Trayvon Martin killing: The media -vs- reality

Trayvon, 6-foot-3 and 140 pounds, then reportedly climbed on top of the 250-pound Zimmerman and bashed his head into the sidewalk several times.

Then, according to Zimmerman, Trayvon approached him from behind and they 'exchanged words.'

Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said, 'no.'

Then, according to Zimmerman, Trayvon said, 'Well now you do,' and unexpectedly punched Zimmerman in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Trayvon, 6-foot-3 and 140 pounds, then reportedly climbed on top of the 250-pound Zimmerman and bashed his head into the sidewalk several times.

One unidentified witness, who did not see the shooting, said he saw a younger man on top of an older man and the older man was screaming for help.

Police say the cries that witnesses reported, which Trayvon's family say were coming from the teen, are actually likely from Zimmerman.

Zimmerman, who had a permit to carry a handgun, shot Trayvon once in the chest at very close range, killing him.

According to police reports and accounts given by Zimmerman's lawyer, Craig Sooner, the 28-year-old's nose was bloody or broken, his lip was bleeding and he had a bloody gash on the back of his head.

As the national outcry over the shooting continued to gather momentum, Zimmerman's allies say he was in a 'fight for his life.'

'It's not a racial issue. George Zimmerman is absolutely not a racist,' Zimmerman's lawyer told the Today Show Monday. Zimmerman is half white and half Hispanic.

His friend Joe Oliver joined his lawyer for several TV interviews Sunday and Monday to publicly defend Zimmerman.

'The bottom line is there was a life and death struggle in that instance and someone was going to die,' Mr Oliver told the Today Show.
once again I point out If I had a weirdo FOLLOWING me I would feel threatened.

I only wish that one of red's children are stalked by a Zimmerman weirdo so HE knows what it feels like.

I doubt he'll feel anything, however.

red u are forgetting a couple of critical facts... if u chase somebody down in a car and then confront them, you are the aggressor, especially after Law Enforcement tells you "no, we don't need u to do that". thats someone being a dick and gonna finally lay him some justice down... id expect that from nancy grace....
Did George Zimmerman have help from his father, a retired judge, in clearing his name in three separate arrests?
That’s the question that’s being asked now that more information on Trayvon Martin’s 28-year-old killer is being revealed. Robert Zimmerman, a former Orange County magistrate judge, recently wrote a letter to The Orlando Sentinel defending his son, who’s been dragged through the mud for shooting the unarmed 17-year-old last month. In the letter, the senior Zimmerman asks people not to jump to conclusions and insists that his son didn’t follow the young boy home as he walked through their gated community.
“He would be the last to discriminate for any reason whatsoever. The media portrayal of George as a racist could not be further from the truth. At no time did George follow or confront Mr. Martin. When the true details of the event became public, and I hope that will be soon, everyone should be outraged by the treatment of George Zimmerman in the media,” wrote Robert Zimmerman.
Now more info is being dug up on his “victimized” son through public records and revealing his checkered past.
According to a records search on George, he was previously arrested for domestic violence, resisting an officer without violence and most shockingly, resisting an officer with violence — a felony charge that surely could have landed him in prison.
All three of those arrests, however, were mysteriously closed with no semblance of charges for the Florida resident. So how was someone with a violent past including that of battery against an officer able to carry a 9 mm handgun? Maybe that’s a question Robert Zimmerman should answer …
and the plot thickens... still wanna bet the farm on this red?
the REASON this case is in the news is because there is a failure in carrying out the law.

Lead investigator wanted to arrest and charge Zimmerman

The lead investigator, Chris Serino, stated he was unconvinced by Zimmerman’s version of events according to an affidavit he filed the night of Feb. 26. His recommendation for a manslaughter charge was overruled by state attorney Norman Wolfinger, who subsequently removed himself from the case.

evidence was NOT taken - Zimmerman was not tested for drugs, his clothing was not taken for evidence....
The police reports were amended to bolster Zimmerman’s claim of self defense. “Initial police reports never mentioned that Zimmerman had a bloody nose or a wet shirt that showed evidence of a struggle.”

and so on........
i was wrong... just a spoiled rich brat who is sure he can get away with murder... wonder what the odds are that old hypervigilant(e) zimmerman the younger, discussed the ramifications of this new law with elder zimmerman... its like a mini bush family thing...
I only wish that one of red's children are stalked by a Zimmerman weirdo so HE knows what it feels like.
Ooo god no. Have Red followed by a creepy guy - it's his opinion you disagree with. His kids aren't responsible for what he says.
Ooo god no. Have Red followed by a creepy guy - it's his opinion you disagree with. His kids aren't responsible for what he says.
Agreed, keep people's kids out of this. In fact, we should probably do our best to keep this from getting personal, myself included.
Hope and change. You lefties asked for it and keep begging for more.
Now you're just losing focus. This has nothing to do with your attempt at character assassination.
I think you should take your head out of your ass. Zimmerman is the one who started the confrontation to begin with. If someone decided to harass me for no reason I might be tempted to pound their {bleep} head in as well. By the sounds of it Zimmerman deserved the head kick in. And even if he didn't deserve a pounding, Martin would have been guilty of assault. Shooting someone because you're losing a fight isn't justifiable murder in my books.

Let me correct you then, hitting someone in the head, under FL state statutes is use of lethal force. Zimmerman's recorded cries of help show he was in a desperate situation, from his point of view, and the application of lethal force against him gives him a clear right to use equal (lethal) force. End of story.
Let me correct you then, hitting someone in the head, under FL state statutes is use of lethal force. Zimmerman's recorded cries of help show he was in a desperate situation, from his point of view, and the application of lethal force against him gives him a clear right to use equal (lethal) force. End of story.
So you're telling me that if a fist fight breaks out at the next Florida Panthers hockey game, either player would then be justified in pulling out a hand gun and shooting his opponent so long as they first take a hit to the head? Perhaps Red's T-Shirt there should read "Pussy Ass Floridians", as you'd have to be a real pussy to make such a dumb statute.
So you're telling me that if a fist fight breaks out at the next Florida Panthers hockey game, either player would then be justified in pulling out a hand gun and shooting his opponent so long as they first take a hit to the head? Perhaps Red's T-Shirt there should read "Pussy Ass Floridians", as you'd have to be a real pussy to make such a dumb statute.

Repeatedly smashing the back of someone's head into a concrete sidewalk is attempted murder. Zimmerman was screaming for help but Trayvon did not stop.
Repeatedly smashing the back of someone's head into a concrete sidewalk is attempted murder. Zimmerman was screaming for help but Trayvon did not stop.
So you say, but that account doesn't add up. If your head is being smashed into concrete, you're gonna be seriously messed up. I'd expect at the very least a concussion. Zimmerman never went to a hospital, which tells me his injuries probably weren't that severe, which also tells me he probably wasn't getting his head smashed in on the sidewalk. At any rate, like I said before, if he was getting his head smashed, he probably wouldn't be in a position to access his gun, aim and shoot without the attacker first letting up his attack. Something about Zimmerman's story just doesn't add up. Perhaps if the lead investigator wasn't over ruled by the state attorney we might have some answers to these questions.
So you say, but that account doesn't add up. If you're head is being smashed into concrete, you're gonna be seriously messed up. I'd expect at the very least a concussion. Zimmerman never went to a hospital, which tells me his injuries probably weren't that severe, which also tells me he probably wasn't getting his head smashed in on the sidewalk. At any rate, like I said before, if he was getting his head smashed, he probably wouldn't be in a position to access his gun, aim and shoot without the attacker first letting up his attack. Something about Zimmerman's story just doesn't add up. Perhaps if the lead investigator wasn't over ruled by the state attorney we might have some answers to these questions.

Why don't you believe the police report and witness? At some point I would guess we will see crime scene photos. If Zimmerman has a broken nose, a major gash on the back of his head and drenched in blood, would you change your opinion? Many in this thread will not, without naming names. To them the facts do not matter. The TV told them how to feel and what to think. That is all they need to know.

BTW, the story absolutely does fit, unless the information coming out is a complete fabrication. Zimmerman supposed shot Trayvon point blank in his chest. The only way he could have done that was if Trayvon was right on top of him, as described by witnesses. If Trayvon was walking away, it would not have been point blank in the chest.
Why don't you believe the police report and witness?
Red, you should know better than anyone that there was no official police report made public. What we do have is a report leaked by the department, which is equally dubious and highly unusual. Remember that both Zimmerman AND the police department involved have had a history of issues that is enough to cast doubt on everything that has been said. So far, the "eye witness accounts" are unnamed witnesses.

If Zimmerman has a broken nose, a major gash on the back of his head and drenched in blood, would you change your opinion?
Not based on that. Has it occurred to you that if Trayvon Martin actually DID beat Zimmerman to death, that it may have been Trayvon invoking the "Stand your ground" defense? Have you never considered that maybe it was he who felt threatened? Perhaps the gun was drawn before Trayvon threw the first punch, maybe getting on top of him was his way of defending against a gun wielding lunatic (running away is usually not the greatest defense against ranged weapons like hand guns). I'm guessing you didn't.

Can We Trust the Cops’ New Account of Trayvon Martin’s Killing?
Red, you should know better than anyone that there was no official police report made public. What we do have is a report leaked by the department, which is equally dubious and highly unusual. Remember that both Zimmerman AND the police department involved have had a history of issues that is enough to cast doubt on everything that has been said. So far, the "eye witness accounts" are unnamed witnesses.

I am going on the information that was made public. If that information turns out to be false, so be it. So far neither the state or federal officials have found anything to contradict Zimmerman's and the witness account. If they found anything different, don't you think there would have been an arrest?

What we have here is people conditioned to WANT to believe this is a white on black hate crime.

Not based on that. Has it occurred to you that if Trayvon Martin actually DID beat Zimmerman to death, that it may have been Trayvon invoking the "Stand your ground" defense? Have you never considered that maybe it was he who felt threatened? Perhaps the gun was drawn before Trayvon threw the first punch, maybe getting on top of him was his way of defending against a gun wielding lunatic (running away is usually not the greatest defense against ranged weapons like hand guns). I'm guessing you didn't.
You are making shit up at this point. Don't make shit up.
What we have here is people conditioned to WANT to believe this is a white on black hate crime.
No, I just think there's enough murkiness here that a judge should be involved to sort it all out.

You are making shit up at this point. Don't make shit up.
No, I was merely presenting a possible scenario. And it is plausible. It would require a proper investigation to figure it all out. But trust in the police department itself is also an issue here. I still find it interesting that people supposedly saw Trayvon on top of Zimmerman, but no one saw the actual shot. That's about as convenient as a shrunken pair of gloves!
If Trayvon was beating on Zimmerman that was wrong - but perhaps understandable if Trayvon thought he was being harassed (would still actually be wrong though). That Zimmerman followed Trayvon despite the dispatcher telling him not to, that was wrong and he put himself in danger against advice - but he knew he was carrying a loaded weapon so it could be argued that he felt he wasn't putting himself in danger but it could also be argued that he put himself in danger so that he could use his weapon.

If Trayvon thought he was being followed and threatened and since he was carrying a phone he should have called the police but being black and having a record he probably had no valid reason to trust the police - though he should have called them nonetheless. He took matters into his own hands and that was wrong.

There is plenty of blame to go around here but Trayvon is dead so not too much point going after him any more. There is still a living party to this debacle and he really should go to court just to make clear to other wannabes that thinking that you are a cop doesn't give you blanket immunity.

BTW, I finally heard someone in the media actually say Zimmerman is part Jewish - not just part "white". I''m sure he would not have been white/hispanic if Zimmerman had been the one killed and he was killed by an Arab, for example. Funny little tap-dance the media likes to do around these issues. Meanwhile Trayvon remains black - but he's also dead.