Trayvon Martin killing: The media -vs- reality

Martin doubled back and attacked Zimmerman

I suppose that you have a link to demonstrate this claim?

And if (like Red) all you have is the killer's word that the victim threw the first punch, please don't bother.
And if (like Red) all you have is the killer's word that the victim threw the first punch, please don't bother.

Selective memory and receptive to what TV tells you what to think.
Jessie Jackson lied yet again and more media lies

The report states that George Zimmerman's gun "was placed into evidence" and not returned to him, and the scene of the shooting was secured with crime scene tape. This directly conflicts with statements made by civil rights activists, including Rev. Jesse Jackson, who had claimed the Sanford, Fla., police department "didn't even bother to put yellow tape around the murder scene when he diedthat's how much the police did to find out what happened to this young boy."

So much for Zimmerman supposedly being so much bigger than Trayvon. The teen was 3 inches taller.

The report lists Martin's height as 6'0" and weight as 160 pounds; the 5'9" Zimmerman's weight is not listed.

Also, there had been 8 prior break-ins in the previous 15 months, all by young black males. Zimmerman even thwarted one burglary one only a few weeks before the Trayvon shooting.

Frank Taaffe, a former neighborhood watch captain, told CNN's "Starting Point" that his house was in the process of being robbed on Feb. 2, but Zimmerman called Sanford police, who thwarted the robbery.
"My house was being robbed, and George on his nightly rounds watched this burglary in progress, called Sanford P.D., waited for them, and helped ensure that nothing bad happened to my house," Taaffe said. "And it's documented in the 911 call for February 2. That was my residence that George Zimmerman helped stop."

When asked if, based on the string of robberies, Zimmerman should have been profiling Trayvon Martin the night of the shooting, Taaffe said: "There's an old saying, 'If you plant corn, you get corn,'"

"It is what it is," he added. "I would go on record by stating that of the eight prior burglaries in the 15 months prior to the Trayvon Martin shooting, all of the perpetrators were young black males."
YOU are the only person paying any attention to Jessie Jackson. I have not heard, seen or care what that man says. about anything.

I have addressed the facts which - I'm not surprised - you ignore.

here is an interview with Carmen Caldwell (executive director of Citizens’ Crime Watch of Miami-Dade), among others:

Neighborhood Watch

it's Very clear how a citizen is supposed to behave
CALDWELL: No intervening, no carrying weapons, no patrolling the area - and your only job is to call the police when you see something suspicious.
zimmerman was NOT near his home, he was carrying a gun, he followed Martin.

and Martin could have been 50 feet tall. It doesn't matter because zimmerman HAD A GUN.

I've heard (see next post) that zimmerman went to a neighborhood watch meeting in nov last. These issues were apparently discussed. So he can't plead innocence.

I've HEARD zimmerman on his 911 call and he is NOT fearful. There's just no way he can claim he was afraid of Martin.

my main issue was the bad handling by the police of evidence. Right now the FBI are doing their own investigating and I'll be watching that result with interest
Twin Lakes neighborhood-watch

Dorival first met with Twin Lakes residents to give a neighborhood-watch presentation on the evening of Sept. 22. The meeting was initiated by a call from Zimmerman, she said.

“He was the one who contacted me at first to get it started there,” Dorival said.

Dorival recalled that about two dozen residents showed up to hear her speak about the responsibilities of neighborhood-watch volunteers.

Part of the instruction Dorival gives new volunteers, she said, includes when to call 911 and when to call non-emergency numbers. Both lines go to the same operator, Dorival told the Daily Beast, but the different numbers allow the operator to triage calls.

“I basically tell them you call non-emergency dispatch if you come home after work and you notice somebody took a bike off your porch,” Dorival said. “A 911 call is when there is a crime in progress. If someone’s life or property is in danger, you call 911.”
When zimmerman saw Martin he was just walking down the street. No crime. The crime happened when zimmerman fired his gun into an innocent person.
But Tutko said the NSA discourages the carrying of weapons “to the point of saying you just can’t do it.”

“This is an example of what can happen if you don’t continually tell the neighborhood watch ‘no altercations,’” Tutko said, adding that it isn’t the job of volunteers to stop crimes. “You make your phone call and then you make the best decisions you can.”
I have to confess to a modicum of surprise that neither of you seem to understand the meaning of the word, "attack," let alone "demonstrate."

Quite why I'm surprised by this is anyone's guess, right enough.

How grown up of you - "the nasty man caught me lying so I posted a picture of a dead teenager giving the finger!"


You guys really don't like it when someone points out that your stated "facts" are nothing more than your own, questionable desires.
zimmerman should have never been allowed to even own a gun, domestic violence, assaults cops, obstruction,fired from security job for assaulting a drunk woman, anger management? yikes!!! how many red flags does an insane crazed madman need to have to get "cut off" from "instruments of mass destruction"? then he gets concealed carry permit on top of that? geezum petes....:confused:
As an aside - you should generally follow the instructions of the 911 operator but they can be wrong...

911 operators do not have the authority to demand you do something, they can only make suggestions. This looks like an example of a bad suggestion. The only reason I bring it up is many in this thread seem to be of the opinion Zimmerman was told by someone in a position of authority to not follow Trayvon as a direct order, which is not the case.
except that NOT following a person who is only walking down the street does not put ANYONE in danger.
And these instructions to NOT follow someone is something that zimmerman heard from various sources at various times.

zimmerman would not have been in any potential danger by leaving well enough alone and letting the police make their trained decision when they arrived. They either would have not found Martin because he would have gotten back inside his friend's home or they would have seen him at/near her home. They would have asked what he was doing there, found that he was just walking and that would have been IT.

What OFFENDS me is that these morons just assume that the guy with the gun HAS to always be right

I really wish all you gun loving assholes would just go to the OK coral and have yourself a nice shootout and kill each other
I really wish all you gun loving assholes would just go to the OK coral and have yourself a nice shootout and kill each other

Too bad this woman did not have a gun.

Then there the story of 2 different Subway Restaurant robberies in South Florida. One with a happy ending, one with a terrible ending.

This one turned out well.

This one, not at all.

In a utopian world, no one would feel the need to own a gun. That utopian world is a fantasy, reality is getting further removed from this fantasy day by day. 2012 is the year I bought my first firearm and it will not be my last.

Did anyone form their opinion about this case based on their hearing the 911 tapes?

If you did, you might want to rethink your opinion one way or the other. You might not have heard what you thought you heard.

Now it seems that a National News Organization has just been caught editing those tapes before you might have heard them. This morning, NBC was claiming they didn't know how it happened, but vowed they would find the culprit.