Trayvon Martin killing: The media -vs- reality

are we still pretending he didnt do all of this to himself?
once again we wonder at the police......if there had been serious injuries why was Zimmerman not sent to the hospital? why was there no photos taken - close up - of these alleged injuries?? Why don't we have a doctors report which would be way more useful than anyone's opinion. Why was he not given drug tests??

and so on...........sloppy sloppy sloppy
This movie promotional display appeared in the local Cinema Cafe yesterday, pimping a movie called "Neighborhood watch" (Ben Stiller)...

Bad timing? :)IMG_0235.JPG

Investigators believe that a white vehicle may be involved, according to Miami-Dade Police.

That's our local limp-wristed, liberal media for you! Any time a Caucasian is involved in a crime, the media will release a very detailed description of the suspect. If a black person is involved, they will be extremely vague or not give any description at all. An example would be:

Police are looking for the person who held up the local Circle-K at gunpoint today. The suspect was wearing a white shirt. If you have any information, please contact Crime Stoppers.
The Trayvon Martin case has exposed some of the media's worst tendencies--selective editing, rushing to judgment, stoking anger for ratings and page views

NBC told the Washington Post that it has launched an internal investigation of the "Today" show's editorial process after its morning show aired an edited conversation between George Zimmerman and a 911 dispatcher recorded moments before the shooting. The investigation came after Fox News and others pointed out that the network spliced two parts of the call together, making it appear as if Zimmerman had said, "This guy looks like he's up to no good. He looks black." In reality, Zimmerman was answering a dispatcher's question:
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he's up to no good. Or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy--is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.​
white vehicle... white shirt... what in the name of god are you talking about?the two press releases couldnt be more vague or similar at the same time... you are usually, mostly; some kind of lucid...
That's our local limp-wristed, liberal media for you! Any time a Caucasian is involved in a crime, the media will release a very detailed description of the suspect. If a black person is involved, they will be extremely vague or not give any description at all.

Since the news report omits the race we know they are all black. Had it been any other race it would be listed.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers (305)471-TIPS (8477) or (866) 471-8477

So a gunfight breaks out at a funeral, where everyone knows the deceased, and they need help from crime stoppers???

Did any of the shooters look like Obama’s son??
why is there now a discussion about black, white, whatever????

oh, right!
it's because we need a distraction from the FACT that zimmerman stalked Martin contrary to the police officer telling him Not to!

sorry, i refuse to be distracted
zimmerman stalked Martin contrary to the police officer telling him Not to!

positions plotted on google map show zimmerman was merely trying to tract the direction that Martin was going, to give the info to the police when they arrived

Martin doubled back and attacked Zimmerman
positions plotted on google map show zimmerman was merely trying to tract the direction that Martin was going, to give the info to the police when they arrived

Martin doubled back and attacked Zimmerman
you are obviously too dense to understand the situation. zimmerman should NOT have been following Martin. period, the end. that is NOT what the police want private citizens to do. And even though zimmerman deluded himself into thinking he was part of some 'neighborhood watch' he certainly was NOT following the rules of that activity: namely
  1. don't disobey the police
  2. don't have a gun
  3. don't stalk other citizens
  4. avoid confrontations
If I was Martin - and we know he was talking to his girlfriend on his cell - he was concerned about someone following him (as any normal person would be) and wanted to get away without looking like he had done anything 'wrong'. Which is why he talked to his gf about 'not running'.

I'm not going to believe anything zimmerman claims because he is the shooter.

the fact is that everything that happened is entirely zimmerman's fault. He followed Martin. he killed Martin.

If he had done what the police said Martin would have arrived at his girlfriend's place and no one would have known who he was. Martin would have been off the street by the time the police arrived in the area. He would still be alive.

zimmerman is an immoral person who is guilty of manslaughter - at least
... and i believe he willfully manipulated this into being ... he is a sociopathic killer now... once only a violent beast of perceived privilege...