The death of Liberalism is hilarious!

Backfire! George Takei’s Anti-Trump Poll Didn’t Work Out for Him

Let’s say, for the sake of argument, you’re George Takei. And let’s say you start a Twitter poll to troll President Trump. And let’s also say, purely for the sake of argument, the results don’t turn out the way you’ve anticipated. You admit you may have been wrong, right?

Silly right-winger! Apologies are for adults…
It’s clear this is the new race card for leftists. For the past eight years, if you disagreed with them, instead of defending their opinion…they just called you a racist. Obviously when the President is white instead of brown, that doesn’t play as well. So, when it turns out your audience holds a differing viewpoint from yourself… meh. They’re just alt-right. THAT’S THE TICKET! YOU’RE JUST ALT-RIGHT! So George Takei, take solace in knowing that your point is still valid even though you don’t have the courage or intelligence (or facts) to defend it.

This is the next eight years. And I wish I could say I didn’t see it coming
Liberal Outrage Causes MORE People to Like Trump… Says New York Times!

The moral of the story here? Nobody likes social justice warriors. Not exactly surprising to most regular readers of LwC. We’ve been watching said SJW’s soil their diapers since November. This only furthers the pattern we’ve seen of liberalism imploding on itself.


But hey, the left is still good at lots of things. Like gender studies and… setting people on fire. Changing hearts and minds? Not so much…
Liberals Create Actual Fake News Website Pretending Hillary Is President


As if that’s not funny enough, here are some of the headlines from the website.

Imaginary accomplishments the site attributes to Clinton include appointing “the most diverse cabinet in history – including the highest-ranking Muslim in government,” mandating parental leave and “welcoming Syrian immigrants.”

Lindsay Lohan: I Was ‘Racially Profiled’ for Wearing Islamic Headscarf

“When I was flying to New York recently, I was wearing a headscarf and I got stopped at the airport and racially profiled for the first time in my life, at Heathrow Airport.” the Mean Girls star explained to Good Morning Britain hosts Susanna Reid and Piers Morgan.

“She opened my passport and saw ‘Lindsay Lohan’ and started immediately apologizing but then said, ‘Please take off your head scarf.'”

Lohan, who recently revealed she has studied the Koran for “quite some time,” says she worries how women without her celebrity status would handle being forced to remove religious dress.

“But what scared me at that moment was, how would another woman who doesn’t feel comfortable taking off her headscarf feel? That was really interesting to me,” Lohan said.

“I was in shock. It was jarring.”

Ivanka Trump’s Perfume Soars to No.1 Bestseller on Amazon Despite Boycotts

Nordstrom Inc. said earlier this month that its own widely reported decision to cut Ivanka Trump’s fashion brand from its lineup was also purely a business decision and not based on protests like the #GrabYourWallet campaign.

This is getting comical. Everything libertards do backfires these days.

‘Trump Wine’ Sells Out After Libs’ Attempted Boycott Backfires

According to Fox News, 300 members of the National Organization for Women wanted to place pressure on Wegmans’ supermarket change to drop the wine entirely and, ultimately, force it out of production.

“Events during Donald Trump’s campaign made it clear that Eric Trump, the president of Trump Winery in Charlottesville, Virginia, shares the views of his father,” reads a statement on the boycott’s website,

“Let’s demonstrate through economic action that the residents and businesses of Charlottesville will not stand for the hatred espoused by Eric Trump and those like him.”

Those are strong words. They produced a pretty strong result – but not the one the National Organization for Women was hoping for.

According to The Washington Post, the wine actually ended up selling out at nine Wegmansstores in Virginia – the state where the National Organization for Women behind the boycott is based.
Haha! The DNC is about to elect a well known anti-semite to it's chair, despite the fact they will lose a large number of it's base in doing so. I guess the party of the Klan just has it in it's DNA.

Noted lefty lawyer Alan Dershowitz proclaimed unequivocally that he will leave the Democratic Party — after six decades of membership — if Keith Ellison is elected as DNC chair

There has been powerful push from the hard-left of the Democratic Party, led by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), to elect Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) chairman. If he is elected, I will quit the party after 60 years of loyal association and voting. I will become an independent, continuing to vote for the best candidates, most of whom, I assume, will still be Democrats. But I will not contribute to the DNC or support it as an institution.

My loyalty to my country and my principles and my heritage exceeds any loyalty to my party. I will urge other like-minded people — centrist liberals — to follow my lead and quit the Democratic Party if Ellison is elected chairman. We will not be leaving the Democratic Party we have long supported. The Democratic Party will be leaving us!

Dershowitz goes on to state:

Ellison has a long history of sordid association with anti-Semitism. He worked with and repeatedly defended one of a handful of the most notorious and public anti-Semites in our country: The Reverend Louis Farrakhan. And worked with Farrakhan at the very time this anti-Semite was publicly describing Judaism as a “gutter religion” and insisting that the Jews were a primary force in the African slave trade.

Ellison has publicly stated that he was unaware of Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism. That is not a credible statement. Everyone was aware of Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism. Farrakhan did not try to hide it. Indeed, he proclaimed it on every occasion. Ellison is either lying or he willfully blinded himself to what was obvious to everyone else. Neither of these qualities makes him suitable to be the next chairman of the DNC.
Fake Black Woman, Rachel Dolezal, Returns for Sympathy. And It’s Hysterical…

Rachel Dolezal…’memba her? The white girl who pretended to be black because she claims she “self identified” as black? Here, let’s refresh your memory…

Well, guess what? She has a book coming out. Because of course she does…



This is just such a perfect encapsulation of today’s SJW left. When it comes time for grants, scholarships, reparations or identity politic gimmes, they’ll gladly slap their “race” card on the table. When they’ve claimed the mantle of ambassador for an entire race of people and are subsequently caught with their pants down, all of a sudden they’re holding hands, singing “we are the world,” claiming race is but a figment of your imagination. Tell me again… which party is “anti-science”?
All day yesterday and the day before on CNBC and other financial news outlets kept parroting that "Trump addressing Congress will not impact the markets positively". Gee, wrong again.

Dow blows past 21K as stocks hit new all-time highs

The Dow blasting through 21,000, soaring over 300 points as stocks take off on the back of President Trump’s speech last night.

Gee, before Trump took office we were told he would destroy the stock market! What happ-en?

Investors Think Trump Would Wreck the World Economy - The Atlantic
Oct 24, 2016

Trump isn’t just bad for his business. He’s not even just a danger to the U.S. economy. Investors around the world think that a President Trump would be disastrous for global markets. And now, there is hard data to prove it, thanks to two clever economists and one debate meltdown.

Paul Krugman: The Economic Fallout -
Nov 9, 2016

So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight. I suppose we could get lucky somehow. But on economics, as on everything else, a terrible thing has just happened.

Gee, the Atlantic and NY Times you say? :roll eyes: I could obviously go on and on. No need. I'm just pointing out that as usual their Soros propaganda was just that. Trump not only won the election, but is on track to actually fix everything broken in recent years by the crooked globalist stooges.

Just sit back and laugh at the death of liberalism. They know their time is up and they are lashing out viciously. Maybe we can bring back the Whig party to challenge the Republicans? The Democrat Party is dead.
They never learn, or more specifically they simply don't care. Facts mean nothing to "liberals", only the narrative is important.

Officials Catch “Non-White, Special Needs” Perp Behind Racist Graffiti At School
Officials at Lakeville South High School say they’ve caught the perp behind a string of racist and anti-Semitic graffiti that caught the attention of social justice heavyweights like Sarah Silverman and Shaun King.

Unfortunately for those SJWs, however, the perp’s identity may not fit into their narrative.

According to CBS in Minnesota, the student is “non-Caucasian” with “significant special education needs.”

This is not the first time Sarah Silverman, in particular, has been caught falling for complete horsesh*t. Check out this post to learn about the time she thought sidewalk markings were swastikas.

Talcum X! hahahahahaha!
Video Shows American Feminists Perform Muslim Prayer…

To be fair, we don’t know all the details regarding this video. Mayhaps these broads aren’t familiar with Islam’s rape culture. In which case, here’s some relevant reading to get you started…

In short? It appears some branches of modern feminism are now actually assimilating the rape culture they claim to hate. Oopsie. Chalk it up to tolerance and cultural appreciation.
In bizarre plot to discredit Trump, NY Times says NY Times is fake news

Now, it appears the NY Times has turned on itself and decided to essentially declare itself to be “fake news” for daring to report on January 20, 2017, an article entitled, “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.” (See links below.)

Even more astonishingly, the very same NY Times writer who penned that story in January is now one of the writers contradicting that story in a new hit piece aimed at Trump entitled, “Trump, Offering No Evidence, Says Obama Tapped His Phones.”

The writer’s name is Michael S. Schmidt, and we are all wondering if he is schizophrenic or perhaps suffering from multiple personalities. Or maybe the far simpler explanation is just that the NY Times twists its daily reporting to fit whatever dishonest narrative the quack journalists on the Left are pushing at the moment. That’s the problem with being a left-wing operative pretending to be a journalist: You’re driven by an “ends justify the means” hysteria that abandons all journalism ethics or attachment to reality.

This is all explained in fascinating detail by writer Jeff Dunetz at The Lid, whose story is printed below (click here for the original source).
