack or stroke, triggered by the infection — with no one ever suspecting or testing for the disease.
"Despite his struggle with the virus, Mr Harmon still said he would reject being jabbed, saying his religious faith would protect him."
yeah, how did THAT work out? :rolleyes:

I'm seeing more of these cases, but that's the individuals who are known by a bunch of people. There's lots of regular people in hospitals.

The bottom line is that unvaccinated people are THE most vulnerable to getting this virus. Sadly this includes children.
It's astounding how so many people can remain ignorant about this dangerous virus.
Scientists have been fairly straightforward about every new discovery.
It's because of their continuing info that my family and friends remained safe and then got vaccinated.

This video may only be visible for those in the US. I'm not sure. In any case he's a doctor who's giving a good summary of the delta variant.

I'm just glad that my family in the US and Europe are all vaccinated except for the children. And I hope that gets authorized soon.
A study from the National Centre for Infectious Diseases in Singapore shows how effective the mRNA vaccines are against the delta variant
Reminder, I'm not hardline anti-vax.

Labor Unions Push Back Against COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates​

Here's a science article about a really subtle point (which I'm sure the antivaxxers will completely miss).
The conclusion is that when you have a lot of vaccinated people who are basically stomping on the original virus AND unvaccinated people allowing variants to flourish the variant with the most transmissibility (in this case: delta) is going to have free reign.
