Trayvon Martin killing: The media -vs- reality

So Zimmerman CAN shoot Trayvon? OK then.
I was refering to Trayvon DEFENDING HIMSELF
Taking a swing at someone who is following you is not self defense
it is if the guy is telling you to "stop" or touches you.

Sorry, but if someone does that to me, I'm going to be forced to defend myself.
Hang on a second. I think Wayne is trying to oppress our freedom of speech. Quick - someone tweet his home address!!! ;)

Love this internet thing.

nra thugsters and gangstas with their concealed carry hoodies... hahaha! :whack:
Both sides can claim to be defending themselves. Both sides seem to be claiming it. That's not where the answer is.
except Trayvon was walking down the street Minding his own business while zimmerman STALKED him ...With a gun.
THAT alone makes him ethically responsible for everything that happened after. period
Up to the judge methinks :rolleyes:
I would love for the law to be upheld and justice carried out. But that's going to be difficult if the police didn't take proper care of the evidence (where is zimmermans' so called bloody clothes?)
according to what I heard they didn't even know who Martin was - they didn't look at his phone for example. His father had a missing person's report out and a long time passed (I'll have to look up how much) before Martin was identified. Does that sound like competent police work to you?
I would love for the law to be upheld and justice carried out. But that's going to be difficult if the police didn't take proper care of the evidence (where is zimmermans' so called bloody clothes?)
according to what I heard they didn't even know who Martin was - they didn't look at his phone for example. His father had a missing person's report out and a long time passed (I'll have to look up how much) before Martin was identified. Does that sound like competent police work to you?
Police != the judge.
So you're telling me that if a fist fight breaks out at the next Florida Panthers hockey game, either player would then be justified in pulling out a hand gun and shooting his opponent so long as they first take a hit to the head? Perhaps Red's T-Shirt there should read "Pussy Ass Floridians", as you'd have to be a real pussy to make such a dumb statute.

Sports are exempted, for the most part, from being considered violations of battery statutes in FL. Now, if I repeatedly slammed your face into a cement walkway, do you think there is a remote chance I may not stop until your skull is cracked open? Or back or side of the head being repeatedly slammed into concrete, there is a chance of death. The point you seem to want to miss is that Martin was using the sidewalk as a weapon against Zimmerman. All Zimmerman has to say since it's documented that he was getting the crap beat out of him that he was in fear for his life, no jury in FL would convict him.
unless your name is zimmerman

Accept it wasn't stalking, but little facts like this won't matter to you. For those who read FSS 784.048 you will not the word "repeatedly" is used through out the different definitions which Zimmerman did not commit.
once again I point out If I had a weirdo FOLLOWING me I would feel threatened.

I only wish that one of red's children are stalked by a Zimmerman weirdo so HE knows what it feels like.

I doubt he'll feel anything, however.

"Zimmerman weidro", is that code for Latino?
Sports are exempted, for the most part, from being considered violations of battery statutes in FL. Now, if I repeatedly slammed your face into a cement walkway, do you think there is a remote chance I may not stop until your skull is cracked open? Or back or side of the head being repeatedly slammed into concrete, there is a chance of death. The point you seem to want to miss is that Martin was using the sidewalk as a weapon against Zimmerman. All Zimmerman has to say since it's documented that he was getting the crap beat out of him that he was in fear for his life, no jury in FL would convict him.

i wouldnt take that bet if i were you....
I would love for the law to be upheld and justice carried out. But that's going to be difficult if the police didn't take proper care of the evidence (where is zimmermans' so called bloody clothes?)
according to what I heard they didn't even know who Martin was - they didn't look at his phone for example.
Well, you may have heard that, but then again you heard that from the media, who have a tremendous interest in making this case appear controversial. They know very well many black people feel the existance of racism every day (whether real or imagined).