Suddenly vaccine skepticism has gone mainstream.

When the vaccines were being developed under orangemanbad
First, dopey donny has never seen the inside of a lab and never manufactured vaccines. Considering all the lies he told about the virus all last year I wouldn't trust him with ANY information.

At the time he was "pushing" the potential vaccines the trials had not yet been completed. THAT is the evidence I was waiting for.
And dopey donny was pushing the vaccines because he wanted to influence his re-election, not that he wanted to save any lives.

Also, BioNTech wasn't financed by "warp speed", the Germans paid for that vaccine.

If dopey donny really cared about people (HAHA!) he would have encouraged his cult to get vaccinated. Despite nearly everyone is his administration getting covid, Almost none of them admitted publicly that they later got vaccinated. I only remember his daughter posting a photo of her vaccination.

as to the situation in NYC:

to dine INDOORS you have to have at least one vaccine shot. (unvaccinate persons can still dine OUTDOORS)
So, you can use your vaccine card - or, if you have had both shots and 2 weeks passed after your 2nd shot you can use the excelsior pass app. The app includes people who can't be vaccinate but have gotten a test. So, a negative for covid test is perfectly fine.

Will this be somewhat inconvenient for unvaccinated persons?

cry me a river.
The virus doesn't give a crap about your political views or your delicate feelings. It's looking for a host so it can replicate like a son of a B*tch.

As a vaccinated person I have denied the virus that ability.

COREY TAYLOR Tests Positive For COVID-19: 'I'm Very, Very Sick'

Corey Taylor has tested positive for COVID-19 after being vaccinated. As a result of his diagnosis, the SLIPKNOT and STONE SOUR frontman will be unable to appear at the Astronomicon eclectic pop culture convention in Ann Arbor, Michigan this weekend.

Taylor shared the news of his COVID-19 infection in a video message earlier today. He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I wish I had better news. I woke up today and tested positive, and I'm very, very sick. So I'm not gonna be able to make it this weekend. And I am absolutely devastated. I am so sorry. I hope everyone has a good time, and I promise you I will absolutely try to get back there as soon as I can. I should be okay — it's the flu. I'm vaccinated, so I'm not worried. But I certainly wouldn't want to spread it to anyone else. So, everybody be safe out there. And thank you so much. And I will see you again, I promise."
I keep hearing the coof jab is effective. The results don't seem to indicate this.

Rev. Jesse Jackson And His Wife Are Hospitalized For COVID-19

The Rev. Jesse Jackson, 79, and his wife, Jacqueline, 77, have been hospitalized after testing positive for COVID-19, according to a statement Saturday.

Jesse Jackson, a famed civil rights leader, is vaccinated against the virus and received his first dose in January during a publicized event as he urged others to receive the inoculation as soon as possible. The two are being treated at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago.

"Doctors are currently monitoring the condition of both," according to the statement authorized by their son, Jonathan Jackson.

"There are no further updates at this time," the statement said. "We will provide updates as they become available."
I keep hearing the coof jab is effective. The results don't seem to indicate this.
Which results?
There have been multiple studies on the efficacy of the various C19 vaccines and I've yet to see a single one with results that indicate the vaccine in question is not effective.
Just to be clear, individual cases of breakthrough infections do not constitute overall efficacy results.
A doctor explains some subtle points about infection.
Which results?
There have been multiple studies on the efficacy of the various C19 vaccines and I've yet to see a single one with results that indicate the vaccine in question is not effective.
Just to be clear, individual cases of breakthrough infections do not constitute overall efficacy results.
It's clearly not effective in one metric in that it is not what is known as a "sterilizing vaccine" that is it prevents viral replication. Few vaccines are truly sterilizing but pretty good is often good enough to control infections in a population.
So long as the virus is a good match for the one you got vaccinated against your immune system will have a head start on any fresh infections and your progression will be less sever and shorter - but you will still be somewhat infectious. In the case of delta the match is not very good and the viral replication is much faster than the original which means that, at least in theory, you will probably be infectious and able to pass on the delta.
The vaccines are single antigen formulas - just the spike protein. If the spike protein changes this can reduce the vaccines effectiveness (and not all people develop the same antibodies - the antibodies you end up with are a matter of chance and a mutation that one person could handle may slip by the antibodies of someone else). A natural infection creates a wider range of antibodies as the immune system will identify multiple foreign molecules in the real virus meaning mutations in one molecule won't stop the antibodies to other viral molecules from identifying foe.
Because the current vaccines are seralogical vaccines there is a delay from initial infection in the cells of the upper airway until antigens show up significantly in the circulation. That means an infectious load can build up that may be spread. I have heard that there is some work being done on a nasal vaccine that would engage the immune cells that reside in the mucosa that could interrupt viral replication at an earlier stage and be virtually sterilizing but that hasn't happened yet.

So people were promised a silver bullet, they didn't get one and the virus has moved on, even vaccinated people are getting sick and dying. Because governments put all of their eggs in the magic bullet basket they have not been pursuing other measures (contact tracing, travel restrictions, especially indoor air quality - do you know any government that was offering grants or incentives to businesses to beef up their air filtration add UV systems to sterilize indoor air?) Since the govts were fully committed to a single solution they then over sold that solution to the population while heavy handedly squashing even legitimate dissent and drawing the "conspiracy theory" circle as large as possible.

Also, the government knows the vaccine is good for you and is completely, but they won't back that up with a promise of care if, by some chance, it damages you. If the odds are so good why wouldn't a government happily say that in the very unlikely event of an adverse reaction that they will take care of you and/or your family?

Bottom line? Science isn't magic. Politicians are dumb.
It's clearly not effective in one metric in that it is not what is known as a "sterilizing vaccine" that is it prevents viral replication. Few vaccines are truly sterilizing but pretty good is often good enough to control infections in a population.
So long as the virus is a good match for the one you got vaccinated against your immune system will have a head start on any fresh infections and your progression will be less sever and shorter - but you will still be somewhat infectious. In the case of delta the match is not very good and the viral replication is much faster than the original which means that, at least in theory, you will probably be infectious and able to pass on the delta.
The vaccines are single antigen formulas - just the spike protein. If the spike protein changes this can reduce the vaccines effectiveness (and not all people develop the same antibodies - the antibodies you end up with are a matter of chance and a mutation that one person could handle may slip by the antibodies of someone else). A natural infection creates a wider range of antibodies as the immune system will identify multiple foreign molecules in the real virus meaning mutations in one molecule won't stop the antibodies to other viral molecules from identifying foe.
Because the current vaccines are seralogical vaccines there is a delay from initial infection in the cells of the upper airway until antigens show up significantly in the circulation. That means an infectious load can build up that may be spread. I have heard that there is some work being done on a nasal vaccine that would engage the immune cells that reside in the mucosa that could interrupt viral replication at an earlier stage and be virtually sterilizing but that hasn't happened yet.

So people were promised a silver bullet, they didn't get one and the virus has moved on, even vaccinated people are getting sick and dying. Because governments put all of their eggs in the magic bullet basket they have not been pursuing other measures (contact tracing, travel restrictions, especially indoor air quality - do you know any government that was offering grants or incentives to businesses to beef up their air filtration add UV systems to sterilize indoor air?) Since the govts were fully committed to a single solution they then over sold that solution to the population while heavy handedly squashing even legitimate dissent and drawing the "conspiracy theory" circle as large as possible.

Also, the government knows the vaccine is good for you and is completely, but they won't back that up with a promise of care if, by some chance, it damages you. If the odds are so good why wouldn't a government happily say that in the very unlikely event of an adverse reaction that they will take care of you and/or your family?

Bottom line? Science isn't magic. Politicians are dumb.
Indeed but a vaccine being considered effective is not the same thing as a silver bullet, and it's unfortunate that some to seem to have thought so. No vaccine is 100% effective and that certainly wasn't my expectation for these vaccines, so whoever made this promise, it never reached me. However, conversations around efficacy/effectiveness are always in danger of meandering into similar territory as the confusion between everyday-speech theories versus scientific theories.

BBC: Lisa Shaw: Presenter's death due to complications of Covid vaccine

A radio presenter died due to complications from the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, a coroner has found.

Lisa Shaw, who worked for BBC Radio Newcastle, died at the age of 44 in May after developing headaches a week after getting her first dose of the vaccine.

Newcastle coroner Karen Dilks heard Ms Shaw suffered blood clots in the brain which ultimately led to her death.

The inquest heard the condition linked to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was very rare.

The coroner said: "Lisa died due to complications of an AstraZeneca Covid vaccination."

Ms Dilks said Ms Shaw was previously fit and well but concluded that it was "clearly established" that her death was due to a very rare "vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia", a condition which leads to swelling and bleeding of the brain.


The first question that comes to mind is exactly how many "public health crises" is Queensland expecting? This center won't get built overnight. By the time it opens, one would think the Delta variant would have proven to just be seasonal. You don't break ground on a detent ... I mean, "quarantine" center to deal with the "public health crisis" you are facing right now. You are planning for the future. You are planning to need to send your citizens to a quarantine center in the future.

The more serious question? What if someone doesn't want to go to the quarantine center? Australia is already limiting when people can leave their homes and when they can exercise. The military is being sent door to door with the police to enforce the lockdown. Little girls are being pepper-sprayed for saying they just want to go outside and play. That is what is happening now. Fast-forward to when the government opens the corporate-sponsored quarantine center. And someone comes to your door saying you need to be quarantined.

This is all for Australians to deal with. Way too many of them seem okay with living in a police state. I'm more concerned about this country. If people don't think Joe Biden and/or the people who control Joe Biden wouldn't try the same sh*t if the American people let them, you should pull you your head out of your rectums. Australia is a WARNING. Pay attention to it.
Newcastle coroner Karen Dilks heard Ms Shaw suffered blood clots in the brain which ultimately led to her death.
As tragic as that is, it again appears to be an outlier as Covid itself is more likely to cause clots than vaccination is:

Blood clot risk greater after Covid infection than after vaccination​

Analysis of 29m people finds danger of infection with Sars-Cov-2 far outweighs the risks of having jab
Lead author Julia Hippisley-Cox, professor of clinical epidemiology and general practice at the University of Oxford, said:
“People should be aware of these increased risks after Covid-19 vaccination and seek medical attention promptly if they develop symptoms, but also be aware that the risks are considerably higher and over longer periods of time if they become infected with Sars Cov-2.”
A joke about this type of idiocy somehow derailed the Funny Pics thread but this seems an appropriate thread for an update/summary story:

More people are poisoning themselves with horse-deworming drug to thwart COVID

Prior to the pandemic, ivermectin had been used for decades to prevent and treat parasitic infections in people and animals. At low concentrations, the drug interferes with specific ion channels that are found in parasitic nematode worms, but not in people or animals. The ion channel disruption in nematodes results in paralysis and keeps the worms from feeding and reproducing. As such, ivermectin is routinely used in small animals, such as dogs and cats, to prevent heartworm infections. In large livestock animals—including cattle, horses, pigs, and sheep—it's used as a deworming drug.

In humans, the FDA has approved ivermectin tablets to treat conditions caused by parasitic intestinal worms as well as topical formulations for some external parasites, like head lice. But it's critical to note that the ivermectin drugs available to people involve relatively small doses and are in formulations known to be safe for human use. The over-the-counter livestock drugs, on the other hand, are not formulated for human use and have much larger doses for the animals' much larger bodies. At higher concentrations, ivermectin begins to interfere with not just nematode ion channels, but other types of critical channels in humans and animals, like neurotransmitter channels. This can be extremely dangerous.

Amid the pandemic, researchers highlighted data suggesting that ivermectin might also have antiviral activity. And preliminary data suggested that the drug could thwart the pandemic coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2—at least in petri dishes. Specifically, ivermectin appeared to block critical intracellular transport proteins that SARS-CoV-2 uses to invade human cells. The drug may also interfere with the virus' ability to latch onto human cells with its spike protein.