Trayvon Martin killing: The media -vs- reality

BTW, I finally heard someone in the media actually say Zimmerman is part Jewish - not just part "white". I''m sure he would not have been white/hispanic if Zimmerman had been the one killed and he was killed by an Arab, for example. Funny little tap-dance the media likes to do around these issues. Meanwhile Trayvon remains black - but he's also dead.

Zimmerman is also a registered democrat.
BTW, I finally heard someone in the media actually say Zimmerman is part Jewish - not just part "white". I''m sure he would not have been white/hispanic if Zimmerman had been the one killed and he was killed by an Arab, for example. Funny little tap-dance the media likes to do around these issues. Meanwhile Trayvon remains black - but he's also dead.
Except that according to the wikipedia he was raised catholic. Religion, it turns out, is not something passed in the genes. Your argument gives credibility to the nut jobs who say Obama is a muslim because his dad was a Muslim from Africa.
My point here which many of you ignored, is the media and Obama twisting this all for political gain. This is one minority (Trayvon) killed by another minority (Zimmerman), yet every channel you turn on they are saying "has sparked a national debate on race relations", black and white. Not only is Zimmerman a minority, but Hispanics are outnumbered by blacks in the city. So he is in a smaller minority group.

Some here keep getting played like a fiddle by the media and keep asking for more.
My point here which many of you ignored, is the media and Obama twisting this all for political gain. This is one minority (Trayvon) killed by another minority (Zimmerman), yet every channel you turn on they are saying "has sparked a national debate on race relations", black and white. Not only is Zimmerman a minority, but Hispanics are outnumbered by blacks in the city. So he is in a smaller minority group.
There's a third party involved that you're missing here: the police. What's their racial breakdown like?
Except that according to the wikipedia he was raised catholic. Religion, it turns out, is not something passed in the genes.
Kids usually go with the mother's religion. Also, a Jewish/Catholic seems to be a fairly common and compatible mix (perhaps surprisingly considering past pogroms).
Zimmerman is also a registered democrat.

so he can vote in democratic primaries? im a registered republican... nothing to see here really... daddy's a judge... retired... but still... a judge... "star chamber"my friend.... u might be able to fool someone else on here that our justice system aint "just us" protecting ourselves... but sadly... no sale here.... he had a legal minded father... he was legal minded himself...they talked about this much... he planned this as well as he could... he hopes he'll get away with it... end of story really....
If Trayvon thought he was being followed and threatened and since he was carrying a phone he should have called the police but being black and having a record he probably had no valid reason to trust the police - though he should have called them nonetheless. He took matters into his own hands and that was wrong.
when did defending yourself become wrong??

and if you lived in America maybe you would have a better idea how dangerous it is for Some people to call the police. Not everyone gets treated the same.

When I lived in LA I once walked back to the bus stop after an interview and just missed the bus as it went by. Suddenly a cop car pulls up and the guy asks me if I am waiting for the bus. My NY instincts made me cautious. Is this really a cop? (There's at least one well known case in LA of fake cops going around picking up people to kill them). If it IS a cop why is he being so nice to me?

As it turns out the next bus was delayed for unknown reasons and he was offering to drive me up to the proceeding bus. (the one I missed). Still suspicious I looked carefully at him and made the decision that this was a genuine nice person who really WAS 'Protecting and Serving'. He drove up to the escaping bus and dropped me off before it left it's stop.

Now, did he stop for me because I was dressed ok for the interview? Would he have stopped if I was Mexican?? Or black?? Maybe THAT guy would have and other cops wouldn't have. I don't know. But talking to friends who happen to be 'dark' I can tell you that not everyone gets the Nice treatment. I KNOW I'm lucky. White and female gives me an edge (at least with the police). I didn't ask for it. I just have it.
Sometimes I have walked with 'darker' friends down the street and I can tell others look at my friends differently. can you imagine how unpleasant it must be for a young dark man to walk alone down an American street - as if he is always a stranger.

I've seen it: one of my (dark) friends in LA had a heart operation (and had to take meds). He had handicap plates on his car. He naturally would park in the handicap zones. Once, after parking, he steps out of his car and some guy is yelling at him about 'why are you parking look ok' or stupid words to that effect. Now, why would anyone ask that - aside from being stupid?

I'll let you ponder
when did defending yourself become wrong??
So Zimmerman CAN shoot Trayvon? OK then.
and if you lived in America maybe you would have a better idea how dangerous it is for Some people to call the police. Not everyone gets treated the same.
Yup. I just said that.

Taking a swing at someone who is following you is not self defense and following someone is also not self defense. Please don't get so caught up in indignation that you misread what I write.
They call him "white"-hispanic. Obviously he is "white" on his father's side because Zimmerman is a "white" name.

Zimmerman is a common surname here in Laredo, they're all Mexican Hispanics, now someone named Zimmerman who lives around San Antonio is more likely of German heritage

The Hispanic Color Chart
So you say, but that account doesn't add up..

like where are the skittles and Arizona Ice Tea that were supposedly being carried by Martin. Where is Martin on video at the local convenience store buying skittles and Arizona Ice Tea? What happened to Martin’s cell phone? the one he was supposedly talking on with his girlfriend? The Sanford Police incident report makes no mention of finding such items.

A “hoody” often is a symbol of a gang involvement.
When I see people here in Laredo wearing them, its not because of the cold, there must be another reason ...

I know this is a little bit of a sensitive issue, but I have to foot down and recommend we stop getting personal here. If you need to take a break, that's fine, but no involving kids.. It's a little bit too far.

My point here which many of you ignored, is the media and Obama twisting this all for political gain. This is one minority (Trayvon) killed by another minority (Zimmerman), yet every channel you turn on they are saying "has sparked a national debate on race relations", black and white. Not only is Zimmerman a minority, but Hispanics are outnumbered by blacks in the city. So he is in a smaller minority group.
Not sure what you're saying here. Just because there are two minority groups involved doesn't mean there can't be racial interworking problems.
like where are the skittles and Arizona Ice Tea that were supposedly being carried by Martin. Where is Martin on video at the local convenience store buying skittles and Arizona Ice Tea? What happened to Martin’s cell phone? the one he was supposedly talking on with his girlfriend? The Sanford Police incident report makes no mention of finding such items.

A “hoody” often is a symbol of a gang involvement.
When I see people here in Laredo wearing them, its not because of the cold, there must be another reason ...

color and gender matters.... if you see a woman walking down street in pink hoody you arent afraid im guessing...
like where are the skittles and Arizona Ice Tea that were supposedly being carried by Martin. Where is Martin on video at the local convenience store buying skittles and Arizona Ice Tea? What happened to Martin’s cell phone? the one he was supposedly talking on with his girlfriend? The Sanford Police incident report makes no mention of finding such items.
The fact that the police report didn't mention these things isn't surprising. Apparently Martin's family lawyer has made public Trayvon's phone records that collaborates the Martin family's accounts. Trayvon's gf also submitted an affidavit, was that part of the leaked report?

A “hoody” often is a symbol of a gang involvement.
Athletes also are known to wear hoodies.

... back in the day if you heard a harley coming you were guaranteed the rider was dirty and wearing leather and a good chance he'd have drugs... if i didnt actually know some bikers, id think all bikers were bankers and lawyers and cops today.... funny how things change.... bandanas, hoodies.... criminy... live in fear of the wardrobe... :confused:
Athletes also are known to wear hoodies.

we have a roving gang of them here too, they call themselves the knights with the younger ones referred to as squires...their "colors" are maroon and gold... couple times a year they go from house to house, sometimes with their faces painted up (so u cant recognize them i guess, although they call it "spirit week"" and scare folks into giving them groceries. they then take all this food to some hideout they call the "food bank" where i assume they are hoarding it in preparation for doomsday.... gangs and cults... dangerous combination...
Larry Elder explains my point very well.

True, black men, especially young ones, stand a much greater chance of being murdered than white males. But almost all murders involve a victim and a killer of the same race. Yes, instances of black-white murder -- as, for example, when James Byrd, a black man of Jasper, Texas, was dragged to his death by three white men -- do exist. But nationally, according to the Department of Justice, 53 percent of known homicide suspects in 2010 were identified as black -- although blacks comprise only 13 percent of the population. And in murders involving a single black victim and a single offender, 90 percent of the time it is a black perpetrator who murders the black victim. Similarly, 83 percent of whites are murdered by other whites.

What happened in Sanford, Fla. -- a white person killing a black person -- is extremely infrequent, occurring in 8 percent of black homicides. In saying "blacks are under attack," Jackson paints a picture of whites targeting and hunting down black males.